Black Adam
Cowards WILL BE cowards..
I think the Lakers are in a nice position right now- but if I were you I would not quite start boasting yet.
A lot can yet happen between now and say Independence Day.
In the meantime, us Cavs fans will enjoy our long run through the playoffs and our upcoming lotto pick tomorrow. You can enjoy your half decade of shit and no lotto pick that was used to trade for Steve Nash. lol
1) i'm hardly "boasting", WiggityWack. that's something you and cats LIKE you have done for years...
and it didn't come close to netting you what all that braggadocio you put out SAID you were going to...
2) congrats on your "long run". that's NEVER been seen around here...oh wait...
I believe even through our dark time the Lakers for the entirety of our history has seen Championship runs for fairly close to half of that time...
so whoopee...

3) as far as our recent history, do keep trying. yep, ol' Jimmy Short buss sure did screw us, but look at where we're at NOW. and it's got you asshats SCARED. now you can "enjoy" your years of epic failure, and i'll enjoy watching you weasels sweat in the PRESENT...

LMFAO you clowns are too much today...