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Who will win the NFC West this year?


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I wonder if it hurts physically being that dumb.


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Dec 4, 2013
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I feel bad for your friends

I wonder if it hurts physically being that dumb.

Thanks honey I love you too !
IE you cant think for yourself either and still post like a 15 year old kid trying to seem cool to you wannabe in crowd friends.

its like theres nothing but Seattle fans here. You expect me to believe half of you aren't the so called band wagoners you claim to dislike so much?


2018 DCFFL Champion!
Jul 2, 2013
Your head
Hoopla Cash
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Thanks honey I love you too !
IE you cant think for yourself either and still post like a 15 year old kid trying to seem cool to you wannabe in crowd friends.

its like theres nothing but Seattle fans here. You expect me to believe half of you aren't the so called band wagoners you claim to dislike so much?
what other NFL-related conspiracies can you throw our way?



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Jun 24, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Talk about childish kid behavior from a good 5 posters in this thread and taking it beyond the topic at hand. What a joke. Some smack talk fine, but you guys should be embarrassed at your 10 year old antics of over and over and over arguing about irrelevant garbage. :L


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Jun 24, 2014
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Calling him a top 12 QB may seem like a rip to you, I call it a non delusional viewpoint. Cue the baby seals

Simple smack but UK, you continue to make statements while NEVER supporting them. :L
I hope Derek Carr turns into a Russell Wilson by his 2nd year. I watched the SB and in the biggest game, Russell performed like Dan Marino wish he had or even John Elway early in his career. Wilson looks big time (will be repeated 3 to 4 times).


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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Pay attention.

one Rams site banned me because I simply said what they deemed negative things about the Rams. Also because I said it during an actual game therefore in his childish mind I wasn't a true fan.LOL that's just pathetic and childish on their part. Another one banned me because I was the only one who said Sam Wouldn't make the team while the other idiots were "I'm gonna go order jerseys for me and my girlfriend right now " Like a bunch of dumb cattle. I said he wouldn't make the team, there was no way in heck any guy on the team was letting a gay guy take his spot and the Rams had 11 picks and were told by the league to draft him. That's a reason to kick me off a site ?

The fact is people are afraid politically correct cattle and real opinions frighten them. I got kicked off 2 sights because people are straight stupid.

Forums lead to completely ignorant socially disconnected people. I have friends who I disagree with about just about everything on trivial topics but we are friends for deeper reasons and wont quit a friendship because of disagreements. Why Cant these sports forum dweebs approach it the same way?

Look, some it I may just be having fun with. But I still have my own opinions whether you like them or not. Now, this site seems to let it flow a little easier without too many restrictions and that's fine, I believe there should be some freedom like that.I hate obsessive mods LOL
But I have been defensive cause some of you let the insults fly a little too much. You don't know me so drop the crassness down a notch. I know just as much basic general NFL junk as the rest here. You don't like my bend,... oh well what ever.


Ok, I get it. I need to be cool and you get to call one of us a stupid motherfucker who is also an idiot.
Cheers :suds:


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Jun 24, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Seattle with this Wilson kid leading the way.

Since this board continues to lack any REAL football talk and yes, you tube breakdown is real corroborating talk.

I think the Seahawks will win the NFCW. I watched a few you tubes and that D is as good as I've seen with the ferocity.

If they have Harvin for the full season (big ? mark), he adds a speed element and diversion they didn't have in 2013. Jet sweeps, 9 routes, bubble screens, fakes.

I always thought Wilson was just a pedestrian game manager like many others, until I saw this video from a friend. Russell Wilson is big time and scary good for his 2nd season. Forward to the 4:00 mark

4:00 - nice quick strike.

4:07 - This is BIG TIME here. He looks right, doesn't see anything, looks at the crease up the gut which will close, he spins out and is rolling to his left. Only Aaron Rodgers can make this throw in the NFL, yes only AR. Moving left, he fires a 20 yd laser to Tate on the sidelines.
Arm strength, mobility, looking downfield, decision making. That is BIG TIME.

4:20 - A bullet slant pass to Baldwin.

4:28 - Nice touch to Baldwin, who beat Bailey. Could've had a bit less trajectory but he didn't over throw him.

4:53: This is BIG TIME here. For the SB? Are you kidding me? This throw is Dan Marinoesque. Executes a perfect play action to Lynch,
4:56 then stands tall (as tall as a 5'10" QB can stand:clap:)
4:57 You can see Lockette make his break on a deep 28 yd cross. Wilson releases it with NFL velocity, accuracy, tight spiral leading Lockette perfectly. That is BIG TIME.
4:58 Denver DB jumps the receiver with very little room for a poor pass.
5:04 Watch the velocity and throw in the SB?

