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tOfficial 2015 NBA Draft/Free Agency Thread


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Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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you really believe that I dont know what I am talking about when it comes to the collective bargaining agreement and salary? really? I just gotta throw my hands up on that one....

Yes. Your comment on how Arison is a cheap ass and Riley's inability to get an abundance of depth and talent around Lebron similar to what Cleveland's done says it all.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Yes, you knowing that a player on the team you follow has a contract that becomes guaranteed on August 1st means that you have the entire CBA on lockdown and absolutely no one knows the CBA and cap like you do.

We're all in awe of your incredible grasp of the entire NBA. How is it that some team hasn't snapped you right up to solve all of their salary cap and CBA issues?

Why do you bother to post here with all of us morons who are unable to grasp how incredibly brilliant you are? It must be very frustrating for you.
did you read your comment on it? you thought there was a better chance and the contract had more value at the trade deadline- when there has been weeks upon weeks- literally- articles going as far back as last summer that correctly explained it- Now should I be given myself credit when there were LITERALLY DOZENS of articles and i knew what was going on and you didnt? maybe not- but you were certainly in the majority of people that did not fully understand what the Haywood contract really was all about- despite it prominently being in the NBA news going back as far as last year when LeBron signed and the CAvs made the deal for it.


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Yes. Your comment on how Arison is a cheap ass and Riley's inability to get an abundance of depth and talent around Lebron similar to what Cleveland's done says it all.
well - and correct me if I am wrong

in LEBrons walk year Arison amnestied a guy- and left his MLE open- and squandered a first round pick to get rid of Anthony's contract to save cash.

you asked for a couple concrete things- and I gave you 3. Apparently they dont count though.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Yes, you knowing that a player on the team you follow has a contract that becomes guaranteed on August 1st means that you have the entire CBA on lockdown and absolutely no one knows the CBA and cap like you do.

We're all in awe of your incredible grasp of the entire NBA. How is it that some team hasn't snapped you right up to solve all of their salary cap and CBA issues?

Why do you bother to post here with all of us morons who are unable to grasp how incredibly brilliant you are? It must be very frustrating for you.
I said that one was example out of many and challenged you to find EVEN ONE where I was wrong. Its something you cant do because it doesnt exist.

If I was to think myself- the only thing that I can think of was me hoping a HAywood deal would get done before the moratorium ended- when in fact - its pretty rare to see trades like that go down before the moratorium ended- you do see them- like the Cavs last year unloading jack and zeller and karasev- or the suns unloading morris and company to the pistons this year- but in all likeilihood a haywood deal was never getting done before July 9th- and I was getting concerned because it was not done by then.....other than that- I cannot think of anything- and that is certainly not a black and white factual mistake.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Yes, you knowing that a player on the team you follow has a contract that becomes guaranteed on August 1st means that you have the entire CBA on lockdown and absolutely no one knows the CBA and cap like you do.

We're all in awe of your incredible grasp of the entire NBA. How is it that some team hasn't snapped you right up to solve all of their salary cap and CBA issues?

Why do you bother to post here with all of us morons who are unable to grasp how incredibly brilliant you are? It must be very frustrating for you.

you dont think it would be frustrating to post something you know its factually correct- and for someone to say- your wrong- and then people jump on that bandwagon out of personal spite?

like- not opinion things- like ACTUAL black and white factual things- lol.....id laugh if it wasnt just so damn sad.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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God...its like talking to freaking children

did you watch Kevin Love this year? Kevin Love is not freaking LeBron James- EVERYBODY took the guaranteed money besides LeBron- Butler, Aldridge, EVERYONE- especially Love with his back issue concerns.

I mean there is all this speculation about Butler taking a 1 year deal to go back into free agency- he takes the guaranteed cash- and then you have the outright stupidity to ask why Love didnt go year to year? for shits sake man! pay fucking attention. Your OWN guy did the same thing- and he is younger than Love and with less injury concerns....honestly sometimes explaining this CB stuff makes me think i am speaking with down syndrome patients.
Its not year to year when its a player option, man u are dumb.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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did you read your comment on it? you thought there was a better chance and the contract had more value at the trade deadline- when there has been weeks upon weeks- literally- articles going as far back as last summer that correctly explained it- Now should I be given myself credit when there were LITERALLY DOZENS of articles and i knew what was going on and you didnt? maybe not- but you were certainly in the majority of people that did not fully understand what the Haywood contract really was all about- despite it prominently being in the NBA news going back as far as last year when LeBron signed and the CAvs made the deal for it.

You got one thing right about when a contract becomes guaranteed for a guy on your team and that makes you a "cap expert." Just can't make this shit up.

As Heatles pointed, pretty much everything you've ever posted about Miami re: the cap shows just how little you understand.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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well - and correct me if I am wrong

in LEBrons walk year Arison amnestied a guy- and left his MLE open- and squandered a first round pick to get rid of Anthony's contract to save cash.

you asked for a couple concrete things- and I gave you 3. Apparently they dont count though.

They don't count because they aren't valid.
Roster was upgraded where the amnesty took place.
Veteran minimum players signed who were better then then mini mid level offered.
Its really not that hard.

You keep going back to the ridiculous Miller amnesty thing (which wasn't true)because you read a report, but keep ignoring the reported fake back surgery story?

Why would that be?:lol:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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you dont think it would be frustrating to post something you know its factually correct- and for someone to say- your wrong- and then people jump on that bandwagon out of personal spite?

like- not opinion things- like ACTUAL black and white factual things- lol.....id laugh if it wasnt just so damn sad.

