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USC vs. Bama in 2016


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Yes in honest reality you are, but thats ok, I have come to expect it as of late since its Alabama related.

90 foot slope down to the water prohibits a good game, so this venue is out.

And dont you think that as a lifelong Alabama fan who has been to a USCvsBama home game and also went to the home game in Cali as well, that I too am for this? Picking on the fans is a futile effort and comments by your fanbase or any fanbase that Alabama(NCAA royalty) is afraid is demeaning and counterproductive to a decent debate. Follow on with comments that bring no factual basis for argument and you get what we had the other day in a raucous event followed by name calling and four letter words.

I atleast backed up my claims of it not being fear with comments from its head coach stating his team will play power 5 teams only if the rest of the power 5 will agree to it and that he is in favor of a nine game schedule in his conference. His willingness to fall in line shows he is willing to do so, yet the comment was floated that because he knows it wont happen its easy to make this comment. That has no basis for proof and is counterproductive to a good debate as it has no basis for proof, its one persons clearly biased opinion. Where-as i have the coach on record stating it is so. Who has a better argument from a factual standpoint?

Actually, I haven't complained at all. I have asked questions about 'Bama's practice of not scheduling/cancelling home and home's in favor of neutral site games in venues that are favorable to Alabama. I have also questioned some of the reasons/excuses that 'Bama fans give for 'Bama doing this. I haven't complained about the venue at all.

Just because someone questions something, doesn't make it a complaint or an attack.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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According to you bama doesnt play home and homes because they are too poor. Lol

Yep, thats what i said:L

Guess you didnt have anything better to come back with even after you went in search of better material. Dont say you didnt, WE all know its true.

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
Jun 30, 2014
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Yep sure was. Do you think the outcome would change by 42 points had they played it anywhere else? Can this not be used to show that scared, fear or any other word describing Alabama as afraid to play any other team anywhere is ludicrous. The actual reason for the decision has been given and to say anything other than that comes off as petty, biased and just plain ignorant when you have no proof to backup said claims.
LOL, I said I will take Bama's excuse for cancelling the Home and Home series against Michigan State as gospel. What more do you what? :-)


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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First of all, I said that I never should have used the word "scared", that was wrong on my part. Second, we were talking about a Home and Home series that Bama cancelled against Michigan State, not just one Bowl game. Yes if Bama played at Michigan State in a Home and Home, it very well could have been a victory for the Spartens. Just like when Utah beat Bama in a Bowl game, do you think it "could" have been a different result, if Bama had another shot at Utah, if they were to play a Home and Home series?

My contention is that teams dont magically change like that overnight and to think that had that game that was played in 2011 had been played on any other field and it changed by a magnitude of 42 points is a ludicrous thought in the first place. I used it as an argument that Alabama has clearly shown they are not afraid to play any team as they have since their very first football game way over 100 years ago. Case in point, they actually made their bones on playing on the WEST COAST of this great nation by beating teams on that side of the US and putting Southern football on the map. So While I agree that you retracted the word scare, i used that analogy to show that they are not scared and clearly have no reason to be.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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LOL, I said I will take Bama's excuse for cancelling the Home and Home series against Michigan State as gospel. What more do you what? :-)

Before i posted but while I was typing it apparently. You and I are good as far as i am concerned.



R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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And i dont go to these games generally. I did go to the Georgia Southern game a few years back because it was the first one i could get tickets for at a reasonable price and i had a friend who was a GSU fan that accompanied me as my guest. Simply not showing up doesnt work as Bama has way too many fans as does USC and the venue will fill up enough to not make a difference to the University.

It might now that we have Kiffin:lol:

Actually that was in jest, no i do not as long as Saban is putting a quality product on the field. What you saw was more a product of disgust for the Kiffin product and the infusion of new life in the team by the coach who took over than anything else. Yes, the fans voiced their disgust, but at not winning games and being the USC they love, not due to playing Podunk U. Bit of a different scenario that cannot be measured if the team is winning games. If Kiffin had won 90% of his games over the last several years and they were not showing up for Podunk u, then maybe i could support your argument but as for its present context, no i dont buy that the fans fully effected that overall change. Kiffins lack of winning and being on thin Ice had something to do with it as well.

