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Who Has a Shot at a National Title in 2020

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
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West Point doesn't recruit anyone. They ALLOW just a select few the honor of going there if they want to. I didn't want to. Would have required a 13 year commitment in the Army. I had plans to go to college after my 4 years was up. So I passed on the opportunity.
1. West Point does recruit and they give waivers to some just to get them on the sports teams.

2. The commitment is 5 years and always has been.

Basically you are talking out your ass. I find this particularly offensive because I have a daughter at a service academy.


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Just STFU dude, we've heard you bs broken record same line forever now. We get it, you believe no team outside of Clemson, OSU, SEC ever will win a title, EVER.

I can't wait to play Michigan in a few months. Will you at least STFU after my Gophers beat your Wolverines?

No team other than a select few?!? I don’t think that at all.

No team without majority of their recruits being elite — absolutely. Minnesota has a better chance of going a full year without snow than they do to win a national championship in today’s CFB.:lol:

Seeing as how Minnesota is 4-40 in the last 50 years against UM. You are due for your once a decade win:pound:


Mar 12, 2015
In your head...forever
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1. West Point does recruit and they give waivers to some just to get them on the sports teams.

2. The commitment is 5 years and always has been.

Basically you are talking out your ass. I find this particularly offensive because I have a daughter at a service academy.

I called him on his shit about several offensive comments. He’s full of shit and not humoring anybody with his trolling


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Seems like Fred and Handi ruin every thread these days...

can you two just PM each other please?


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Obviously it will not be Michigan Texas or USC.


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1. West Point does recruit and they give waivers to some just to get them on the sports teams.

2. The commitment is 5 years and always has been.

Basically you are talking out your ass. I find this particularly offensive because I have a daughter at a service academy.

Whoa whoa whoa dude. Slow down your roll. Out of respect for you daughter, I'll try to talk nice to you about this. As the Bible says, "Let us reason together". Shall we do that?

You're claiming it's a 5 year commitment? To the outsiders looking at our conversation, haven't you misled them? Not on purpose, I'm not going to diss you like you are dissing me, I'm just trying to gently point out that, out of no ill will, you accidentally posted something misleading. ME? I totally understand exactly what you meant, but others probably don't.

So let me nicely ask you a few questions, ok?

#1 - Did your daughter go directly into the service academy she is at right out of being a civilian? I ask this question, BECAUSE I DID NOT.

#2 - I have no clue when your daughter started her time at the service academy, but just for the purpose of this discussion, since I don't feel you need to reveal personal details about your daughter's life, but lets just say she started in 2018-2019 school year. So let me ask you then, you say the commitment is 5 years? Does that mean she is done with her military service in 2023? I mean, you DID say 5 years? OR... or just maybe, will her service be fulfilled in 2027? What do I mean? Well, 4 years at her service academy + 5 years of service AS AN OFFICER = 9 years total. 9 is almost twice as many as 5. So either you were WAY OFF, or you just didn't include ALL of the information in your post. Now me, being someone who knows the the fuck I am talking about, and who is NOT talking out of my ass, I know that you probably meant to say 5 years AFTER her time at her service academy is done, which to me is a DUH, but to outsiders who have no interaction with the military, it might not be such a no brainer, so your stating only 5 years, could be, to those people, misleading. JUST as, my stating it would have been a, what did I say? 11 or did I say 13? I meant 11 but for some reason I'm wondering if I might not have said 13? Not sure why I would have said 13, but I meant 11, which is alot closer to 9 than 5 is to 9, but the exact same number away if I did say 13. Point being, what matters is not what you or I posted, but what you and I MEANT to post. I know you MEANT to post 9 years, 4+5. And I meant to post 11, 6+5. Why 6 you ask? Well, thank you for at least asking and not accusing me of talking out my ass. #1, I was already in the military when I got the invite, so I would have at least a year of regular service under my belt before even stepping on campus. #2, being as I was going this route, coming from among the ranks of the already serving military, they don't take you in directly to West Point, but instead you go into USMAPS, the United States Military Academy Prepatory School, which is a one year program. So, 1 yr reg service + 1 yr PS + 4 yrs at WP + 5 yrs commitment of service as an officer = what? 5 yrs like you posted? Or even the 9 years like you meant to say? No, it equals the 11 yrs I either said or meant to say. 11, not 5 and not 9(which is probably what will be required of your daughter), but 11 is what would have been required of me. Everybody makes mistakes sometimes, doesn't mean you were lying. I would not accuse you of such, because like I said, you MEANT 4+5 I am sure. And since I am not a pathetic loser like Handi, I don't need to make shit up to try to rail on other people about. So as far as I can tell, you meant well, even in your accusing me of talking out of my ass, and you meant 9, not 5, and you simply did not factor in my already being in the military at the time. No biggie. All can be good on my end, between you and I.

