John: 8:36
see whatchoo did there Reg...

In his defense, crab legs are awesome.
If he were the most talented quarterback ever, which he isn't, I wouldn't want him on my team even as a backup.
Of course the other story is he asked someone the managers name and told clerk that the manager (named him) said he could take whatever he wanted.
The kid is a slimeball
Well considering you root for ND no worries there. They have not had a decent QB in 30 yrs. Especially one who could carry Winston's jock strap.
Where are you getting this story at? Nowhere in the Tally news or anywhere else have I seen that. And I am reading anything I can find on this.
The story from the Leon County Sherrif's Office which made the citation (Not TPD) said that he placed his order with Publix(Not frozen legs, but steamed) and then left the store after paying for the items he already had. Then went back to pick up his order. Supposedly(Operative word) he had about 15-20 people getting autographs and taking photos with him when he was picking up his order. He then left the store while signing autographs and such.
No matter what happened he should have returned to the store once he realized he forgot to pay for them. Yes I am assuming he did forget. Once it was known he should have gone back and paid. I can say this having done that before getting gas(Long time ago). Forgot to pay and went about my business. Realized the next morning I did not pay because I had 40 bucks still in my wallet. Went back to the gas station and paid.
T- Shirt Fan to the Defense Campaign Rescue once again.![]()
Who would want to carry his jock strap? If the police catch you with it you could be holding evidence for a crime!![]()
Hey it is Superior Mother coming to call me a t-shirt fan. Obsessed much? FSU, Winston, or FSUmanager and you are all over it like white on rice. Truly pathetic.