YEAH JEETS!!!!!!111
LOL @ Tenshit.
wtf did I just see ?
LOL @ Tenshit.
wtf did I just see ?
Is this really what yall want to see happen to Cena? The GM and a wannabe Asian double team him?
the opening segment was awesome. but sucks Lesnar will be gone for awhile.
Pros from last nights show: CM Punk/Daniel Bryan feud to start? This will be some AMAZING matches. Hopefully they run with this and gives these two a decent length feud because it can be great.
CONS from the show: Cena/Laurenitis/Tensai feud? No thank you, the only and i mean ONLY wrestler/GM feud that has worked and will ever work is Stone Cold vs McMahon. Plus, Tensai and Laur are both boring as hell.
Lesnar is gone for a little bit
overall the show sucked.
LOL @ this. WWE website playing up the injury angle and saying that HHH arm isn't broken like originally thought and just severely sprained. Meanwhile Brock is currently suspended I guess.
I can see Triple H vs Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam.
Have Bryan/Punk feud until SummerSlam.....Then at SummerSlam put Bryan over..Guaranteed you get a reaction like Orton did when he won his first title at SS vs Benoit. Even though Orton was a heel the crowd went nuts..One of the best pops.