JA just needs five more? He could get all five this weekend if the rest of the bums decide to play.
JA just needs five more? He could get all five this weekend if the rest of the bums decide to play.
It's officially a mess from top to bottom. They need a GM for Pete's Sake..
Freaken players whining about the system the coaches are running.
He sucks..;-)
How's Knox??
what's times slap caption tonight? 7? I had a damn family bday party last tues.
Jesus, I know!!
Hope to never see it again..
Theisman was the first time I'd ever seen a real broken bone, actually get broken in sports..
I thought he was toast for sure when I first saw it. It was nice to see him moving his arms right away, cuz at first glance, I was think for sure, paralysis.