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Who Has a Shot at a National Title in 2020


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Nov 30, 2018
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I know people will think I'm nuts, but Michigan went to head to toe with Alabama for 50 minutes or so. Their biggest weakness was Patterson not hitting guys deep and Jerry Jeudy (nobody could stop him - so that doesn't count). So, if the new QB can be any kind of dynamic, I think Michigan could be in for a B1G year.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
Alexandria, MN
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I actually like you are positive and really love your team. That’s seriously cool to see. (I’m very pessimistic about mine)

But you have to be real here man. Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa own you guys. If you do manage to get past all of them, you’ll have to deal with Ohio state. As you stated you lose a lot on defense. Also your OC is now at Penn State. It’s very hard to see MinnyU as a team that could compete for the 2020 title.

Well, the last lost to Michigan was in Fleck's first year. So I don't know how anything they did before that is in anyway relevant? I believe it's a home game? Wisco beat us last year, I believe it was as much weather related as anything, and we thoroughly whooped Wisc the year before. The Iowa game was a close game, it was the one game were we had a lot of dropped passes, which was very rare for them. The Iowa game being so early worries me the most right now. IF we get by that game, then I'll worry about the home game with Michigan, and if we win that, then the game vs the BADgers is in Madison. A win there, on the road, would shoot them up the rankings, I mean if they were undefeated going in. I think even an early loss to Iowa or Michigan would be recoverable if they win the game in Madison.

But yeah, then comes OSU. So far no Big West team has really challenged them in that game, so I'd probably be foolish to assume the Gophers will be the first. At least not in their first attempt? Fleck has shown alot of potential coaching wise, but he's still young and learning, imo.

The OC thing? Well, alot of Gopher fans were really impressed with how our new OC handled Auburn in the Outback Bowl Game, and though it was only a one game sample, are pleased our old OC is gone. He was getting up there in age and was very low energy, not exactly a good fit with all Fleck has going on.

Our offense may need to score more points is all, to make up for a defense maybe not quite as good as this year's, at least at the beginning of the season?


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Dec 28, 2018
Alexandria, MN
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Correct, Oregon prefers to focus on success in revenue-generating sports, like Football and Basketball.

And how has that worked for you? UMn Dance has garnered 19 Natl Titles in the 21st Century. UMn Women's hockey has garnered 7. UMn Men's hockey has garnered 2, the Wrestling team has won 3 of them, the Men's Golf team has won 1. That's JUST in the 21st Century, btw.

Oregon has how many Titles in those big revenue-generating sports?

UMn has sent nearly 50 players into the NBA over the years, you let me know when Oregon has matched even half of that?

UMn has had players garner over 50 All-Pro accolades in the NFL. You let me know when Oregon has matched even half of that?

We gave you most of the last 50 years to catch up. How'd you do?


Mar 12, 2015
In your head...forever
Hoopla Cash
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Well, the last lost to Michigan was in Fleck's first year. So I don't know how anything they did before that is in anyway relevant? I believe it's a home game? Wisco beat us last year, I believe it was as much weather related as anything, and we thoroughly whooped Wisc the year before. The Iowa game was a close game, it was the one game were we had a lot of dropped passes, which was very rare for them. The Iowa game being so early worries me the most right now. IF we get by that game, then I'll worry about the home game with Michigan, and if we win that, then the game vs the BADgers is in Madison. A win there, on the road, would shoot them up the rankings, I mean if they were undefeated going in. I think even an early loss to Iowa or Michigan would be recoverable if they win the game in Madison.

But yeah, then comes OSU. So far no Big West team has really challenged them in that game, so I'd probably be foolish to assume the Gophers will be the first. At least not in their first attempt? Fleck has shown alot of potential coaching wise, but he's still young and learning, imo.

The OC thing? Well, alot of Gopher fans were really impressed with how our new OC handled Auburn in the Outback Bowl Game, and though it was only a one game sample, are pleased our old OC is gone. He was getting up there in age and was very low energy, not exactly a good fit with all Fleck has going on.

Our offense may need to score more points is all, to make up for a defense maybe not quite as good as this year's, at least at the beginning of the season?

Aren't you the bald mullet that puffs up when mentioning Minnesota's glory days of the late 1800's? But now things in the past are "irrelevant"? Make up your mind loser.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
Alexandria, MN
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I know people will think I'm nuts, but Michigan went to head to toe with Alabama for 50 minutes or so. Their biggest weakness was Patterson not hitting guys deep and Jerry Jeudy (nobody could stop him - so that doesn't count). So, if the new QB can be any kind of dynamic, I think Michigan could be in for a B1G year.

