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tOfficial Dallas/Refs/Lions/NFL/Roger/Pete suck thread


T&R Refugee
Aug 4, 2014
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But at the same time dallas looked like absolute trash as well half the game. So..what were you saying? Logic, bro.

Logic then says that dallas was the better team for 1.5 quarters, and I guess the score reflects that.



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I guarantee you if Dallas would have had a three point lead, had the ball and this very call go against them. Then Detroit scored with 2:32 to go in the game to take the lead, then Romo fumbled away the ball. The only thing you would be hearing right now is how bad Romo choked again. There would be no mention of the picked up flag. Haters are going to hate. I mean come on people the Lions still had the lead, was to damn chicken to go for it on 4th and one, couldn't stop Romo on 4th and 6 or third and goal from the 6. Not to mention didn't score a single TD the final three quarters, but this one call cost them the game. I guess you can all assume the lions even score if the call had stood, but you know what they say about assuming.


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Jul 22, 2014
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Lol,......he still needs to drop another 100 lbs.,......he should be about 180 for his height.


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Hmm,......maybe he's trying to grab all those Texas electoral-votes (for 2016)....like he grabs every donut .....!?


Supporting Member Level 3
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I guarantee you if Dallas would have had a three point lead, had the ball and this very call go against them. Then Detroit scored with 2:32 to go in the game to take the lead, then Romo fumbled away the ball. The only thing you would be hearing right now is how bad Romo choked again. There would be no mention of the picked up flag. Haters are going to hate. I mean come on people the Lions still had the lead, was to damn chicken to go for it on 4th and one, couldn't stop Romo on 4th and 6 or third and goal from the 6. Not to mention didn't score a single TD the final three quarters, but this one call cost them the game. I guess you can all assume the lions even score if the call had stood, but you know what they say about assuming.

TWICE! Fumbled the ball away TWICE on the last drive.

You are spot on. No one would care about the call, they would be talking about Romo choking. Romo didn't choke, so the next best thing is to pick a single play and bitch about it.

Don't forget they could have also stopped Dallas on 4th and 1 from the goal line. Twice Dallas went for it on 4th and got it.


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TWICE! Fumbled the ball away TWICE on the last drive.

You are spot on. No one would care about the call, they would be talking about Romo choking. Romo didn't choke, so the next best thing is to pick a single play and bitch about it.

Don't forget they could have also stopped Dallas on 4th and 1 from the goal line. Twice Dallas went for it on 4th and got it.

Exactly, and Detroit didn't even try on 4th and one with the lead. Like I said haters going to hate, IMO Dallas wanted it more.


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Exactly, and Detroit didn't even try on 4th and one with the lead. Like I said haters going to hate, IMO Dallas wanted it more.

If it is 3 and 1, you are in the lead and around midfield (not FG range, not punt range), and you aren't planning on going for it on 4th and 1 then don't try a fade to a TE downfield.

Caldwell just showed that he isn't a good coach there.


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IF, IF, IF anything is fixed then the evidence for the fix WOULD NOT be an obvious call or no call like the one you saw in Dallas last week.

Picking up a flag on a controversial play IS the worst way to fix a game (and not get caught) I could ever imagine.


'Tis but a scratch...
May 9, 2013
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Originally Posted by UK Cowboy
It is pretty hysterical. There was a holding call on Witten that brought back a TD and running into the punter call that was very questionable. If the Cowboys had lost and then whined about those calls, there would have been crickets. The PI call went Dallas' way, but when it happened, the Lions had the lead and the ball. As you said, move on and win

Neither of those were questionable. Dallas played the better game, they won...but cowboys fans acting like that wasnt shiesty? Just admit it was an awful call. None of you have any credibility trying to defend that.

Exactly my point. Seems like 0.05% of Dallas fans want to admit that the call was crap, when 99.95% of the football world says it was. Did Dallas play the better game ultimately, outside that call? Yes. But the honest fan has to say "we lucked out on that flag being picked up."
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'Tis but a scratch...
May 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Exactly, and Detroit didn't even try on 4th and one with the lead. Like I said haters going to hate, IMO Dallas wanted it more.

