Across The Field
Oaky Afterbirth
Kendricks is a guy I think you can plug him in about any of the linebacker spots and he will do just fine. He isn't a pure pass rusher so probably 3-4 OLB is not his spot but otherwise I think he can do well at any of the others. AS for Shaq Thompson the big question with him is where do you play him? As a linebacker he is probably a WLB in a 4-3 defense. I can't see him playing anything else at the linebacker spot. Some teams though see him as the next big hitting SS. The fact that he has hardly played safety though just leads me to believe those teams won't be picking him early in the draft knowing it would be a huge risk. Look for a 4-3 team with a hole at the WLB spot to take Thompson.
That makes a ton of sense, what you say about Thompson. If he has the instincts to play safety, he could be a better version of Kam Chancellor. However, he would definitely make more sense a 4-3 WLB, definitely agree.
Do you think Kendricks could play OLB in the 3-4 though?