Is Harbaugh still the coach? lol


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
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And how has that worked for you? UMn Dance has garnered 19 Natl Titles in the 21st Century. UMn Women's hockey has garnered 7. UMn Men's hockey has garnered 2, the Wrestling team has won 3 of them, the Men's Golf team has won 1. That's JUST in the 21st Century, btw.

Oregon has how many Titles in those big revenue-generating sports?

UMn has sent nearly 50 players into the NBA over the years, you let me know when Oregon has matched even half of that?

UMn has had players garner over 50 All-Pro accolades in the NFL. You let me know when Oregon has matched even half of that?

We gave you most of the last 50 years to catch up. How'd you do?

Minnesota has 0 titles in the 21st century in sports that matter, same as Oregon.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
Alexandria, MN
Hoopla Cash
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Aren't you the bald mullet that puffs up when mentioning Minnesota's glory days of the late 1800's? But now things in the past are "irrelevant"? Make up your mind loser.

Blah, Blah, lies, Blah, Blah, more lies, Blah, Blah, bullsh1t, Blah, Blah BLAH.

1800s? That's when we invented Cheerleading and when a former Gopher became the very first Pro FB player in history. Otherwise I've never once mentioned a single season of Gopher sports from the 1800s. And how does a person have a mullet when they are bald? lol MORON.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Blah, Blah, lies, Blah, Blah, more lies, Blah, Blah, bullsh1t, Blah, Blah BLAH.

1800s? That's when we invented Cheerleading and when a former Gopher became the very first Pro FB player in history. Otherwise I've never once mentioned a single season of Gopher sports from the 1800s. And how does a person have a mullet when they are bald? lol MORON.

Live look at freds chromedome:



Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2011
Central PA
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Well, the last lost to Michigan was in Fleck's first year. So I don't know how anything they did before that is in anyway relevant? I believe it's a home game? Wisco beat us last year, I believe it was as much weather related as anything, and we thoroughly whooped Wisc the year before. The Iowa game was a close game, it was the one game were we had a lot of dropped passes, which was very rare for them. The Iowa game being so early worries me the most right now. IF we get by that game, then I'll worry about the home game with Michigan, and if we win that, then the game vs the BADgers is in Madison. A win there, on the road, would shoot them up the rankings, I mean if they were undefeated going in. I think even an early loss to Iowa or Michigan would be recoverable if they win the game in Madison.

But yeah, then comes OSU. So far no Big West team has really challenged them in that game, so I'd probably be foolish to assume the Gophers will be the first. At least not in their first attempt? Fleck has shown alot of potential coaching wise, but he's still young and learning, imo.

The OC thing? Well, alot of Gopher fans were really impressed with how our new OC handled Auburn in the Outback Bowl Game, and though it was only a one game sample, are pleased our old OC is gone. He was getting up there in age and was very low energy, not exactly a good fit with all Fleck has going on.

Our offense may need to score more points is all, to make up for a defense maybe not quite as good as this year's, at least at the beginning of the season?

Dude, MinnyU has beaten Michigan twice since 1987. You haven’t beaten them at home since 1977. I’m sorry if I don’t have a lot of confidence in MinnyU winning that game to start. Iowa has won the last 5 and 7 of the last 10. You’ve beaten Wisconsin once since 2003. (While playing every year) These teams own you guys lately. That’s why I have no faith in MinnyU winning any of those with how much you’ve lost on D. I can honestly see 8-4 but you having high hopes of a division title and perhaps a conference championship I just don’t see. That’s all.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Dude, MinnyU has beaten Michigan twice since 1987. You haven’t beaten them at home since 1977. I’m sorry if I don’t have a lot of confidence in MinnyU winning that game to start. Iowa has won the last 5 and 7 of the last 10. You’ve beaten Wisconsin once since 2003. (While playing every year) These teams own you guys lately. That’s why I have no faith in MinnyU winning any of those with how much you’ve lost on D. I can honestly see 8-4 but you having high hopes of a division title and perhaps a conference championship I just don’t see. That’s all.

Minny is gonna get rolled up on...expect the game to be over by halftime.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
Alexandria, MN
Hoopla Cash
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Minnesota has 0 titles in the 21st century in sports that matter, same as Oregon.

Hockey matters to people enough to give 50 million dollar contracts to former Gopher players.

Brock Lesnar probably has made more than any Oregon fb or bb player has ever made.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Where is the mullet? Handi says I have a mullet. And you are assuming I have teeth? lol Wow, I would have thought you'd be more creative than that?

