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What it costs to fire a coach..and hire a new one..


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
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Luck locked us into Holgorsen with the ridiculous extension he signed based on one season.........an unproven first time head coach should NEVER be signed long term, especially with the one sided exit clauses that Luck gave Holgorsen.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2013
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sometimes the price is worth it. Sometimes the AD just chooses a dud and loses us 5 years.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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sometimes the price is worth it. Sometimes the AD just chooses a dud and loses us 5 years.

I don't agree or disagree...my point is that everyone says..hey just fire the Coach like its that simple...well its not just firing a coach..its firing a staff..paying them out..and hiring a brand new one...sometimes the answer is just that ..you have to just pay it and move on if you feel that is the direction you need to take as a program..


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2013
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Luck locked us into Holgorsen with the ridiculous extension he signed based on one season.........an unproven first time head coach should NEVER be signed long term, especially with the one sided exit clauses that Luck gave Holgorsen.

I don't think the terms were any different than any other coach would get...a lot of it has to do with recruiting..a kid wants to know a coach is going to be there for his 4 years...and that is something a coach can point to when he's sitting in a living room...not sure if you remember how many recruits we missed on when Rich took the interview at Alabama....


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2013
The West by God Virginia hills
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Luck locked us into Holgorsen with the ridiculous extension he signed based on one season.........an unproven first time head coach should NEVER be signed long term, especially with the one sided exit clauses that Luck gave Holgorsen.

Had the circumstances been different I would agree 100% but looking back, we were headed into an offense crazy Big12, had a coach with an impressive offensive rep and seemed to fit perfectly into the Big12 culture plus we were (and still are in some areas) behind in facilities compared to the rest of the conference and were going to be operating at a financial disadvantage because of the BigEast buyout. It made sense to lock him in and try to raise money, built/renovate facilities and at least TRY to better compete against our new conference mates.


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Aug 7, 2013
The West by God Virginia hills
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Mitch Vingle: What a coaching change would cost WVU

An article in the Gazzette about what it would cost to make a Head Coaching Change....it ain't that easy..........

Its a tough call, on one hand if you stand pat and the on field product doesn't change as far as the undisciplined play/penalties and the wins don't come then you run the risk of fans revolting resulting in lost money PLUS a drop in recruiting because the kids know that the coach will be on the hot seat from day 1 and the team looks like it will suck for years to come, it kills the programs perception which is big in CFB.

If you make a move, it can go really well OR get even worse...

If I thought Dana would stress the little things a little more, maybe remaining patient and instead of spending 15mm on coaching turnover maybe tap into the new full Big12 revenue share and surround him with better/more assistants is the way to go? Its looking like its going to be a busy year on the coaching carousel, maybe we could invest in some new hires and only spend 3-4mm and make the difference:noidea:?


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't agree or disagree...my point is that everyone says..hey just fire the Coach like its that simple...well its not just firing a coach..its firing a staff..paying them out..and hiring a brand new one...sometimes the answer is just that ..you have to just pay it and move on if you feel that is the direction you need to take as a program..

It is expensive to replace a coaching staff. It is a big decision that should not be made lightly. It will affect recruiting, attendance and lost years. Some teams have floundered for decades after coaching changes.

So far HCDH has shown mediocre results. Our record is what what I would have expected had HCBS remained through the transition to the B12. Whether bad luck or bad recruiting, Not having consistency at qb has killed this team. This team is very close to being very good.

With lour coaches pay grade and our recruiting base, it is hard to expect much more than we are getting.