But like I said, I believe you meant well, and you were speaking only of that which you personally knew about. Your daughter most likely went directly to her service academy or you would have known about the route that I took. So you were speaking partially out of ignorance, or maybe you knew of that route but didn't know that was what I was referring to, either way, and I don't mean that in a bad way, I mean an excusable degree of ignorance. Very few people have ever heard of USMAPS. If the general public has heard about the service academies, they only know, for the most part, about the 2 from each state that get invites to WP via their 2 Senators giving them invites. Now I was Army, so I am ignorant of how the other service academies fill in their ranks. Maybe they are recruited? I was referring specifically to WP, who does very little in the way of recruiting, in the traditional sense of recruiting. I suppose it could be argued that what the Senators do, is a form of recruiting, because with only 2 invites each, I doubt they give them to young people who don't want to go to WP. All I was trying to say was that most who get into WP, seek it out.


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Dec 28, 2018
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No team other than a select few?!? I don’t think that at all.

No team without majority of their recruits being elite — absolutely. Minnesota has a better chance of going a full year without snow than they do to win a national championship in today’s CFB.:lol:

Seeing as how Minnesota is 4-40 in the last 50 years against UM. You are due for your once a decade win:pound:

Keep talking as if what happened 2, 3, 4 and 5 decades ago mean anything in regards to future results. That sh1t happened, and you are welcome to the bragging rights over Minnesota, but that is all you as a fan have earned, bragging rights about THE PAST.

Things change moron. Otherwise UMn's being 1-0 vs Bama this century would mean they were favored to win next time they play, right? NO, duh. Or that UMn's 3-1 advantage in heads up means they should easily be the favorite if they played Oregon, right? NO, DUH. Or that UMn's having like a 10 or 15 game advantage in the heads up vs Iowa means they should be favored next time they play Iowa, right? AGAIN, NO, DUH!!!

But keep on talking like you do, because that will make the victory that much more sweet!!


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Dec 28, 2018
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I called him on his shit about several offensive comments. He’s full of shit and not humoring anybody with his trolling

Oh stfu, you didn't call me out on anything, loser.

I've called you out for calling people the fa double gg ot word before and now you are being your typical hypocritically butthurt loser self, trying to project your own offensive bs on the people who get under your skin the most.

And I did serve honorably, and did get the invite to WP, so YOU calling me a liar are the one being offensive.


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Apr 22, 2013
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1. West Point does recruit and they give waivers to some just to get them on the sports teams.

2. The commitment is 5 years and always has been.

Basically you are talking out your ass. I find this particularly offensive because I have a daughter at a service academy.

Whoa whoa whoa dude. Slow down your roll. Out of respect for you daughter, I'll try to talk nice to you about this. As the Bible says, "Let us reason together". Shall we do that?

You're claiming it's a 5 year commitment? To the outsiders looking at our conversation, haven't you misled them? Not on purpose, I'm not going to diss you like you are dissing me, I'm just trying to gently point out that, out of no ill will, you accidentally posted something misleading. ME? I totally understand exactly what you meant, but others probably don't.

So let me nicely ask you a few questions, ok?

#1 - Did your daughter go directly into the service academy she is at right out of being a civilian? I ask this question, BECAUSE I DID NOT.

#2 - I have no clue when your daughter started her time at the service academy, but just for the purpose of this discussion, since I don't feel you need to reveal personal details about your daughter's life, but lets just say she started in 2018-2019 school year. So let me ask you then, you say the commitment is 5 years? Does that mean she is done with her military service in 2023? I mean, you DID say 5 years? OR... or just maybe, will her service be fulfilled in 2027? What do I mean? Well, 4 years at her service academy + 5 years of service AS AN OFFICER = 9 years total. 9 is almost twice as many as 5. So either you were WAY OFF, or you just didn't include ALL of the information in your post. Now me, being someone who knows the the fuck I am talking about, and who is NOT talking out of my ass, I know that you probably meant to say 5 years AFTER her time at her service academy is done, which to me is a DUH, but to outsiders who have no interaction with the military, it might not be such a no brainer, so your stating only 5 years, could be, to those people, misleading. JUST as, my stating it would have been a, what did I say? 11 or did I say 13? I meant 11 but for some reason I'm wondering if I might not have said 13? Not sure why I would have said 13, but I meant 11, which is alot closer to 9 than 5 is to 9, but the exact same number away if I did say 13. Point being, what matters is not what you or I posted, but what you and I MEANT to post. I know you MEANT to post 9 years, 4+5. And I meant to post 11, 6+5. Why 6 you ask? Well, thank you for at least asking and not accusing me of talking out my ass. #1, I was already in the military when I got the invite, so I would have at least a year of regular service under my belt before even stepping on campus. #2, being as I was going this route, coming from among the ranks of the already serving military, they don't take you in directly to West Point, but instead you go into USMAPS, the United States Military Academy Prepatory School, which is a one year program. So, 1 yr reg service + 1 yr PS + 4 yrs at WP + 5 yrs commitment of service as an officer = what? 5 yrs like you posted? Or even the 9 years like you meant to say? No, it equals the 11 yrs I either said or meant to say. 11, not 5 and not 9(which is probably what will be required of your daughter), but 11 is what would have been required of me. Everybody makes mistakes sometimes, doesn't mean you were lying. I would not accuse you of such, because like I said, you MEANT 4+5 I am sure. And since I am not a pathetic loser like Handi, I don't need to make shit up to try to rail on other people about. So as far as I can tell, you meant well, even in your accusing me of talking out of my ass, and you meant 9, not 5, and you simply did not factor in my already being in the military at the time. No biggie. All can be good on my end, between you and I.