Just don't let him be your head coach and you should be fine.:lol:

Actually, it wasn't about not winning games. When one considers that every "so-called expert" out there was predicting that USC was looking at several years of 4-8/5-7 type teams and look at the win/loss record under Kiffin, he should still be the coach. At the time of his firing his overall record was 28-15. Considering the sanctions USC was under, that's a perfectly acceptable record.

Kiffin was fired because he couldn't keep his idiot mouth shut and crap kept happening that was embarrassing to the university, team and fanbase. Fans started staying away in droves and it was effecting recruiting.

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
Jun 30, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Just don't let him be your head coach and you should be fine.:lol:

Actually, it wasn't about not winning games. When one considers that every "so-called expert" out there was predicting that USC was looking at several years of 4-8/5-7 type teams and look at the win/loss record under Kiffin, he should still be the coach. At the time of his firing his overall record was 28-15. Considering the sanctions USC was under, that's a perfectly acceptable record.

Kiffin was fired because he couldn't keep his idiot mouth shut and crap kept happening that was embarrassing to the university, team and fanbase. Fans started staying away in droves and it was effecting recruiting.
Couldn't agree more!!!


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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LOL, well after all, most of us USC fans have been asking for a Home and Home series with "any" SEC teams for "years". If I'm not mistaken, Auburn was the last Home and Home series that USC played with the SEC and most of us know how that turned out. I guess USC will have to settle for a "neutral site" game with Bama. Yes, as an USC fan, I am excited to finally get Bama to agree on a game, even if it's on a neutral field,

Arkansas had a home and home with us. We beat 'em so bad, their star qb of the future transferred to USC.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Actually, I haven't complained at all. I have asked questions about 'Bama's practice of not scheduling/cancelling home and home's in favor of neutral site games in venues that are favorable to Alabama. I have also questioned some of the reasons/excuses that 'Bama fans give for 'Bama doing this. I haven't complained about the venue at all.

Just because someone questions something, doesn't make it a complaint or an attack.

I dont like that Bama plays some cupcakes at home and have gone on record for stating so on plenty of occasions in numerous threads. I have also stated that i wont debate why it happens(although I do post my opinions as to why occasionally). Do I think they are afraid to play home and homes, no as they have plenty of them to show they have done so in the past 100 years. Do i think that a new model is emerging for neutral games that are marquee match-ups that net both teams money and give the fans a good game to watch, sure. Do I see my teams Coach as one of the best and one that will play any team, any where, sure i do, but I also know that the ultimate name of the game is money rules all. I am a realist in this respect.

I would love to see the days of the old college football, many dont even know that that looks like and cannot fathom the battles that were so epic back in the day. but in that same respect, we did not have the internet to whine and complain or even know that team A was not doing what team B through Z1000 felt they should be doing. this world of instant media coverage as in a sense cheapened the game as it allows the fans to create biases instead of looking at the Teams that are perennial powers like the Alabama's, USC's, Texas's and so on as just that. Now we get to view them as less than they should be due to the instant media. Gone is the mystique we once felt about playing USC because now we know everything they have on the field, what they are capable of pretty much down to the exact plays they might run and so on due to this age of technology. I hope this translates as it came out in my head, been in the bottle a bit this afternoon while researching for work and its fuzzy again.

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
Jun 30, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Arkansas had a home and home with us. We beat 'em so bad, their star qb of the future transferred to USC.
Yeah you're right, Arky was the last Home and Home that USC had with the SEC


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Just don't let him be your head coach and you should be fine.:lol:

Actually, it wasn't about not winning games. When one considers that every "so-called expert" out there was predicting that USC was looking at several years of 4-8/5-7 type teams and look at the win/loss record under Kiffin, he should still be the coach. At the time of his firing his overall record was 28-15. Considering the sanctions USC was under, that's a perfectly acceptable record.

Kiffin was fired because he couldn't keep his idiot mouth shut and crap kept happening that was embarrassing to the university, team and fanbase. Fans started staying away in droves and it was effecting recruiting.

