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Will 18.5% work?


It’s Raining Falafel
Apr 19, 2010
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Hey Kenny, I'll trade you our first rounder for Duclair back. 12.5% chance of being first overall. Maybe.


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The fact the Oilers and Penguins still have a chance for the first pick just shows Bettman couldn’t wait to F things up again. He was starting to not look like the worst commissioner in Professional sports.


Unreliable Narrator.
Apr 21, 2010
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Any really small guys in this year's draft?


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Just to go succinctly on record, the draft procedures SUCK. Who in the blueberry eff muffins ever dreamed this up?
What were they smoking? Did they all drop acid? Is there a follow the money scenario here?

Stupidest BS I've ever seen in my life.


It’s Raining Falafel
Apr 19, 2010
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Just to go succinctly on record, the draft procedures SUCK. Who in the blueberry eff muffins ever dreamed this up?
What were they smoking? Did they all drop acid? Is there a follow the money scenario here?

Stupidest BS I've ever seen in my life.

The idea was to take away the guaranteed reward for tanking completely, but they have somehow managed to completely fuck it up almost every time. And the fact that it is almost always a headline generating event to get the NHL talked about on every sports network a LOT, makes it all smell that much worse. "Oh, the Penguins are near bankrupt and thinking of moving? Look! What luck! They won the lottery! That should help!" Picking 1-2-1 in 3 successive years will (well, should) save any franchise.

Detroit got screwed hard. They didn't tank, they were historically bad - and the cupboard is pretty bare. LaF would fast track the rebuild of an original six team, which should mean something. They'd still be far off for a year or two, but it would be a great start.

To throw in a playoff team (play a series to advance IS a playoff - no matter how you spin it) in with a chance at 1OA? Just fucking stupid.


Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy bacon
Apr 19, 2010
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Here's the thing - Players don't tank, these guys have been competing their entire lives to make the NHL, besides competition these days to stay in the league has never been tougher, do you honestly think guys are going to take a night off and risk a younger, cheaper player taking their roster spot? Not to mention that guys are more likely to get injured when their head is not in the game and they're not playing with full intensity.

However, management can tank by not replacing a coach who has obviously lost the room or by bringing up young guys who are not ready for the show with the obvious intent of losing games.

As far as the draft lottery is concerned, none of the teams still alive in the playoffs should have had a chance at the first overall pick. It makes the league look Mickey Mouse and it was easily avoidable. I don't fault Wings fans for being pissed, they got shafted big time.


It’s Raining Falafel
Apr 19, 2010
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However, management can tank by not replacing a coach who has obviously lost the room or by bringing up young guys who are not ready for the show with the obvious intent of losing games.

And by trading away good players to "playoff teams" for futures.


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I'm not really sure the draft lottery really cuts down on tanking anyway. GMs are still incentivized to tank for better lottery odds. And bad teams are still going to trade away talent for futures/play young players as part of rebuilding, regardless of draft odds.

Expanding the lottery to all non playoff teams was done because people got tired of seeing the same team win every year (the Oilers had won three years in a row).

The Oilers responded by winning the expanded lottery for McDavid.

Also, since the expanded lottery, the New Jersey Devils have won the #1 overall pick as many times as the notorious Penguins have in their history (remember Pittsburgh traded up for #1 in 2003). (Edit to clarify, the Penguins won 1 draft lottery in 2005 and won 1 tank race in 1984).

All that said, I don't think the league rigged the draft this year (or any year). If the league was going to give a team 1st overall, it would have gone to Detroit.
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I am?
Apr 19, 2010
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There are two ways to disincentivize tanking - use the gold plan or introduce a relegation/promotion system with a lower league.


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People who have effed up hockey in my lifetime.

Bruce Norris. After the 50's mostly an absentee owner who amused himself with booze, & tore apart a team after '55 that could have gone on for more years winning Championships. Why? $$$ of course. Afraid the fomenting players union might discover the second set of books. Throw Smythe in that mess too.

Harkness. Norris let this ass in the door & ruined a proud franchise for a couple decades, save for one season with Lindsay & Kromm.
Ballard....OMG. I feel for Leafs fans, totally destroyed a once proud franchise. Those poor souls still aren't back since Johnny & I won the cup in '67.

Alan Eagleson. Just eff you will suffice.

No let's just get straight to Buttman. I'm going to hell for saying this, but I wish he'd just choke (on something, you know) :rolleyes2:. When he awards the Cup I just look away for a moment I cannot even stand looking at him, heaven forbid listening to his whiny ass voice, except for '97 when I was there. If I was in person a string of expletives would come out of my mouth that would make a sailor blush. Where in the eff did he come from? Owners lackey who institutes a CAP, because the owners couldn't save themselves, in charge of ALL hockey shutdowns, hang on another will come. Screw 'em all.

