Well-Known Member
That's an interesting question. It could be related to the player salaries too. When Musial, Aaron, Robinson and other guys were playing they were making good money, but not life changing money so maybe it was more important to them to stay at the top of their game for longer. When you see some of these guys today you wonder if getting 100s of millions of dollars takes the edge off for when they are in their late 30's.But that’s the way it should be. My question is more about the ones that aged gracefully. Did the times they play in allow for it??
Steroid era, you can easily look at Clemens and bonds and say why they had a second prime.
But second primes are very rare. Players like Stan Musial who declined in his 30s, but was still able to be above league average in his 30s. Was that more on him being so good or his era being weak enough to allow a stud to age gracefully.