Boy you can sure tell it's football season. A lot of empty seats at the safe...T-Mobile. Watching in the 4th inning and the sacks have been loaded for 5 different hitters. Lots of ops for grand salami time but only hitting singles but it's 5-0 M's bottom of the 4th. They finally decided to bench Nova and bring in the pen. Seager walks to load em up again with only 1 out.
BTW: Aaron drives me nuts (it's a short when he calls a game. He should have his own "talk" show cuz he spends more time talking about everything besides the game that's going on right in front of him. He spends more time talking about "other" stuff and advertising commercials than he does about the game play. His goofy laughing and then when he goes ballistic with his screaming bugs the hell out of me too.
I can see why Blow tunes him out much of the time. I know a lot of you don't like Sims, but I sure the hell prefer him over Goldsmith any day!! OK, done with this rant. 
BTW: Aaron drives me nuts (it's a short when he calls a game. He should have his own "talk" show cuz he spends more time talking about everything besides the game that's going on right in front of him. He spends more time talking about "other" stuff and advertising commercials than he does about the game play. His goofy laughing and then when he goes ballistic with his screaming bugs the hell out of me too.