(>',')> Laser_Mike_89
Why not make a general Geek forum or something and let it be a haven for gamers/comic nerds/movie buffs?

Why not make a general Geek forum or something and let it be a haven for gamers/comic nerds/movie buffs?
If they appoint a mod I think it should be herky.He has put in a lot of work when it comes to the gaming threads he's performed as the gaming captain from the start.Doom would also be around so there may be no need for a mod as well
Why not make a general Geek forum or something and let it be a haven for gamers/comic nerds/movie buffs?
If they appoint a mod I think it should be herky.He has put in a lot of work when it comes to the gaming threads he's performed as the gaming captain from the start.Doom would also be around so there may be no need for a mod as well
I like reading the posts though... if you stick it in a forum, then I won't ever see em. General discussion is where it's at!
I'm sure the higher profile games will still get some love on the Water Cooler just like we do get a few threads about politics and other topics. We'd just be able to let our geek flags fly if we had our own gamer forum.
Agree. It will also help if its not buried at the bottom like the MMA board. Hell, I was trying to build it up and got tired of scrolling to the bottom to post.
I wasn't aware that there was an MMA board. BRB.
That's what I mean
I haven't posted in a bit, not much happening in the MMA world right now.