Imagine Ben Franklin, minus the look of intelligence.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
Alexandria, MN
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Dude, MinnyU has beaten Michigan twice since 1987. You haven’t beaten them at home since 1977. I’m sorry if I don’t have a lot of confidence in MinnyU winning that game to start. Iowa has won the last 5 and 7 of the last 10. You’ve beaten Wisconsin once since 2003. (While playing every year) These teams own you guys lately. That’s why I have no faith in MinnyU winning any of those with how much you’ve lost on D. I can honestly see 8-4 but you having high hopes of a division title and perhaps a conference championship I just don’t see. That’s all.

We never had Fleck before.

We had, fuck, the guy before Jerry Kill, I can't even remember that losers name. I don't think anyone can? And Glen Mason? He was good at getting teams from 4-7 every year to 7-4. That was about it. Before him? We had one joker who came from the Big 12/8 and you could tell, ALL offense, ZERO defense. And before him was Gutekunst, who was just Lou Holtz Defensive Coordinator. Didn't know how to recruit to save his life. Holtz took all the good recruits he had coming into Minnesota with him to Notre Dame.

And that whole time, the U Admin averaged 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th in spending/fb budget, 10th before PSU came on board. 12th when Nebraska came on board. 13th when Maryland and Rutgers came on board. Not sure which of those 2 losers we beat out?

But we've moved up to 2nd in the Big West and Top 5 in the B1G, added that new Stadium and new Practice Facility and Student Village. Oh, and most importantly, PJ Fleck.

Could Clemson beat any of the top teams in the ACC before Dabo got there? No, they couldn't. How long did it take before Clemson was the team to beat EVERY YEAR??? His 3rd or 4th season?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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We never had Fleck before.

We had, fuck, the guy before Jerry Kill, I can't even remember that losers name. I don't think anyone can? And Glen Mason? He was good at getting teams from 4-7 every year to 7-4. That was about it. Before him? We had one joker who came from the Big 12/8 and you could tell, ALL offense, ZERO defense. And before him was Gutekunst, who was just Lou Holtz Defensive Coordinator. Didn't know how to recruit to save his life. Holtz took all the good recruits he had coming into Minnesota with him to Notre Dame.

And that whole time, the U Admin averaged 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th in spending/fb budget, 10th before PSU came on board. 12th when Nebraska came on board. 13th when Maryland and Rutgers came on board. Not sure which of those 2 losers we beat out?

But we've moved up to 2nd in the Big West and Top 5 in the B1G, added that new Stadium and new Practice Facility and Student Village. Oh, and most importantly, PJ Fleck.

Could Clemson beat any of the top teams in the ACC before Dabo got there? No, they couldn't. How long did it take before Clemson was the team to beat EVERY YEAR??? His 3rd or 4th season?

Why is the area around the University of Minnesota so destitute that they can't help the university? Is UMinn incapable of producing leaders in business?


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
Alexandria, MN
Hoopla Cash
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Mullet is behind the chromedome.

WOW, you guys are SO amazing. You searched out and found a funny picture and claim it is me? WOW!!! Yeah, you guys are SO brilliant and talented and creative and what? Losing the debate so you have to turn to insulting my appearance? Impressive.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2011
Central PA
Hoopla Cash
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We never had Fleck before.

We had, fuck, the guy before Jerry Kill, I can't even remember that losers name. I don't think anyone can? And Glen Mason? He was good at getting teams from 4-7 every year to 7-4. That was about it. Before him? We had one joker who came from the Big 12/8 and you could tell, ALL offense, ZERO defense. And before him was Gutekunst, who was just Lou Holtz Defensive Coordinator. Didn't know how to recruit to save his life. Holtz took all the good recruits he had coming into Minnesota with him to Notre Dame.

And that whole time, the U Admin averaged 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th in spending/fb budget, 10th before PSU came on board. 12th when Nebraska came on board. 13th when Maryland and Rutgers came on board. Not sure which of those 2 losers we beat out?

But we've moved up to 2nd in the Big West and Top 5 in the B1G, added that new Stadium and new Practice Facility and Student Village. Oh, and most importantly, PJ Fleck.

Could Clemson beat any of the top teams in the ACC before Dabo got there? No, they couldn't. How long did it take before Clemson was the team to beat EVERY YEAR??? His 3rd or 4th season?

Flecks record while at Minnesota
vs Michigan 0-1
vs Wisconsin 1-2
vs Iowa 0-3

He has a 1-6 record vs those teams. He doesn’t seem like some savior vs them.

An yes, Clemson did beat top teams in the ACC before Dabo. Tommy Bowden just never did it consistently.