Purveyor of Justice

The difference is that Bush and his family were proven to have violated NCAA rules. If Winston is found guilty of the r*pe, then yes, take his Heisman. Until then, no.
I could be wrong but isn't he just being investigated by FSU for violating student conduct policy. The actual r*pe investigation is not ongoing, therefore no criminal charges will be coming from this
Disagree. Bush was convicted of NCAA violations. Winston's if convicted would be criminal. Winston broke no NCAA rules and shouldn't have to suffer a penalty.
Isn't the Heisman Trophy non-affiliated with the NCAA?
I have a sneaky feeling Mr. Winston does not take his own exams.
I also believe he does not take no for an answer.
Congrats - someone has emerged who appears dumber and more embarrassing than Pryor did.
I think it's hilarious actually. Not a fan of his, but let him be a college kid for Christ's sake!
If it looks like a duck.....
A black guy I work with hates Winston and Nick Marshall, he says every time they speak on tv they set black people back 30 years.
So stealing, raping, shooting shit with a bb gun, and yelling out Vulgar obcentities on a table in public is just being a College Kid ?
You are lost.