Avid Basketball Fan
Lots of attention
It can be difficult at times, especially when you get negative attention, or when you can't win big bowl games.
I'm confused
Lots of attention
It can be difficult at times, especially when you get negative attention, or when you can't win big bowl games.
Since the circumstances of how a person becomes a fan are typically out of their control (family, location, some random event) OR it was a conscience decision based on some other factor (desired degree, best school you could get in, only place your could afford), the fact the a team is a traditional power has very little to do with the fan. In the worst case, it's a fan that originally hoped on board the bandwagon and has been there ever since, yet somehow thinks the team doing well or poorly is a reflection or influence on their own self worth. Which is the saddest situation of all.
See Miami and Fsu sucked until the 1990's. Is that far enough back to call them a traditional powerhouse? And Tennessee has not been good in a while. For sure not top 10 imo. And Penn State hasn't been good since the mid 80's.
Put them in 2nd tier.
Tennessee and PSU could make a slight argument for 1st tier but not for me.
Ohio St
Notre Dame
1. Penn St
2. Tennessee
3. Miami
4. FSU
Since the circumstances of how a person becomes a fan are typically out of their control (family, location, some random event) OR it was a conscience decision based on some other factor (desired degree, best school you could get in, only place your could afford), the fact the a team is a traditional power has very little to do with the fan. In the worst case, it's a fan that originally hoped on board the bandwagon and has been there ever since, yet somehow thinks the team doing well or poorly is a reflection or influence on their own self worth. Which is the saddest situation of all.
Auburn, Georgia, and Florida are all above Miami and FSU
So how many of your fans are gonna slit their wrists when Carolina wins?
even you have to admit that Auburn is more of a traditional power than Miami or FSU
2 NC in your entire history and you needed to cheat both times to do it. You have good years every now and then and nobody gives a shit.
Bama was on probation for two of the three Saban NCs......talk about cheating? And I believe Auburn has equal or more undefeated seasons than Bama has. And we're only 7 games behind in the series despite Bryant cheating all those years.
So Alabama has done more in the past 5 years than Auburn has in it's entire history.
Good argument.
USC, Alabama, Oklahoma, Texas, Ohio State, Notre Dame ( amongst others ) etc etc?? To 100% KNOW that your team is always going to get the benefit of the doubt or the nod over a lesser known team when it comes to the bowls or the new playoff?? NOt judging, hell Id LOVE it if Iowa were that way. Is it awesome?? Or is it tiring defending your team all the time and do you sometimes feel bad ??
Your post is straight up dog shit. The amount of people who would really consider who a team does is a reflection or influence on their own self worth is extremely small if that. You're basically just trying to dis on people who are passionate about their team, and that's just plain out lame as fuck.
Fans have a huge influence on the quality of their teams long term. It's a matter of expectations and even more so - support. These teams get the support required to pay for these powers because of fans who care. Teams without much fan support don't get shit.
Auburn, Georgia, and Florida are all above Miami and FSU
If by more you mean given championships then yes. Everyone's used to it. And everyone makes fun of Bama fans for it.
So to bring this back to the OP, you're complaint is people don't treat you better because you are a fan of a traditional power?
Well, I don't think people really treat me any different at all in life over who I'm a fan of a team for. I live in Tennessee and people make jokes, like when I bought a bed recently the guy was a big Tennessee fan and he jokingly said - well it's going to cost you an extra $200 because you are an Alabama fan(front plate on car is Alabama tag). But where you get this idea that people IRL are somehow obsessed or look at you based on who you are a fan of is beyond me.
Now, when it comes to anonymous people on internet forums that's another story. It would be nice, but that's just the nature of the internet so whatever. Haters will be haters and the reason they hate is because of the success which isn't the worst problem in the world to have.
Put them in 2nd tier.
Tennessee and PSU could make a slight argument for 1st tier but not for me.
Ohio St
Notre Dame
1. Penn St
2. Tennessee
3. Miami
4. FSU