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White Sox 2024 Trade Deadline Talk


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Jul 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It's about that time. There isn't a worthwhile name on this team that hasn't been floated around the rumor mill as having interest from one team or multiple teams.

Who do you think goes? Who do you want to go? What do we think we could get in return?


These are the names that spring to mind immediately which could warrant legitimate interest. Of course, when it comes to Crochet/Robert. There will be mixed opinions from the fan base on what we should do. I personally think if we can get a worthwhile, that we should pull the trigger. No one is out of bounds. Not Robert. Not Crochet.

Lake Shore Drive

Your retarted
Mar 24, 2018
Las Vegas
Hoopla Cash
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Those six you bring up are the most likely candidates for trade bait. Sadly, the one I'd want least to be traded, Crochet, would likely bring us the best prospect capital, with Robert close behind. Crochet has two years of contract-friendly arbitration, whereas Robert actually has three years tied to us, altho only 2025 guaranteed, as '26 & '27 are Sox options at $20m per. The others aren't going to fetch much.

To me, Crochet can be the foundation piece for the newly rebuilt White Sox, which is why I'd hate to see him go. But I have to concede that if Getz can land some high end prospects, it's understandable why they'd trade him. To a lesser extent, Robert as well. Actually, if he would have proven to remain consistently healthy, he would easily fetch the most quality prospects. But he hasn't been, plus this has been a down year for him to date.

Here are a few more names to add:

Moncada - altho due to his current injury status, he's more likely to be dumped in the offseason, being next year is a Sox option at $25m. No way do I see them picking that up at all.

Jimenez is pretty much in the same boat as Moncada, where the Sox have two more option years, altho at a more reasonable rate of $16.5m for '25 and $18.5m for '26. Again, like Moncada or perhaps even more so, Jimenez is a walking injury list. Dude just can't stay healthy.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2013
spotsylvania, county, va.
Hoopla Cash
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looking from the pov of a buyer-in-need, fedde would be the guy i'd want. he's at the top of his game and he'd be relatively cheap cause of his age.
crochet would cost too much (not that someone wouldn't over-pay to get him) and i'd have no interest in anyone else on this team including robert (unless i could get him REAL cheap).
truth is this team has nothing much to offer anyone. any shit they would get in return wouldn't be any better than what they've got. don't forget, the sox have no clue how to draft, trade or develop. until this asshole owner sells or dies this team will remain among the worst in the game. and you KNOW it!


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2013
spotsylvania, county, va.
Hoopla Cash
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if i see a glimmer anywhere ... it's in the starting pitching.
crochet of course, thorpe, cannon and of course fedde (tho i expect him to be gone soon) all look like big leaguers.
the rest is mostly chaff.


I wear my Meatball Badge with honor.
Aug 25, 2016
Hoopla Cash
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At this point, I'm fairly certain that none of Crochet, Moncada, Eloy will be on our roster next season. Crochet is gone before the end of the month, which is sad and stupid...but it is what it is...No way we take options on the other two, so trading, if possible, isn't a bad idea. Doubt we'd get much though.

Pham, Fedde, Dejong are all gone for obvious reasons. No need to keep guys over 30+ years of age on this team. Let the young guys play going forward. Still baffled we're playing guys like that THIS season. If we get anything of value for them, trade away.

That just leaves question marks on Robert, Kopech for me. Guess we'll find out soon enough.