But like I said, I believe you meant well, and you were speaking only of that which you personally knew about. Your daughter most likely went directly to her service academy or you would have known about the route that I took. So you were speaking partially out of ignorance, or maybe you knew of that route but didn't know that was what I was referring to, either way, and I don't mean that in a bad way, I mean an excusable degree of ignorance. Very few people have ever heard of USMAPS. If the general public has heard about the service academies, they only know, for the most part, about the 2 from each state that get invites to WP via their 2 Senators giving them invites. Now I was Army, so I am ignorant of how the other service academies fill in their ranks. Maybe they are recruited? I was referring specifically to WP, who does very little in the way of recruiting, in the traditional sense of recruiting. I suppose it could be argued that what the Senators do, is a form of recruiting, because with only 2 invites each, I doubt they give them to young people who don't want to go to WP. All I was trying to say was that most who get into WP, seek it out.

Those of us associated with the military know exactly what he meant when he said "commitment is 5 years".

Army Football: Recruiting Process to Play Football at West Point

"Graduates have a commitment to serve at least five years in the US Army, with only small hopes that an exception will be granted to pursue opportunities to play in the NFL. "

Army to allow Brett Toth, West Point graduate, to sign NFL contract - CNNPolitics

"The required service obligation period for West Point graduates is typically five years, but graduates who want to play professional sports are generally required to serve a minimum of two years on active duty and determinations are subsequently made as to how and whether they serve the balance of the five-year obligation."


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Dec 28, 2018
Alexandria, MN
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Those of us associated with the military know exactly what he meant when he said "commitment is 5 years".

Army Football: Recruiting Process to Play Football at West Point

"Graduates have a commitment to serve at least five years in the US Army, with only small hopes that an exception will be granted to pursue opportunities to play in the NFL. "

Army to allow Brett Toth, West Point graduate, to sign NFL contract - CNNPolitics

"The required service obligation period for West Point graduates is typically five years, but graduates who want to play professional sports are generally required to serve a minimum of two years on active duty and determinations are subsequently made as to how and whether they serve the balance of the five-year obligation."

Yeah, you are associated with the military. DUH. And the 5 years does not start the day they start their time at the service academy, does it? lol

So, let me ask all of you geniuses this. What is, without getting some kind of a waiver for special circumstances like going to the NFL, the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM TIME an academy graduate will be required to be in the military, remembering that their time at the military academy COUNTS as military service.

Is it 5 yrs minimum, or 9 MINIMUM??????


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Dec 28, 2018
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Minnesota isn't a blue blood.

Oregon is a NEVER HAS BEEN a Blue Blood, in any non-running sports.

Minnesota, at least, is a HAS BEEN Blue Blood in ALL THREE of the non-hockey Major League representative collegiate sports.

UMn was a blue blood in cfb for 8 straight decades.
UMn was a blue blood in cBb for AT LEAST 3 decades.
UMn was a blue blood in cbb for AT LEAST 3 decades.

UMn always has been and always will be a Hockey Blue Blood.

UMn is fast becoming a Blue Blood in ATHLETICS as a whole or as a UNIVERSITY as a whole.

Top 25 in basically anything you can come up with, # of Nobel winners produced or hired, Average Sears Directors Cup annual standings, ranking among Public Research Universities, ranking in # of pros produced all-time, ranking in athletic funding and in athletic recruiting budgets. Top 25 ranked Stadiums and or Arenas and Practice Facilities in basically every sport. Top 25 in Athletic Academic rankings. Top 25 in attendance in basically every sport, and probably all sports combined for sure. Top 25 at producing small business start ups, Top 25 at producing millionaires and billionaires, etc..

And many of those rankings are #1 or Top 5.


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Apr 22, 2013
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Yeah, you are associated with the military. DUH. And the 5 years does not start the day they start their time at the service academy, does it? lol

So, let me ask all of you geniuses this. What is, without getting some kind of a waiver for special circumstances like going to the NFL, the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM TIME an academy graduate will be required to be in the military, remembering that their time at the military academy COUNTS as military service.

Is it 5 yrs minimum, or 9 MINIMUM??????
You have trouble with reading and words I see. I left you 2 links. Go read.