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Training Camp 2013 Thread


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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So it's about that time to start prepping for the season. So far there haven't been too many reports, but the beat writers have been saying how competitive the 5 on 5 sessions have been. Most notably HB has looked really good and has been battling AI. I think HB could have a monster year with the 2nd Unit, because of his versatility.

Curry and Bogut have both been said to have looked extremely good so far. Bogut is finally healthy and moving well. Even AI said Bogut was pretty much beasting everyone during the practices (albeit, I don't think he had any real competition until the recent appearance of O'Neal).

In the future please feel free to post any relevant team articles or notes from Training Camp here.


Oct 30, 2010
McCovey Cove
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Btw, a banner should hopefully be up for approval. Just give me a couple of weeks.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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Per MT2, Myers said that if buy-out is reached with Kuzmic, he's guaranteed a roster spot. Leave's one spot open. Dedmon, Seth and Cam all vying for last spot.


Head Idiot In Charge
Sep 30, 2011
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Per MT2, Myers said that if buy-out is reached with Kuzmic, he's guaranteed a roster spot. Leave's one spot open. Dedmon, Seth and Cam all vying for last spot.

Here's a link in the chronicle re Bogut being 100% and to The Kuzmic angle

Sorta a strange quote from Myers,

(It's fun to see a lot of 7-footers walking around," Myers said. "That's what you want.")


I'd rather have skilled 6'10" guys vs a lot of random 7 footers skulking about, but that's just me.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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Here's a link in the chronicle re Bogut being 100% and to The Kuzmic angle

Sorta a strange quote from Myers,

(It's fun to see a lot of 7-footers walking around," Myers said. "That's what you want.")


I'd rather have skilled 6'10" guys vs a lot of random 7 footers skulking about, but that's just me.

Myers and Lacob in their short run here with the Warriors have been enamored with Size. The last two years drafting they took players who were all relatively big for their positions: Klay Thompson (6'7"), Charles Jenkins (6'3"), Harrison Barnes (6'8"), Festus Ezeli (6'11"), Draymond Green (6'7"), Ognen Kuzmic (7'1"), Nemanja Nedovic (6'4"). They traded Monta for Bogut.

I haven't really seen anything on the guy, but interested to see what he can do.


Jul 16, 2013
San Francisco Bay Area
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Myers and Lacob in their short run here with the Warriors have been enamored with Size.

Santa Cruz Warriors 2013-2014 roster "finally" has big size for certain positions as opposed to last season -- Darington Hobson (6-7), Jeremy Tyler (6-10), Mickell Gladness (6-11) and Hilton Armstrong (6-11). Looks like Warriors FO making sure we have size depth this time in the minors.


Head Idiot In Charge
Sep 30, 2011
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Day 4 , Bloody Noses

When was the last time we saw a Dub player set a monster screen to wipe out a player, or atleast knock them down?

Not sure I condone bloody noses to our own players, but I love the message it sends.

In the past La Tax would have been more worried about the gel in his hair or his sprayed on tan, this has to be a good sign.

Interesting blurb about Nedo's court time, "very good athlete with deceptive speed".

My question to Dub Nation is, will Nedo and Seth Curry benefit more from riding the pine, playing in the D League, or developing overseas?



Head Idiot In Charge
Sep 30, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Who's going to be the 15th man this year (ala La Tax?)

I remember watching Alexander his 1st few years on the Bucks, was surprisingly athletic.

Having Seth would be nice, another shooter.

Dedmon , 7 footer, size, rebounding, shot blocker, can shoot, what more could you ask for?

With Bogut, DLee, Speights, JO, Kuzmic, all seemingly ahead of him on the depth chart, it might be hard for young big.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 102,675.00
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Who's going to be the 15th man this year (ala La Tax?)

I remember watching Alexander his 1st few years on the Bucks, was surprisingly athletic.

Having Seth would be nice, another shooter.

Dedmon , 7 footer, size, rebounding, shot blocker, can shoot, what more could you ask for?

With Bogut, DLee, Speights, JO, Kuzmic, all seemingly ahead of him on the depth chart, it might be hard for young big.

I think there are 3 viable candidates, as I'm excluding Dedmon. He's still extremely raw and I don't think there are many teams (if any) that would stash him on the 15 man roster. He can easily just make his way to the D-League and the Warriors can monitor his progress there. He needs all the experience he gets.