9:31 - This throw is more big time to Kearse. The continual velocity, accuracy, command. Beauty.

I was totally wrong about Russell Wilson and I see superstar written all over him. I'm not so sure I can take Luck over Wilson. I could take Aaron Rodgers.

I'd say he's below Brady, Manning, Brees, Rodgers but I'd only take Rodgers right now over this kid. Maybe Derek Carr.

How fans can't see the excellence of this Wilson kid is beyond me. I've watched a lot of SB's and he made throws you would see from a Montana, Young, jAikman, Brady, Warner, Plunkett. Wilson is BIG TIME. Try to refute all you want but you can't. I know what the f I'm talking about.

I like the NFCW teams a lot but Seattle gets the #1 nod because of what this Wilson kid can do. He's a natural leader.

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Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ok, I get it. I need to be cool and you get to call one of us a stupid motherfucker who is also an idiot.
Cheers :suds:

Yeah, for someone who obviously can't take it, he sure likes to dish it. Little bitch had to lash out just because I called him on his bullshit. Seeing his sensitivity about the whole thing, and the fact that he didn't respond when I corrected his misleading or misreading of the stats, he knew how full of shit he was.


Trolling 45, it's EASY.
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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its like theres nothing but Seattle fans here. You expect me to believe half of you aren't the so called band wagoners you claim to dislike so much?

1st off, NONE of the posters responding in this thread are bandwagon Seahawk fans.

2nd, it's not US that hates so-called bandwagon Seahawk fans, it's YOU (and guys like you) that hate the Seahawk Bandwagon Fans, not US.

See, I contend that you do really think when you type, you just ramble, and that is part of the problem with why you end up in so many arguments.


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Jun 24, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Do the Seattle fans ever shut up around here? You argue about inconsequential trash and go on and on and on.

How about acting like the bigger guy? You won the SB and act like a bunch of sensitive kids. There's like 7 of you. :bawling:


Aug 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So then every young QB should be tops of all time over their first two years now. They aren't.

Seattle isn't the first team with a quality defense and a solid running game to start a young QB. They should all be near the tops all time over their first two years. They aren't.

You are full of excuses and no substance.

Not that I am disagreeing, but I would like to hear of a few teams that meet that criteria. I would like to see a list of teams with Seattle quality defenses who started a rookie QB. Not a young QB, but a rookie so the comparison is accurate.


Aug 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Pay attention.

one Rams site banned me because I simply said what they deemed negative things about the Rams. Also because I said it during an actual game therefore in his childish mind I wasn't a true fan.LOL that's just pathetic and childish on their part. Another one banned me because I was the only one who said Sam Wouldn't make the team while the other idiots were "I'm gonna go order jerseys for me and my girlfriend right now " Like a bunch of dumb cattle. I said he wouldn't make the team, there was no way in heck any guy on the team was letting a gay guy take his spot and the Rams had 11 picks and were told by the league to draft him. That's a reason to kick me off a site ?

The fact is people are afraid politically correct cattle and real opinions frighten them. I got kicked off 2 sights because people are straight stupid.

Forums lead to completely ignorant socially disconnected people. I have friends who I disagree with about just about everything on trivial topics but we are friends for deeper reasons and wont quit a friendship because of disagreements. Why Cant these sports forum dweebs approach it the same way?

Look, some it I may just be having fun with. But I still have my own opinions whether you like them or not. Now, this site seems to let it flow a little easier without too many restrictions and that's fine, I believe there should be some freedom like that.I hate obsessive mods LOL
But I have been defensive cause some of you let the insults fly a little too much. You don't know me so drop the crassness down a notch. I know just as much basic general NFL junk as the rest here. You don't like my bend,... oh well what ever.


Really? The answer is yes. And if you can't figure out why, you have major issues.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Not that I am disagreeing, but I would like to hear of a few teams that meet that criteria. I would like to see a list of teams with Seattle quality defenses who started a rookie QB. Not a young QB, but a rookie so the comparison is accurate.

Probably the only player that you are going to find that is close in comparison (hasn't been a defense like Seattle's in quite some time) would be that of when Ben Roethlisberger game into the league. They honestly have had very similar careers for the first 2 years. both had top-5 or so running games and top-3 defensive units helping them out. They were not asked to throw as much as the top guys but when asked did very well. Super Bowl in the 2nd year. The comparisons can go on but I will stop there for now.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Probably the only player that you are going to find that is close in comparison (hasn't been a defense like Seattle's in quite some time) would be that of when Ben Roethlisberger game into the league. They honestly have had very similar careers for the first 2 years. both had top-5 or so running games and top-3 defensive units helping them out. They were not asked to throw as much as the top guys but when asked did very well. Super Bowl in the 2nd year. The comparisons can go on but I will stop there for now.

