Andrew Wiggin's burner account
How did I have time to write it? Most of it is copied from your post and from a previous post of mine which debunked the idea that I was laying all of the blame on Bogut. The fact that you suddenly don't have time to read it is sheer laziness on your part and a basic lack of the humility necessary to admit when you're wrong. But, we wouldn't expect anything less from someone who makes statements like "I've crushed you in every argument we've had", and then doesn't bother to back it up.
Yes, I did win, but it's just because the facts support me and not you. Bogut lack of scoring, which stemmed from his unwillingness to even shoot the ball when wide open, was hurting the team.
Facts do not support you because the Warriors won 67 games with Bogut averaging 6 points a game. That is the largest sample size other than your panic stances based on playoff losses. Other than that your arguments are invalid because of sample size. But you Win! Congrats Greg.