I think this comes down to who shows the most during the training camp practices and games. Joe Alexander has already played in the NBA which gives him an advantage. He was a high draft pick and obviously had some talent to go that high. If he comes into camp in great shape, fully healthy and a non-stop motor, that may give him an edge for the team. I think his spot is a little redundant as it's going to be a challenge for MJax and Co. to even get Draymond Green on the court.

Cameron Jones is interesting. He's a guy who can hit the outside shot and plays with heart and hustle. At 6'4", he's a little undersized at the 2, but if he can show in training camp he can hang with the likes of Klay and AI on the defensive end, he may work his way on the team as a 3 and D specialist.

Seth is probably the front runner purely because of his ability to shoot the ball. The Dubs are looking to run an even more uptempo offense this year and he could easily slide in to play off the ball with AI running the show and big bro on the bench. If he's able to show he can handle the ball and act as an emergency PG, it'd be hard to say no. After Big Curry, there's not much depth at the 1. If Seth can show he can play some 1, I think the spot is his.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 102,675.00
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There's some good interviews on the link above with Jim Barnett. The most recent one is him interviewing Douglas and Nedovic. Nedovic's English is actually very good and he's able to give a great interview.

Interesting part is that when Barnett asks Nedovic what his position is, he emphatically said he's a 1. Also he knows about the "legend of Marciulionis" lol.
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Head Idiot In Charge
Sep 30, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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There's some good interviews on the link above with Jim Barnett. The most recent one is him interviewing Douglas and Nedovic. Nedovic's English is actually very good and he's able to give a great interview.

Interesting part is that when Barnett asks Nedovic what his position is, he emphatically said he's a 1. Also he knows about the "legend of Marciulionis" lol.

Listened to the group interview, someone asked Coach,

"How does he look?"

Coach, "He looks good, hasn't really done much.."

I had a good chuckle out of that.

Listening to Nedo speak, his English is 100x better than La Tax, if his game translates as well, the sky's the limit for this kid


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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$ 102,675.00
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Rusty Simmons is reporting the team has waived Cameron Jones. Everyone pretty much saw this coming. That leaves the last roster spot open to Dedmon, Curry2 and Alexander. Joe hasn't suited up yet for the W's because of an injury, so that's got to hurt his chances. Last spot coming down to Dedmon and Curry2.


Head Idiot In Charge
Sep 30, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Rusty Simmons is reporting the team has waived Cameron Jones. Everyone pretty much saw this coming. That leaves the last roster spot open to Dedmon, Curry2 and Alexander. Joe hasn't suited up yet for the W's because of an injury, so that's got to hurt his chances. Last spot coming down to Dedmon and Curry2.

Still early I know, but if it were up to me, I would try to find a taker for Baze.

A lottery protected 1st round pick in 2016 for Baze sounds good to me, Baze hasn't shown the leap forward I was hoping for from last year.

Instead of showing improved ball handling, better passing, or an outside shot, he just looks like one of the scrubs out there.

Dedmon , and SC2 would come cheaper. With FE out til FE, having another big who can give 6 fouls a night and play some defense would be more useful. SC2 could atleast stand in the corner and shoot 3's (and make them for us)


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Aug 17, 2011
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Still early I know, but if it were up to me, I would try to find a taker for Baze.

A lottery protected 1st round pick in 2016 for Baze sounds good to me, Baze hasn't shown the leap forward I was hoping for from last year.

Instead of showing improved ball handling, better passing, or an outside shot, he just looks like one of the scrubs out there.

Dedmon , and SC2 would come cheaper. With FE out til FE, having another big who can give 6 fouls a night and play some defense would be more useful. SC2 could atleast stand in the corner and shoot 3's (and make them for us)

Good idea, if we can do it (re: trading Bazemore). I doubt we could get a #1 for him (even protected), but I wouldn't mind getting a #2 if we could get that. Realistically, I can't see Bazemore getting much time this year, unless there are injuries that take out Curry or Thompson for extended time. And I agree with the assessment that he still is a very limited player offensively, probably more hype than reality. (Though I acknowledge that 3 preseason games is very little data to use to decide.)

A question nobody has brought up is "is it better off to leave our 15th roster spot open"? We're all assuming that we'll start the season with either Dedmon, Seth Curry or (longshot) Alexander filling the spot..... but I wouldn't be surprised if none of them fill it. I don't recall exactly how or when, but at some point contracts become guaranteed, and I'm pretty sure it's before the trade deadline. The Warriors might be better off leaving the 15th spot open - we have trade exceptions from the deal with Utah that would let us absorb a contract from another team, and it might be best to preserve that option by leaving a roster spot open.

