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tOfficial 2015 NBA Draft/Free Agency Thread


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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the emotion is so strong that is just totally blinds him to the actual concrete facts.

but ya- id be a little angry too if my team just pissed away the best chance they will have for the next half decade to get out of the East....
U haven't given any facts. Its all opinion just like ours. The facts are he signed a 2 year deal with a player option after this year. He is year to year and he can leave when ever he wants. His track record proves that we are right and that you are blind as hell. Love signed the 5 year deal and he thought LBJ was doing the same. Love could of did the same thing and have player options but he didn't because LBJ was staying for the Long haul. thats not the case now with a year to year contract. LBJ is not all in with Cleveland. That is a FACT.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Think what u want but track record speaks for its self. He has move 2 times already. If u don't win one in the next 2 years he is gone. Have fun with that and worrying about him leaving any year. U are blind if u think he won't leave. That is who he is. He runs away.

As epic as the hilarity that would ensue if he left again would be, I think he stays in Cleveland for the rest of his career whether they win a title or not. Lebron is very mindful of his image/legacy (even if it doesn't always seem that way). After "The Decision," if he were to leave Cleveland again, it would destroy his image/legacy forever.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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Yes this makes sense- you found better players for the minumum then the mid level exception- and couldnt have found someone to help with the midlevel exception.

I mean- do you even read what you are writing? No one on Gods green earth could objectively come to that conclusion.

and the Anthony stuff is by far the most ridiculous- you give the guy 30 million- instantly regret because he sucks- and have to attach a first round pick to get rid of it because ARison doesnt want to pay the contract.

its just unreal. it makes my head want to explode. This is not difficult stuff here. If you let your bias down for half a second you would concede its absoutely correct.

Oh shit, Wiggy's wrong again...

Joel Anthony Contract, Salary Cap Details & Breakdowns | Spotrac

Joel Anthony's 5-year, $18 million deal with Miami could include some rings - Las Vegas Sun News

"Anthony, a former UNLV center, recently signed a five-year, $18 million contract extension with the Heat."


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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There was no one around in free agency that was going to put the Heat over that 2014 Spurs team[/B]. It's been mentioned to you ad nauseam and you simply refuse to listen, which is why we have so much fun at your expense. Who could Miami have signed, that was available for the MLE that would've put them over the 2014 Spurs? I'm waiting.

WAIT- now your argument is- we werent gonna beat the Spurs anyway so- why spend the money?

Why EVER Sign anyone then? OMG...this has just gone to a different level of stupidity.....just dissolve half the league

we werent gonna win anyone so why spend? un real man...just unreal.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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WAIT- now your argument is- we werent gonna beat the Spurs anyway so- why spend the money?

Why EVER Sign anyone then? OMG...this has just gone to a different level of stupidity.....just dissolve half the league

we werent gonna win anyone so why spend? un real man...just unreal.

No you gullible fuck tard. There wasn't anyone available to sign for the MLE that was worth the asking price. Who was Miami going to sign? I'm waiting you boring fuck.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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There was no one around in free agency that was going to put the Heat over that 2014 Spurs team. It's been mentioned to you ad nauseam and you simply refuse to listen, which is why we have so much fun at your expense. Who could Miami have signed, that was available for the MLE that would've put them over the 2014 Spurs? I'm waiting.

The Heat could have brought in prime MJ and prime Kareem to add to Lebron and D-Wade and I don't think they could have beaten the Spurs. That was as close to sustained perfection as we are likely to ever see in a finals series again.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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As epic as the hilarity that would ensue if he left again would be, I think he stays in Cleveland for the rest of his career whether they win a title or not. Lebron is very mindful of his image/legacy (even if it doesn't always seem that way). After "The Decision," if he were to leave Cleveland again, it would destroy his image/legacy forever.
Why not a 3rd time. Makes no sense. I also think he stays but with these year to year contract he keeps the door open for leaving. The guy makes enough money so its not about the money with him. Its about giving him a way out if things go bad. He isn't 100% committed to cleveland. If so just sign the 5 year deal.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 42,000.00
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hes going year by year until the cap jumps up - and then will sign a freaking humongous 5 year deal that takes him from his age 31 to 36 seasons STARTING at like 30M a year.......lets hope he ages like Duncan and not Kobe- and hope the Cavs continue to take a lot of the same precautions that Pop has taken in SAS with Duncan...

He'll prob go year to year, every year.

That's his pattern now.

Good riddance.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Oh shit, Wiggy's wrong again...

Joel Anthony Contract, Salary Cap Details & Breakdowns | Spotrac

Joel Anthony's 5-year, $18 million deal with Miami could include some rings - Las Vegas Sun News

"Anthony, a former UNLV center, recently signed a five-year, $18 million contract extension with the Heat."
shit- i meant to write 20- but think about that

you signed a guy to a terrible deal. ARison did not want to pay him. So you attached an asset- a 1st round pick- just to save money.--- not to get better- to save on your tax bill.

your arugment about the midlevel exception is- we couldnt have beat the spurs anyway- so why try?

your arugment on Miller is- well he wasnt any good anymore- when he goes to Memphis the next year- and plays great.

anywhere else these arguments would not cause anyone to blink an eye. HEre they are wrong because I said them.

its just so stupid its unbelievable.

