New Member
lmao I'm sure...
why were they recording him signing the autographs? if they taped him 3 times, why not tape him accepting the money too. the story sounds like complete bs imo
"Proof of Authenticity"
I think that a lot of this shit is just so fuckin stupid, but he brought 99 percent of this on himself.
Things are looking grim for his future as a FB player.
Pro teams that actually fit his skillset may not want anything to do with him.
There will never be another Freshman Heisman winner as long as we live b/c of him.
TM you said you didn't think so before today... What say you now?
Kirk Herbstreit said:This is either the most outrageous story or he's the dumbest human being to ever play college football.
Three things bother me about all this "breaking news"
1. ESPiN running this story like it's Watergate. This is not a "news" organisation and they have a history or reporting rumors and hear-say like it was fact. This is the same organisation that covered the trajic death of Manti Teo's girlfriend and pressed the story about Mike Leach abusing players and all the Adam James crap.
2. Sports Brokers trying to shake down ESPiN and others with video that's so compelling that no one wants to buy it. They waited until right before practice to start leaking "info" probably because they knew ESPiN and the other talking heads woun run full speed with it. Now they are refusing to cooperate with the NCAA. Either they are sitting on what they think is a paycheck or they realized that what they did is illeagal.
3. Obviously the University knows enough that JFF is still the starter and they lawyered up which means that this will drag out all year.
My prediction: nothing comes of this but a lot of talk.
It was reported that he wanted new rims for his auto.
1) Hearsay is certainly not applicable when they have him on video signing and making statements. They don't have the actualy money exchanging hands, agreed. But they seem to have everything else.
2) This may well have been a set-up and a shakedown. It has the appearances of such, agreed. But - So What? Even if it is, it still doesn't absolve the fact that your beloved qb threw his entire team under the bus for $7500.
3) If the University covers this up simply in an attempt to delay - then they are just as culpable as the media organization you are criticizing for covering up stories.
Final arguments: Why is he secretly in a Connecticut hotel room signing autographs for people who will sell them? Why does a broker even know about this? Why did nobody else know about this until now, if it was all legit (including your coach apparently)? Why were his recorded words saying "If you tell anybody about this I will not DEAL with you anymore."??? The word "deal" has a certain meaning, and it usually does not encompass the goodwill heart of an immature kid who has always put himself first.
Way too much smoke for their not to be a fire here.
They don't have him on video. A broker claims to have a video, showed it to one guy at ESPiN in an attempt to make money off of it. If it was such a damming video it would be looped all day on sports center and our broker could afford to move his merch stand a little closer to the food court.
University not covering up. They lawyered up. When the NCAA launches an investigation that would be a good idea.
Secret hotel location?come on hizzle, for one of the biggest haters even you can't buy into this horse hockey.