To me hockey is the one pro sport where the players play for the absolute love of the game, since they were 6 yr olds on frozen ponds in BFE northern Canada. Ok BFE Europe too. ;) What DASH said. Those boys ain't gonna tank, I'm proud to have been following hockey for many years, partly for the reason of the attitudes of the players. You just don't see the number of peacock strutting whiny prima donnas, other sports are full of them.

Why in God's name is the NHL office in NYC? Ok we probably know but it's :bullshit:No way in hell should that be anyplace but Toronto or Montreal.

Did that sound like a rant? Ok I got away from 18.5% but I'm super pissed. No at or near the top for the Winged Wheels since they entered the lottery in...2017?

Did I say I'm really pissed yet? Don't get me started on the current COVID affairs, & the billionaires whining about losing revenue, oh but we gotta play! Yeah? Go sit at center ice during the games in the midst of 20k people. Hell no, they'll be sitting in their barricaded private booths not allowing a strange soul near them. Yeah you're gonna lose $$$, but you got a couple bucks to afford it. Watch they'll send their lackey out to demand pay decreases from their players.

Oh yeah...how are folks like Ballard in the HOF? Insult to any level of intelligence.

Thank you. I'm done. lol

Judge Fudge

One Pretty Kinky Bastard
Oct 22, 2013
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Now that basically almost everyone has chimed in. Here we go.

Do I like how this went down. Yes and no. My feeling is like a kid/teen being told no for some good reason that you don't like. You don't have to like it but you just have to take it.

This has always, well almost always, the way the NHL has done this since the lottery started. Is it perfect? Hell no but it is the way it is to eliminate tanking for a golden prospect.

Do I think Ottawa and Detroit got taken to the woodshed, as a ole Wrestling announcer put it, for no good reason. Hell ya they did and I feel for them but if the NHL changed the rules for this.... I think there still would be people pissed.

My point is that the NHL tried to get this right by doing things normally. This is the way the lottery works. Some teams have all of the luck, Orlando Magic in the 1992 and 1993 Nba Draft lottery is a good example.

They just fucked two franchises over in the process.


Buckle up!!
Apr 23, 2010
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Now that basically almost everyone has chimed in. Here we go.

Do I like how this went down. Yes and no. My feeling is like a kid/teen being told no for some good reason that you don't like. You don't have to like it but you just have to take it.

This has always, well almost always, the way the NHL has done this since the lottery started. Is it perfect? Hell no but it is the way it is to eliminate tanking for a golden prospect.

Do I think Ottawa and Detroit got taken to the woodshed, as a ole Wrestling announcer put it, for no good reason. Hell ya they did and I feel for them but if the NHL changed the rules for this.... I think there still would be people pissed.

My point is that the NHL tried to get this right by doing things normally. This is the way the lottery works. Some teams have all of the luck, Orlando Magic in the 1992 and 1993 Nba Draft lottery is a good example.

They just fucked two franchises over in the process.

Dude. This is NOT normal.

A team that will compete in the playoffs will get the 1st overall pick.

Bloody Brian Burke

#1 CFL Fan!
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The fact that the NBA is waiting until their playoff field is settled before doing their draft while the NHL was so impatient that they had to do this...thing...is very telling.


Unreliable Narrator.
Apr 21, 2010
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To me hockey is the one pro sport where the players play for the absolute love of the game

I'll probably get grief for this but in the 25 years I have followed the NHL the players seem as much motivated by money and at times greed as the players in any other sport I have ever followed.

Judge Fudge

One Pretty Kinky Bastard
Oct 22, 2013
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Dude. This is NOT normal.

A team that will compete in the playoffs will get the 1st overall pick.

I understand that but I think it is the teams that lose in play in got the 8 spots.

What i meant by normal is the lottery process .

Yes they added play in teams but those are making up for the final 2 weeks, if I am not mistaken, of play where the other 4 had shots at the playoffs, where it be winning 1 or winning all and getting some breaks.

Was it flawed. Yes, I do believe that it was but there is no perfect solution unless you go by NFL rules and saying worst teams gets #1. However, then you would be giving into tanking for golden prospect.

Do I believe that It was drama rigged. No. I have watched a 30 for 30 about luck of the draft. The 1992-93 Orlando Magic were 9th in the Eastern conference, only losing in a tie breaker to Indiana, and they still ended up getting lucky with the 1st pick in the 1993 draft USING A LOTTERY SYSTEM.

I get your anger but this is the way it is sometimes.


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I'll probably get grief for this but in the 25 years I have followed the NHL the players seem as much motivated by money and at times greed as the players in any other sport I have ever followed.

25 years? Fuck, you just missed it then :wink:


Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy bacon
Apr 19, 2010
City on the Edge of Forever
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I'll probably get grief for this but in the 25 years I have followed the NHL the players seem as much motivated by money and at times greed as the players in any other sport I have ever followed.


Bloody Brian Burke

#1 CFL Fan!
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The only people who think pro athletes care about the logo on the front are children, and even they are starting to realize earlier and earlier that isn’t the case.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.