Caldwell's defense of the decision was that he wanted to pin Dallas deep in their own zone and put the game in the hands of his team's strength -- the defense. Can't really blame him. The shanked punt by Martin of course ruined all that.

UK Cowboy

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You make a comment "you can't do it, it's in the rule books" and I point out another case that is not enforced because it has little bearing.

And I lack common sense.

Do male Seahawk fans use tampons in their asses?

You may need to defer on this Ford. If any fan base should know what PI looks like, it's Seattle. Their DB's have more contact than that on every play:L


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Exactly my point. Seems like 0.05% of Dallas fans want to admit that the call was crap, when 99.95% of the football world says it was. Did Dallas play the better game ultimately, outside that call? Yes. But the honest fan has to say "we lucked out on that flag being picked up."

IMO the call should have been defensive holding on Hitchens and facemask on Pettigrew. Offsetting penalties and redo third down. Was it a break for Dallas? Sure, but there were some questionable calls on both sides. That no call was not the reason the Lions lost, they just didn't play well enough to win. I even saw a poster on here saying how often is facemask called on a receiver, well in week 17 Murray had a big run called back because he grabbed a defensive players facemask. Bad calls happen to every team, this wasn't the first against the Lions and it won't be the last.


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Exactly my point. Seems like 0.05% of Dallas fans want to admit that the call was crap, when 99.95% of the football world says it was. Did Dallas play the better game ultimately, outside that call? Yes. But the honest fan has to say "we lucked out on that flag being picked up."

The handling of the call was crap. not calling PI was correct. 99.9% of the time, that is called DPI and it shouldn't be. It was more clearly a hold, but the handcheck-hold early in the play is let slide quite often. We most certainly lucked out having the flag picked up, because the receiver always gets the benefit of the doubt. If it appears any contact is made, the flag is thrown almost every time.

If the flag isn't thrown and the announcement isn't made, no one remembers that play but a small number of people. The handling is the issue. There wasn't a clear cut mugging or DPI going on, there was shoving and hand-checking by both players and refs should let it slide.

R.J. MacReady

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I would agree that very few Cowboys fans predicted this much success.

However, there were some of us that did not buy in to the doom and gloom that so many had predicted.


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Aug 19, 2013
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You are a trollster and I will respond with that in mind.

IMO, Dallas matches up better against Seattle than any other NFC team so far this year.
With that in mind, at the Clink Seattle eliminates either Dallas or GB, whoever comes for a visit.

Totally agree with the Dallas part of this. I think Dallas matches up very well with Seattle. The only problem is that the difference in the talent level between the 2 teams is probably too much for Dallas to overcome if they end up meeting. The GB matchup with Sea may not be great from a GB point of view, but Rodgers is the X Factor and elite QBs can overcome any matchup problem.


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Apr 19, 2013
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Logic then says that dallas was the better team for 1.5 quarters, and I guess the score reflects that.


I never denied that. Dallas won the game and they deserve the credit, for fighting back and doing what was necessary to win. At the end of the day though you are coming across as detroit sucked for half the game and dallas didnt. They each sucked one half and dallas squeaked out a victory. There was no dominant team here. Sorry shouldnt have been rude in my original post.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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Exactly my point. Seems like 0.05% of Dallas fans want to admit that the call was crap, when 99.95% of the football world says it was. Did Dallas play the better game ultimately, outside that call? Yes. But the honest fan has to say "we lucked out on that flag being picked up."

Yeah thats really all Im asking. Dallas fans are being quite ridiculous making excuses about an obvious penalty instead of just admitting it. Can you imagine if suh would have run out on the field to argue the call with his helmet off? He would have been ejected, the lions penalized, he would be facing a stiff fine and probably a suspension,..and oh the world would be talking all week what a piece of shi he is. Unreal.