Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Oh man the boomers are the worst. Destroying everything they were given and tearing apart the generations that followed for struggling in their wake.
Also, in my experience - "oldschool" on a message board always equals rascist ****.
Have a nice 4th!
Lol I just noticed your profile and team affiliation. You're the idiot that's been kicked off of every Raven's board i've ever seen you on. You're complete garbage. Youre actually THE idiot that convinced me old-school was shorthand for "I wish we could still use racial slurs in public without judgement" on message boards. Fuckin' ****.
Sorry c,unt, there's nothing to you. Just unabashed stupidity, bigotry, and misogyny. Nothing fun or worth entertaining.Your momma rolled with Boomers, wonder if you can count that high ??? ......
You have nothing. Ad hominems don't count.And your experience consists of choosing an Acne medicine for your pimples....
You know nothing, respect nothing, honor nothing and you are Nothing....
So shut up Corky before you agitate your pimples, lame brain....
I don't understand what everyone is getting on his case about. When I was a kid, my grandmother used to take me to Fort McHenry all the time and one of the most moving displays was the one depicting the downing of a Concorde filled with Atilla the Hun and the Visigoths.
Also did you know that the American Revolution included battles in the war of 1812?
When was that?
Also did you know that the American Revolution included battles in the war of 1812?
Also: lol
And the rocket's red glareYes, like the famous battle where we defeated General Lee and the French at Cornwallis. Completely turned the tide of the French and Indian war.
Also: lol