Thank GOD the Cavs will smash all these teams anyway.


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,550.00
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The Heat could have brought in prime MJ and prime Kareem to add to Lebron and D-Wade and I don't think they could have beaten the Spurs. That was as close to sustained perfection as we are likely to ever see in a finals series again.

It really was. I think the sublime perfection those Spurs played with in that series is going to be slowly forgotten overtime. Those of us who really watched the series will have to remind other fans of that years from now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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The Heat could have brought in prime MJ and prime Kareem to add to Lebron and D-Wade and I don't think they could have beaten the Spurs. That was as close to sustained perfection as we are likely to ever see in a finals series again.

If the Spurs had to have a debate on which title felt the best, 2014 has to be in their mind. They beat the only team to ever beat them in a Finals, and did it in the most beautiful fashion. I work with a ton of Spurs fans (classy group btw) and I couldn't even be embarrassed by that series beat down. It was perfection.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 42,000.00
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WAIT- now your argument is- we werent gonna beat the Spurs anyway so- why spend the money?

Why EVER Sign anyone then? OMG...this has just gone to a different level of stupidity.....just dissolve half the league

we werent gonna win anyone so why spend? un real man...just unreal.

Argument is factually stated as there was nobody to get that would have improved the roster.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
$ 654.00
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shit- i meant to write 20- but think about that

you signed a guy to a terrible deal. ARison did not want to pay him. So you attached an asset- a 1st round pick- just to save money.--- not to get better- to save on your tax bill.

your arugment about the midlevel exception is- we couldnt have beat the spurs anyway- so why try?

your arugment on Miller is- well he wasnt any good anymore- when he goes to Memphis the next year- and plays great.

anywhere else these arguments would not cause anyone to blink an eye. HEre they are wrong because I said them.

its just so stupid its unbelievable.

Thank GOD the Cavs will smash all these teams anyway.

LOL. You misunderstand my argument, as usual. Keep on keeping on, Wiggy. Let the voices inside your head console you. Looking at your posts, they're giving you valuable advise.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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The Heat could have brought in prime MJ and prime Kareem to add to Lebron and D-Wade and I don't think they could have beaten the Spurs. That was as close to sustained perfection as we are likely to ever see in a finals series again.
your right- why sign anyone then? lets dissolve 75% of the teams...if you dont have the chance to win the title why spend at all?

I mean its as simple as it can be. Right before LeBron goes to free agency- the heat amnesty miller, leave their mid level exception open, and waste a first round pick to cover up their mistake of giving Joel Anthony a 5 year horrendous contract.

but yah....Im wrong. all that stuff above is total and complete bullshit that does not make any season and is not grounded in any type of reason.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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He'll prob go year to year, every year.

That's his pattern now.

Good riddance.
Yes because he is about himself and not the team. It gives him a way out. Like I said its not about money with him its about the safety net. He will have a player option every year. Why not give a team option because he wants all the control. He wants to know that he can leave when ever he wants.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 42,000.00
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Yes this makes sense- you found better players for the minumum then the mid level exception- and couldnt have found someone to help with the midlevel exception.

I mean- do you even read what you are writing? No one on Gods green earth could objectively come to that conclusion.

and the Anthony stuff is by far the most ridiculous- you give the guy 30 million- instantly regret because he sucks- and have to attach a first round pick to get rid of it because ARison doesnt want to pay the contract.

its just unreal. it makes my head want to explode. This is not difficult stuff here. If you let your bias down for half a second you would concede its absoutely correct.

If you could name a player that we could have got that would matter I'd like to hear it.
We didn't need a better 10th or 11th man on the bench (aka Mike Miller).


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,550.00
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Yes because he is about himself and not the team. It gives him a way out. Like I said its not about money with him its about the safety net. He will have a player option every year. Why not give a team option because he wants all the control. He wants to know that he can leave when ever he wants.

Anyone remotely as good as LeBron putting a team option in the contract would be an idiot.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 42,000.00
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Yes because he is about himself and not the team. It gives him a way out. Like I said its not about money with him its about the safety net. He will have a player option every year. Why not give a team option because he wants all the control. He wants to know that he can leave when ever he wants.

Last summer is the blueprint of why he isn't worth fucking with anymore.
Riley made an amazing recovery.
If he would have left the Cavs this year (which I know wasn't happening), Gilbert never recovers.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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Anyone remotely as good as LeBron putting a team option in the contract would be an idiot.
I agree, what Im saying is he wants all the control by going year to year. It gives him a chance to jump ship. Why not sign a deal like he did in miami. have a player option after year 2 and year 4. That shows that he is committed to the team and he can still back out and get paid more.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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He'll prob go year to year, every year.

That's his pattern now.

Good riddance.

I can see Lebron maybe doing that again next summer. The cap jumps next summer and then another big jump the following summer. A 5-year max deal in the summer of 2017 will be even greater than a 5-year max deal next summer. Of course, there will likely be a lockout in the summer of 2017.