This is why he is probably best as an assistant coach under Saban right now. Saban has a gag order on most of his people and tells the ones that he thinks can speak to the media without creating a firestorm of controversy or spouting ignorant bullshit that its ok to talk to the media. Notice that only certain ones each year get to really talk to the media and thats by Saban design.

Not sure that Saban will make it to HC of Bama with Mario Christobal and Kirby Smart there currently in waiting. One of them seems more likely at this point and Kiffin is in a prove your worth phase to Alabama's fans.

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
Jun 30, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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This is why he is probably best as an assistant coach under Saban right now. Saban has a gag order on most of his people and tells the ones that he thinks can speak to the media without creating a firestorm of controversy or spouting ignorant bullshit that its ok to talk to the media. Notice that only certain ones each year get to really talk to the media and thats by Saban design.

Not sure that Saban will make it to HC of Bama with Mario Christobal and Kirby Smart there currently in waiting. One of them seems more likely at this point and Kiffin is in a prove your worth phase to Alabama's fans.
I agree, LK is a good offensive coach. I don't think he will ever get a major head coaching job again. I could be wrong.


May 27, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Can't believe this thread is still going lol


Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
Cali baby
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Can't believe this thread is still going lol

Me neither but we have learned a few things. Apparently Alabama plays local Jr Colleges because it just can't afford to travel to Michigan State or USC or Oregon or anywhere where there's a team with a pulse . You'd think the school with the highest recruiting budget and top three in revenue would be able to play at least one road game farther than tank of gas will get you but no. We've learned that USC going to play Syracuse at the Meadowlands is no way road game for USC but Bama fan conveniently skips that USC is going to Boston College this year. That he forgets to mention.

Personally I've learned that Alabama fan gets drunk later in the day as uses movie quotes to make his point. He's so sauced I feel sorry for him and cut the line but like a wino he's back on his feet and feeling chippy. Till the booze kicks in I guess then he will try to sound tough and quote Bruce Wills from Die hard. lol
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May 27, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I wish more teams in general would play teams across the country. I'd prefer for these matchups to be against noncon opponents that they wouldn't regularly see in a BCS bowl (ie, no Pac12 vs B1G game, etc) that way we would see different teams and matchups.

I love the home and home series we have with Clemson every once in awhile, immediately hyped for the first game those years. Can't wait to play ND. I HATED that our series with Oregon was canceled, even though there was a good chance we lose both games (think we would've split).

I'm all for better NonCon games across the countries. USC-Bama, Michigan-Miami, Texas-FSU, UGA-UCLA. Whatever it is, give me more high-level football


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Me neither but we have learned a few things. Apparently Alabama plays local Jr Colleges because it just can't afford to travel to Michigan State or USC or Oregon or anywhere where there's a team with a pulse . You'd think the school with the highest recruiting budget and top three in revenue would be able to play at least one road game farther than tank of gas will get you but no. We've learned that USC going to play Syracuse at the Meadowlands is no way road game for USC but Bama fan conveniently skips that USC is going to Boston College this year. That he forgets to mention.

Personally I've learned that Alabama fan gets drunk later in the day as uses movie quotes to make his point. He's so sauced I feel sorry for him and cut the line but like a wino he's back on his feet and feeling chippy. Till the booze kicks in I guess then he will try to sound tough and quote Bruce Wills from Die hard. lol

So in two years we will travel to Dallas to yet again play a team without a pulse, is that what you're saying?:agree:

Tell you what, when you can come back and CLEARLY KNOW what you are saying, let us know. Till then maybe you shouldnt post since I being knee deep in a bottle the other night had more clear and concise arguments than you did without drinking. Posting movie quotes in a line of text is clearly not out of bounds on a message board, and if you feel it is then you have bigger issues than meets the eye.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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We've learned that USC going to play Syracuse at the Meadowlands is no way road game for USC but Bama fan conveniently skips that USC is going to Boston College this year. That he forgets to mention.

Lol, nobody ever said that USC playing Syracuse in the Meadowlands wasn't a road game. You're the one with the ridiculous opinion that Bama vs Michigan in Dallas is not a road game.

Which I guess I can understand since this home and home thing is so important to you that
you've invented a return trip to Fresno State for USC.

Have you invented dates for the Arkansas State and Idaho away games yet?