Did that not make sense? I totally got it. You want even leads. If you are up by 2 a solo HR doesn’t hurt and if you’re up by 4 a grand slam can’t beat you. What did I miss?
Because he said to bunt him over and try to make the score 3-1 because with an even number lead a grand slam won't beat you. At 3-1 a grand slam would make it 3-5 and it would beat you. Fucking wazzu math or what?
Well Dipoto and his side kick can put another entry into the record books. 21-1 loss is the worse loss in all franchise history. Apparently the rebuild hasn't started yet. Wonder just how bad it will get before they hit "bottom" and start improving?What a joke
All right a little break from the doom and gloom of this season,
Kyle Lewis! You couldn't have scripted a better way for a rookie to come up and make his debut!
What this kid has gone through with injures ( I still would trade him if the offer was right)
All right a little break from the doom and gloom of this season,
Kyle Lewis! You couldn't have scripted a better way for a rookie to come up and make his debut!
What this kid has gone through with injures ( I still would trade him if the offer was right)