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tOfficial SportsHoopla Wrasslin' Thread.

Sep 7, 2011
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Saw this post on reddit, I approve

"I had a brain storm... here's the deal, since they're about the put out Albert's Japanese stereotype, I figured out how they should do it...

So Tensai is undefeated, and so is a certain wrestler from Planet Funk! They both come face to face, Tensai yells some Japanese at Clay, Clay grins and responds with a slow nod "Funky!" as if he knew every bit of what Tensai was talking about. A match is held between the two, 15 minute time limit, they go to a draw.

I know, two big guys for 15 minutes, but wait, it's worth it!

So one week, the match, then they go head to head in a brawl in the back the same night, security separates them, another match is made and during it, Brodus wins, but Tensai doesn't move afterword.

Clay's music is still playing when Tensai comes to, he's shaking his head, and he's looking around, like he's listening to the music. He starts to grove a little but shakes it off.

The following week Tensai looses another match, but this time he takes the loose out on whoever it is he beat, lets say Kofi, and Clay saves him. During the save, Clay hits Tensai with his finishing move, and Tensai is out again. Clay and Kofi leave and Tensai comes to with Clay's music still going. He's shaking his head, rubbing it, looking around and starts to groove a little.

Following week or so, Clay finds Tensai in the back, they go face to face. It's then a tag match playa! Clay and Kofi vs Tensai and his trainer.

Tensai out first, then Clay's music hits. Tensai starts moving to the music. We know it's in him. Clay gets in, does his thing, and Tensai is dancing a little. Clay catches him, grins, and they go at it again. Clay wins but this time, while the music is playing, he pulls Tensai up. Clay gets him to dance with him, but he then runs out, holding his head in his hands. Clay then follows him out, shouting "Come back man, come on!"

Next week, Clay is being introduced by his Funkettes, but he stops them, comes out and says he's found the Soulosaurus... ALBERT! The two become a bad ass, Funk and Soul tag team that brings legitimization back to the tag team titles

tl;dr: Brodus Clay beats Tensai so bad he comes back as Albert the Soulosaurus!"


YEAH JEETS!!!!!!111
Dec 19, 2009
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Any news on Alex Shelley??


YEAH JEETS!!!!!!111
Dec 19, 2009
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TNA removed him from their website. No news on where he's headed. I'd have to assume somewhere in WWE.

Rumor was he wanted to go New Japan and didn't expect WWE to call. I really hope he comes aboard. WWE needs an infusion of new blood.


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Jan 31, 2011
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Rumor was he wanted to go New Japan and didn't expect WWE to call. I really hope he comes aboard. WWE needs an infusion of new blood.

WWE should try to sign Shelley and Sabin. Need some new energy in the tag division.


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Update On Alex Shelley's Future Wrestling Plans And Interest From WWE - WrestlingInc.com

Sources close to Alex Shelley report that he did receive phone calls from WWE recently but reports of him signing with WWE or even agreeing to terms are said to be premature. The same sources say that Shelley allowing his TNA contract to expire had nothing to do with WWE.

Shelley's original plans when deciding to leave TNA were to work for New Japan Pro Wrestling and maybe Dragon Gate USA. WWE did recently show interest and he was not expecting that to happen when he let his TNA deal expire. Shelley had been working on a deal with New Japan for some time and was apparently close to signing it when WWE called.


Chiefs Baby Chiefs!!!
Aug 2, 2011
South Omaha
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TNA was great for the Rudd vs. Sting then Devon vs. Jeff. Then just went downhill from that. Gut Check went to long. Brooke's spot just suck. Last part I was ready for a bleep bomb out of Dixie.


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Paul Heyman's Twitter Rant

Paul Heyman – The Need for Hustle Today – 2012MAY31 (via tweets from @heymanhustle)

I look at some of these pics, and I realize how blessed I was in my career. Some guys have to wait forever for a lucky break.

I managed @AustinIdolLive and Tommy Rich at the age of 21. Also The Orig Midnights, which I got to do on @ESPN.

Got to book Windy City at 22 years old. Eddie Gilbert's assistant booker at same age.

Got to debut in WCW on TBS at 23 years old.

So I was @JRsBBQ color commentator at 23 years old. NO ONE IS GIVEN THAT OPPORTUNITY IN TODAY'S ENVIRONMENT!

I will admit, with all modesty, I #Hustled my ass off, and GOT MYSELF the opportunity with ambition, politics, and pure assertiveness.

Even "down periods" would give me the chance 2 work w/ people like Mean Mark. U know him as "The Undertaker

At 26, I managed @SteveAustinBSR, Rick Rude,Arn,Eaton, Zbyszko ... The Dangerous Alliance (didn't forget @Madusa_Rocks)

I'm working with these legends, these giants of the industry, these absolute top guys in my 20s ...