I think most crazy people get frustrated because they think they're the only one's who aren't crazy.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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You got one thing right about when a contract becomes guaranteed for a guy on your team and that makes you a "cap expert." Just can't make this shit up.

As Heatles pointed, pretty much everything you've ever posted about Miami re: the cap shows just how little you understand.
Heatles asked me to find any example of ARison being cheap and I gave him 3 off the top of my head without even doing any real research.--- PUHHLEEZE


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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Think whatever you want, but he knows exactly what he is doing. He wont stop pushing Dan's buttons until they win a championship, the reason for a short-term contract. He isnt going anywhere, especially with all these young guys signed long-term.
Think what u want but track record speaks for its self. He has move 2 times already. If u don't win one in the next 2 years he is gone. Have fun with that and worrying about him leaving any year. U are blind if u think he won't leave. That is who he is. He runs away.


Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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I know people are hating on the Clippers- and while i guess i understand it- Its not their fault the guy had a change of heart and wnated to come back....

but really- that roster beat the Spurs- and since then they added Stephenson and Pierce. Clippers are no joke...

that top 4 in the west is freaking brutal- spurs okc gsw and clips.....


is one of the very best starting lineups out there---- and Pierce is such a great bench guy in the playoffs...definitely have a little scum on them- but that is a damn good team that is going to have a reason to rally around eachother next year....

I an very happy.

We are probably 4th best in the West...maybe 5th with Memphis.

They wont beat the Spurs again, nor the Warriors or Healthy Thunder.

But, they have a good starting 5 and don't have to depend on the jump in cap to build the roster.

Instead, they can add the piece that gets them into the Championship conversation next year.

As for all the Hate?

Who cares...the Clippers have never been well recieved.

Jason Kidd did the same thing to Cuban just 3 years ago. But, he was a shell of himself so nobody really cared.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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well - and correct me if I am wrong

in LEBrons walk year Arison amnestied a guy- and left his MLE open- and squandered a first round pick to get rid of Anthony's contract to save cash.

you asked for a couple concrete things- and I gave you 3. Apparently they dont count though.

Bitch, I as well as others have explained to you about the Miller situation already in great detail. Why's Arison going to pay a guy a $6+ million salary to sit on the bench where he to pay nearly triple in luxury taxes to have him?

Difference between being cheap and smart with your money. Like I said, for as bad as Riley and Arison failed as you described, 4 finals trips and 2 titles were a result. Let me know where the Cavs' titles are, I did a google search and I couldn't find anything.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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They don't count because they aren't valid.
Roster was upgraded where the amnesty took place.
Veteran minimum players signed who were better then then mini mid level offered.
Its really not that hard.

You keep going back to the ridiculous Miller amnesty thing (which wasn't true)because you read a report, but keep ignoring the reported fake back surgery story?

Why would that be?:lol:

Yes this makes sense- you found better players for the minumum then the mid level exception- and couldnt have found someone to help with the midlevel exception.

I mean- do you even read what you are writing? No one on Gods green earth could objectively come to that conclusion.

and the Anthony stuff is by far the most ridiculous- you give the guy 30 million- instantly regret because he sucks- and have to attach a first round pick to get rid of it because ARison doesnt want to pay the contract.

its just unreal. it makes my head want to explode. This is not difficult stuff here. If you let your bias down for half a second you would concede its absoutely correct.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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Think what u want but track record speaks for its self. He has move 2 times already. If u don't win one in the next 2 years he is gone. Have fun with that and worrying about him leaving any year. U are blind if u think he won't leave. That is who he is. He runs away.

I agree with you partially. I think he'll resign next year as well in a 5-year deal. But that contract will have a player opt out every season. If it doesn't work out in Cleveland where other teams have improved to the point they're better than the Cavs, Lebron will know the team has little flexibility and will bounce.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Heatles asked me to find any example of ARison being cheap and I gave him 3 off the top of my head without even doing any real research.--- PUHHLEEZE

And they were all wrong. Maybe you should have done some research.

Yes. Your comment on how Arison is a cheap ass and Riley's inability to get an abundance of depth and talent around Lebron similar to what Cleveland's done says it all.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 42,000.00
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Yes. Your comment on how Arison is a cheap ass and Riley's inability to get an abundance of depth and talent around Lebron similar to what Cleveland's done says it all.

Obviously we were talent less.
The other 29 teams let us win 2 rings and appear in 4 straight Finals.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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Yes this makes sense- you found better players for the minumum then the mid level exception- and couldnt have found someone to help with the midlevel exception.

I mean- do you even read what you are writing? No one on Gods green earth could objectively come to that conclusion.

and the Anthony stuff is by far the most ridiculous- you give the guy 30 million- instantly regret because he sucks- and have to attach a first round pick to get rid of it because ARison doesnt want to pay the contract.

its just unreal. it makes my head want to explode. This is not difficult stuff here. If you let your bias down for half a second you would concede its absoutely correct.

There was no one around in free agency that was going to put the Heat over that 2014 Spurs team. It's been mentioned to you ad nauseam and you simply refuse to listen, which is why we have so much fun at your expense. Who could Miami have signed, that was available for the MLE that would've put them over the 2014 Spurs? I'm waiting.


Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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I think most crazy people get frustrated because they think they're the only one's who aren't crazy.

Crazy people don't know they are crazy?

Dman, that's..........crazy..lol


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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And they were all wrong. Maybe you should have done some research.
yes Trojan....you must agree with Turnup that the Heat could find better players with the minumum than the midlevel exception- and that leaving the midlevel exception unused had no effect on the talent they could put together.

I mean seriously- do you even read this stuff? If this was anyone but me writing this it would be accepted as fact without a second glance. A kindergartner could understand it.