A Raw without Tensai? I guess that experiment is over.
How is it possible for Raw to get worse and worse every week?
bOrton just got suspended 60 days for his 2nd Wellness Violation.
A Raw without Tensai? I guess that experiment is over.
bOrton just got suspended 60 days for his 2nd Wellness Violation.
I used to watch every week> Now I DVR it. When I watch it most of the time it on Fast Forward. Or I go to Wrestling News - WWE News, TNA News, and Latest Wrestling News for all the news and matches.
Women Matches total SUCKS! TNA women matches are way better.
When it goes to three hours is there enough guys. Or will they push more DVD's to buy.
On storylines they never give them a chance. WWE needs to stick to it and not change after 1 or 2 weeks.
Impact is live tonight and starts an hour earlier