Good point CD only difference was in their first SB Ben had the lowest QBR ever at like 27 and Wilson was like 127. Kid had an amazing SB, clutch on just about every 3rd down, throwing accurate passes, to no name guys


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Dec 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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1st off, NONE of the posters responding in this thread are bandwagon Seahawk fans.

2nd, it's not US that hates so-called bandwagon Seahawk fans, it's YOU (and guys like you) that hate the Seahawk Bandwagon Fans, not US.

See, I contend that you do really think when you type, you just ramble, and that is part of the problem with why you end up in so many arguments.

another jumped to conclusion. where did I say I hated band wagoners. I'm the one constanty explaining sports is a entertaiment business.

ok you aren't bandwagoners but you are still rude, childish,dweebs.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Good point CD only difference was in their first SB Ben had the lowest QBR ever at like 27 and Wilson was like 127. Kid had an amazing SB, clutch on just about every 3rd down, throwing accurate passes, to no name guys

Well you are never going to find a perfect comparison. How they performed in one game (even if it is the biggest of the year) doesn't really show us much of one compared to the other. Really for Wilson if his career turns out like Roethlisberger's (at least on the field) Seahawks fans should be pretty darn happy. He has been a top-10 quarterback almost every year of his career and has his team competing for the playoffs almost every year. Now I will say though teams have to find it a bit concerning that when Roethlisberger did get his new deal done (no longer on rookie contract) they have only made it to the playoffs 3 of the 6 years. Nothing hinders a team quite like that of a quarterback contract. Forces a team to fully depend upon the draft to keep quality play on the field.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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another jumped to conclusion. where did I say I hated band wagoners. I'm the one constanty explaining sports is a entertaiment business.

ok you aren't bandwagoners but you are still rude, childish,dweebs.

I agree and your posts are entertainment. I get a great kick out of reading them, trying to figure out how much of it is an act and how much is real. Keep it going man:shortbus:


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Since this board continues to lack any REAL football talk and yes, you tube breakdown is real corroborating talk.

I think the Seahawks will win the NFCW. I watched a few you tubes and that D is as good as I've seen with the ferocity.

If they have Harvin for the full season (big ? mark), he adds a speed element and diversion they didn't have in 2013. Jet sweeps, 9 routes, bubble screens, fakes.

I always thought Wilson was just a pedestrian game manager like many others, until I saw this video from a friend. Russell Wilson is big time and scary good for his 2nd season. Forward to the 4:00 mark

4:00 - nice quick strike.

4:07 - This is BIG TIME here. He looks right, doesn't see anything, looks at the crease up the gut which will close, he spins out and is rolling to his left. Only Aaron Rodgers can make this throw in the NFL, yes only AR. Moving left, he fires a 20 yd laser to Tate on the sidelines.
Arm strength, mobility, looking downfield, decision making. That is BIG TIME.

4:20 - A bullet slant pass to Baldwin.

4:28 - Nice touch to Baldwin, who beat Bailey. Could've had a bit less trajectory but he didn't over throw him.

4:53: This is BIG TIME here. For the SB? Are you kidding me? This throw is Dan Marinoesque. Executes a perfect play action to Lynch,
4:56 then stands tall (as tall as a 5'10" QB can stand:clap:)
4:57 You can see Lockette make his break on a deep 28 yd cross. Wilson releases it with NFL velocity, accuracy, tight spiral leading Lockette perfectly. That is BIG TIME.
4:58 Denver DB jumps the receiver with very little room for a poor pass.
5:04 Watch the velocity and throw in the SB?

9:31 - This throw is more big time to Kearse. The continual velocity, accuracy, command. Beauty.

I was totally wrong about Russell Wilson and I see superstar written all over him. I'm not so sure I can take Luck over Wilson. I could take Aaron Rodgers.

I'd say he's below Brady, Manning, Brees, Rodgers but I'd only take Rodgers right now over this kid. Maybe Derek Carr.

How fans can't see the excellence of this Wilson kid is beyond me. I've watched a lot of SB's and he made throws you would see from a Montana, Young, jAikman, Brady, Warner, Plunkett. Wilson is BIG TIME. Try to refute all you want but you can't. I know what the f I'm talking about.

I like the NFCW teams a lot but Seattle gets the #1 nod because of what this Wilson kid can do. He's a natural leader.

Super Bowl 48 (Seahawk Highlights) - YouTube

Nick, you are now understanding what us Hawk fans have felt and noticed for 2 years. By the time RW had completed his 3rd preseason game as a rookie, I looked over to my son and said RW will be by far the greatest QB we have ever had.
A franchise QB. We have never had that.
As time goes on more NFL fans will realize his production, not his potential. He is just getting started.