In today's system, most super talented people spend a great portion of their 20's just trying to make it onto the main roster ...
... and yes, that has to change ...

I got to take over the creative of #ECW a week after my 28th birthday

By the time I became @JRsBBQ commentator on @WWE #Raw in 2001, I was 35 years old. STILL a "kid" ...
... but I was already a veteran with decades in the business, and yet a 35 year old today would just be getting that chance ...
... and working with @JRsBBQ on #RAW allowed me to commentate Wmania 17 and @SteveAustinBSR vs @TheRock ...

By the time I worked with Brock Lesnar, which has become my best known managerial role, I was 36 years old ...

I look at some of these pics and videos #HustleTweeters send me, and I realize what an amazingly blessed career I've had ...

I've had more lucky breaks, more open doors, more perfect-storm-timing-opportunities than anyone else I've known.

These pics don't just remind me of "accomplishments," they remind me of what a lucky bastard I've been to be able to work with these magnificent people, and play these roles, under these various circumstances.

I've hit the lottery so many times, it's easy to just "expect" the next opportunity, or get a sense of entitlement.

But I've never felt entitled. Always blessed. Privileged. Lucky as all Hell
And yet, I know how much hard work goes into it, and how you have to SCORE with your opportunities.

The next generation in this (or any other business) doesn't just need to "Step Up," they need to "Stand Up" and "Get Noticed!"

Think it was easy for @CMpunk? Think it was easy for @WWEDanielBryan? They had to scratch and claw and fight for every inch of turf they could pry away from the previous generation, who made them fuckin' earn it!!!

It's not about backstabbing. It's not about kissing ass. It's not about pulling a hot stunt and getting momentary publicity.

It's about creating your own opportunity (like @SteveAustinBSR did with "Stone Cold") and working harder than everyone else looking for the big break, the next chance, the golden opportunity.

This isn't a pep talk. It's the lay of the land as I see it in today's sports entertainment industry.

I would have written a blog, but who knows if anyone will click on the link?
And while this may be a "stream of consciousness" diatribe, it's a message to those who may be getting frustrated, a message to those who may be wondering "will I ever get that chance? that break? that opportunity?"


Do you think @SteveAustinBSR relied on anyone? Did HHH? Did @TheRock? Did Hulk Hogan? Did @CMpunk?

With great humility, I ask you, did I? FUCK NO. If there was no opportunity, I created my own, pushed my way in, manipulated the circumstances to beg, borrow, plead, blackmail, bribe, cajole, threaten, bullshit and/or manufacture.

All I wanted was a mic in my hand and a time frame in which I had to deliver my message. I knew I would score.

I've seen it in this business for ages.

I saw @ShawnMichaels go from tag team wrestler to greatest all around in-ring performer ever. Think it was easy for him?

I remember when Shawn and Marty were blackballed in the business, and could only work in Ala-fuckin-bama.

Think it didn't take @ShawnMichaels everything "and then some" to break out of The Rockers and get a chance as "HBK"?

AMBITION. ASSERTIVENESS ... and the ABILITY TO BACK IT UP is what it takes to create the next generation of main eventers.

The talent is there. The opportunity has never been more widespread. The need for new main eventers is readily apparent.

"DOCILE" and "COMPLACENT" and "HUMBLE TO A FAULT" won't cut it.
While a dose of humility is always needed, that "main event confidence" is just as important.

And it's time for the next group of superstars to stake their claim and create their own generation for others to follow.

Period. Excla-fuckin-mation point. The lecture is over. Pontification has ended. Hope I've been of help TO ANYONE who follows this acct.
... and maybe even to someone who doesn't!
Sep 7, 2011
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If RAW is 3 hours they should just get rid of Smackdown, because it has been beyond horrible for a good while now.


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Jan 31, 2011
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Punk confirms that there will be a new WWE title debuted and it will happen sooner than we think.:whoo:

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Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
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to that Heyman rant...

It's all true. the talent today sucks and since Heyman is currently employed by the WWE, it is clear there is frantic behind the scenes because the roster is so depleted and there isn't anyone ready yet to jump to the main event status, and it seems like the young wrestlers today don't have that hunger in them to become main eventers.

why doesn't WWE reach out and get Colt Cabana again? With Punk as the top star, imagine the matches those two could have. If you think Punk/Bryan are great matches, I would imagine Punk/Cabana would be amazing.


Jul 28, 2010
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Raw is in Greenville, SC tonight, and Flair has been spotted in the area. He's probably just visiting his buddy HHH, but you never know. Vince is getting desperate these days.


YEAH JEETS!!!!!!111
Dec 19, 2009
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Raw is in Greenville, SC tonight, and Flair has been spotted in the area. He's probably just visiting his buddy HHH, but you never know. Vince is getting desperate these days.

I'm sure that VKM could afford his bar tab, it's a possibility.