Stance: Goofy
Kidnapping can be just keeping a person in place or transporting them with a threat. It doesn't necessarily mean stuffing someone in a trunk and hiding them.
From looking at the law on both of these charges - I'd guess he might have waggled a gun at someone since a deadly weapon can be a component of both. This is just wild speculation though putting together a common element in the crimes.
I do have a friend in the DA's office in Denver, so if I hear anything, I'll let you all know.
Feel so bad for Varly, but he clearly did something stupid.
The code, related to kidnapping:
According to C.R.S. 18-3-302 a person commits second degree kidnapping when s/he seizes and carries any person from one place to another, without his consent and without lawful authority; or s/he takes away any child below 18 years with intent to keep or conceal the child from his or her parent or guardian or with intent to sell, trade, or barter such child for consideration.
I would bet a fight where he caused injury and then removed a kid that wasn't his to piss her off.