Active Member
Spot on with your comments...I did far worse than what's been reported about JM.
The problem, if you will, is CFB is far more visible today. Only one guy gets to win that HT award, and right or wrong, you are held to a higher issue, no big deal, 2 issues, okay not a huge deal, anymore than that is a pattern, and I think that's where JM is...a pattern of questionable behavior...all while wearing the highest individual crown in CFB.
Being a public underage drinker is just not the message he needs to portray.
He is not portraying that. The media and all the nit-Twits are the ones making his every move public. WTF? Is he supposed to let others, along with the modern technology, dictate his life? Fuck that! I commend the young man for living his life, mistakes and all.