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Who will win the NFC West this year?


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well you are never going to find a perfect comparison. How they performed in one game (even if it is the biggest of the year) doesn't really show us much of one compared to the other. Really for Wilson if his career turns out like Roethlisberger's (at least on the field) Seahawks fans should be pretty darn happy. He has been a top-10 quarterback almost every year of his career and has his team competing for the playoffs almost every year. Now I will say though teams have to find it a bit concerning that when Roethlisberger did get his new deal done (no longer on rookie contract) they have only made it to the playoffs 3 of the 6 years. Nothing hinders a team quite like that of a quarterback contract. Forces a team to fully depend upon the draft to keep quality play on the field.

True but I'm sure just about every Pitt fan is happy with Ben and same goes with Seattle. Most teams would die to have a QB lead them to 2 SB's in a 10 year span. Thats why a guy like Elway will always be a legend in Denver , besides taking them to 3 other SB's


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Do the Seattle fans ever shut up around here? You argue about inconsequential trash and go on and on and on.

How about acting like the bigger guy? You won the SB and act like a bunch of sensitive kids. There's like 7 of you. :bawling:

Nick, this is an NFCW thread. Expect smack talk.


Aug 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Probably the only player that you are going to find that is close in comparison (hasn't been a defense like Seattle's in quite some time) would be that of when Ben Roethlisberger game into the league. They honestly have had very similar careers for the first 2 years. both had top-5 or so running games and top-3 defensive units helping them out. They were not asked to throw as much as the top guys but when asked did very well. Super Bowl in the 2nd year. The comparisons can go on but I will stop there for now.

Exactly. There is no list. So Wizards logic is completely biased.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Do the Seattle fans ever shut up around here? You argue about inconsequential trash and go on and on and on.

How about acting like the bigger guy? You won the SB and act like a bunch of sensitive kids. There's like 7 of you. :bawling:

Exactly! Thought I was the only one thinking this.


Trolling 45, it's EASY.
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 663.91
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Do the Seattle fans ever shut up around here? You argue about inconsequential trash and go on and on and on.

How about acting like the bigger guy? You won the SB and act like a bunch of sensitive kids. There's like 7 of you. :bawling:

It is the off season. Well Day 4 of training camp. Why do you have a problem with us Seahawk fans trying to defend our position. We FINALLY have position, and we shall take advantage of that.

Football talk, the most important on the Seahawk offense, is RW. Without a doubt. Outsiders will say Lynch is the heart, I disagree.

Situation A: Wilson, Michael, Turbin
Situation B: Jackson, Lynch

I take A 100% of the time. THOUGHTS?


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Exactly! Thought I was the only one thinking this.

Well what else are we going to do on NFCW thread?

There are only so many ways to say that the Hawks are better than the niners.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think we all gathered that you think the Seahawks will win the division.



Trolling 45, it's EASY.
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 663.91
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What the heck is that supposed to mean?

49ers have 5 championships, but what's the context for that coming out of nowhere?

The point is.......you finally chime in when someone else says Seahawk fans won't shut up and you thought you were the only one that noticed it. That brought on the "we niner fans have 5 rings" comment. Great. Congrats. Well Deserved. Move on. Present talk, not past.

Now, talk Football. I gave a situation A or B. Discuss that.
I mentioned as a Hawk fan I want situation A 100% of the time, because Wilson is WAY more important than Lynch. IMO

As a niner fan, what would you rather face, A or B?


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The point is.......you finally chime in when someone else says Seahawk fans won't shut up and you thought you were the only one that noticed it. That brought on the "we niner fans have 5 rings" comment. Great. Congrats. Well Deserved. Move on. Present talk, not past.

Now, talk Football. I gave a situation A or B. Discuss that.
I mentioned as a Hawk fan I want situation A 100% of the time, because Wilson is WAY more important than Lynch. IMO

As a niner fan, what would you rather face, A or B?

What the hell are you talking about? :L

You're the one who brought up 5 rings. My response was just asking what the context was for that comment since it came up out of nowhere.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well in the scenario provided it would be a tough decision.

With the one picking Wilson obviously you have the better quarterback but you have such an unknown at the RB position as neither have been asked to do a whole lot in their NFL career. Considering Seattle likes to do the whole shorten the game with the running game, use play action, and then control field position it is hard to want to go into a season with such an unkown at the RB position. As you said though the QB position is the most important on the team.

Now for the other scenario Jackson does have starting experience so he is a known quantity. He hasn't played at the highest level but he also hasn't been the worst quarterback in the league. So then having a quality back like Lynch leading the offense with a quarterback asked to produce a little but not needed to go and win every game does sound decent for the system set up in Seattle right now.

Now given I don't think you can win a Super Bowl with Jackson as the starter. Right now I don't know about Michaels and Torbin and what they can do on the field so I can't really make an assessment on the team and how they would fare.'

If I had to guess I would rather go with the Wilson choice just because I would guess they could survive with those 2 running the football and it would be hard to pass up on what Wilson can do in the clutch plus his leadership that he brings to the team.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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4 good defenses in this division. All potential top 10, even top 8 in the league which is scary as all heck.
It will be a bloodbath. Whoever does win will certainly have earned it.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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The 9ers play the 'Hawks late in the season...so a very long wait. the Rams take fourth. :suds:
And there will be a billion posts on this board when the Niners and Hawks play.

Things change. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see any team but the Hawks take 4th