Just a thought - I think that the Warriors probably will fill the 15th spot and work the contracts somehow to make sure they can create a roster spot if needed, but I wouldn't be totally stunned if none of the guys stick with the big team.


Jul 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I wouldn't be opposed to moving Bazemore either, I'm still not that impressed with him. His summer league exploits have yet to transfer successfully to actual NBA competition, even the crappy NBA lineups he's seen in preseason. He just always seems so out of control on offense with ill-advised shots, which is not what we need for a guy who might have to back up Curry. I'd rather have someone who knows their role and brings stability rather than flash without substance.

Meyers has already shown he can pretty easily turn a high second round pick into a low first round pick if needed, so trading him for a second rounder likely to be in the #31-#40 range wouldn't be terrible.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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$ 102,675.00
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Good idea, if we can do it (re: trading Bazemore). I doubt we could get a #1 for him (even protected), but I wouldn't mind getting a #2 if we could get that. Realistically, I can't see Bazemore getting much time this year, unless there are injuries that take out Curry or Thompson for extended time. And I agree with the assessment that he still is a very limited player offensively, probably more hype than reality. (Though I acknowledge that 3 preseason games is very little data to use to decide.)

A question nobody has brought up is "is it better off to leave our 15th roster spot open"? We're all assuming that we'll start the season with either Dedmon, Seth Curry or (longshot) Alexander filling the spot..... but I wouldn't be surprised if none of them fill it. I don't recall exactly how or when, but at some point contracts become guaranteed, and I'm pretty sure it's before the trade deadline. The Warriors might be better off leaving the 15th spot open - we have trade exceptions from the deal with Utah that would let us absorb a contract from another team, and it might be best to preserve that option by leaving a roster spot open.

Just a thought - I think that the Warriors probably will fill the 15th spot and work the contracts somehow to make sure they can create a roster spot if needed, but I wouldn't be totally stunned if none of the guys stick with the big team.

The reason I consider the Warriors likely to fill the spot is that whoever gets the last roster spot will likely not have a fully guaranteed contract. I believe last year Bazemore's contract acted the same way and wasn't guaranteed until a later part of the year.


Head Idiot In Charge
Sep 30, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Good idea, if we can do it (re: trading Bazemore). I doubt we could get a #1 for him (even protected), but I wouldn't mind getting a #2 if we could get that. Realistically, I can't see Bazemore getting much time this year, unless there are injuries that take out Curry or Thompson for extended time. And I agree with the assessment that he still is a very limited player offensively, probably more hype than reality. (Though I acknowledge that 3 preseason games is very little data to use to decide.)

A question nobody has brought up is "is it better off to leave our 15th roster spot open"? We're all assuming that we'll start the season with either Dedmon, Seth Curry or (longshot) Alexander filling the spot..... but I wouldn't be surprised if none of them fill it. I don't recall exactly how or when, but at some point contracts become guaranteed, and I'm pretty sure it's before the trade deadline. The Warriors might be better off leaving the 15th spot open - we have trade exceptions from the deal with Utah that would let us absorb a contract from another team, and it might be best to preserve that option by leaving a roster spot open.

Just a thought - I think that the Warriors probably will fill the 15th spot and work the contracts somehow to make sure they can create a roster spot if needed, but I wouldn't be totally stunned if none of the guys stick with the big team.


Here's the thing, besides his bench celebrations and being known for his car + Popcorn, what exactly has he done as a pro / best know for? His hustle, length, and decent defense.

He isn't the worst 15th man around, but could we do better? Always.

Baze isn't going to get PT this year, barring injuries. I can't see getting consistent playing time at any of our spots. He is going to be a Santa Cruz Dub more often this year vs a Golden State Dub.


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Sep 26, 2011
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Myers and Lacob in their short run here with the Warriors have been enamored with Size. The last two years drafting they took players who were all relatively big for their positions: Klay Thompson (6'7"), Charles Jenkins (6'3"), Harrison Barnes (6'8"), Festus Ezeli (6'11"), Draymond Green (6'7"), Ognen Kuzmic (7'1"), Nemanja Nedovic (6'4"). They traded Monta for Bogut.

I haven't really seen anything on the guy, but interested to see what he can do.

If 6 foot 3 is big monta must be big