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tOfficial 2015 NBA Draft/Free Agency Thread


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Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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who was the HEats other point guard besides Chalmers? who was their center besides Anthony?

I mean- it comes down to- they have their core- of LeBron/Irving/Love- and have chosen to give money to Thompson and Shumpert- money that looks big now- but very soon will look very reasonable when the cap goes up----- the reality is you cant have 10 million dollar players all over your roster- though they have definitely tried..lol....as a heat fan you know better than anyone- the holes that you have are filled by vets ring chasing- and you hope you get more battiers than you get lewis' ...... having said that- the Cavs depth of Varejao, Mozgov, Thompson, Shumpert, Mo- is actually pretty damn good to have behind a big 3- certainly better than anything Miami had- would u disagree Heatles?

The bolded in no way does that answer the questions I just provided - you're deflecting. The depth you provided is deeper on the front line than what Miami had. However, Miami had more in terms of 3-point shooters and depth at the 2-3 positions. Miami didn't need to rely on having a legit PG at the time as Wade and Lebron dominated the ball. Let's take the money that those 2 (Shumpert and TT) are making out of the equation. The Cavs are so high over the cap that they'll still be over it even after the cap jumps next year.

The point I'm trying to make is at some point Lebron will break down. Yes, Miami had to rely on veterans at the end of their careers looking to play for a discount with a chance to wing a ring. This is how Miami was able to sign the likes of Rashard Lewis, Ray Allen, Chris Andersen, and Shane Battier to help out. With that being said, Miami had to rely on Lebron to play a lot; something Cleveland is having to do given the lack of depth at the 2 and 3. The players you mentioned are good and all, but outside of Shumpert, you can't plug any of them into the (shooting) guard or forward spots.


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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The bolded in no way does that answer the questions I just provided - you're deflecting. The depth you provided is deeper on the front line than what Miami had. However, Miami had more in terms of 3-point shooters and depth at the 2-3 positions. Miami didn't need to rely on having a legit PG at the time as Wade and Lebron dominated the ball. Let's take the money that those 2 (Shumpert and TT) are making out of the equation. The Cavs are so high over the cap that they'll still be over it even after the cap jumps next year.

The point I'm trying to make is at some point Lebron will break down. Yes, Miami had to rely on veterans at the end of their careers looking to play for a discount with a chance to wing a ring. This is how Miami was able to sign the likes of Rashard Lewis, Ray Allen, Chris Andersen, and Shane Battier to help out. With that being said, Miami had to rely on Lebron to play a lot; something Cleveland is having to do given the lack of depth at the 2 and 3. The players you mentioned are good and all, but outside of Shumpert, you can't plug any of them into the (shooting) guard or forward spots.
well the CAvs also arent done- as they will probably bring back JJ- and possibly bring back Smith or trade for another wing with the haywood deal. --Joe HArris was a guy they drafted to develop to eventually be a backup 2 as well--- and Mo Williams certainly can play on the court with Kyrie - as can Delly- as Delly did a lot of the time......

they do need a backup 3 type though- which MArion was supposed to be but wasnt- its why I really loved the idea of trading for Ross or Ariza with the Haywood deal.....

I would say their priority right now is to find a wing that can play some D- and vet minimum 3 pt shooters like a JJones who actually did a nice job last year-


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I disagree with you on the Kobe/LeBRon/Duncan stuff in that- LeBRon has a few nice things going for him- A and B being that he has Love and Kyrie- who can carry a lot of the load.....and I mean- you saw it this year- LeBron sat out 2 weeks to get healthy, and sat out other games- and played a career low in minutes.

the CAvs are going to take care of him- and having a very expensive supporting cast around him is part of that- not too mention all the precautions they are taking.

plus - LeBron can just morph into a point forward 4- --- shooting guards go quick- LeBron has the size where he can just move into the post a lot- plus his distributing is freaking MILES ahead of Kobe.

Lebron has nice things going for him as long as A and B stay healthy, which they haven't exactly done so far. You've even alluded to Love's back issues and we know that Kyrie hasn't finished a season since his junior year of high school.

If those 2 can stay healthy, then the Cavs will be able to rest Lebron and hopefully avoid him ending up with his body breaking down from all of the mileage. The problem that some of you Cavs fans don't seem to want to acknowledge is that neither of them have shown that they can stay healthy.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
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its so frusterating that because people have a personal bias against me- they just reflexively put a winner sticker like Chief Lakers fans did on Purguys comment- that is so patently wrong its ridiculous.

I just need to realize that peoples personal bias' mean WAY more to them than the actual facts. Its so ridiculous.

i need to just realize- especially when it comes to the CBA- that people believe the little snippets they want to believe and brush away the rest as too complex to understand and act like it isnt real...

LMFAO, whatta friggin' crybaby...:Cry:

since when have "facts" EVER mattered to you...?

DO stop...:L


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I am far from infallible- and admit when I am wrong like when I seriously doubted Dragic would shoot 50% from the field- and plenty of others- but when when it comes to the salary cap and the machinations that accompany it- I can say without reservation I have not seen anyone on these message boards that has a lack of understanding near mine.



Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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The bolded in no way does that answer the questions I just provided - you're deflecting. The depth you provided is deeper on the front line than what Miami had. However, Miami had more in terms of 3-point shooters and depth at the 2-3 positions. Miami didn't need to rely on having a legit PG at the time as Wade and Lebron dominated the ball. Let's take the money that those 2 (Shumpert and TT) are making out of the equation. The Cavs are so high over the cap that they'll still be over it even after the cap jumps next year.

The point I'm trying to make is at some point Lebron will break down. Yes, Miami had to rely on veterans at the end of their careers looking to play for a discount with a chance to wing a ring. This is how Miami was able to sign the likes of Rashard Lewis, Ray Allen, Chris Andersen, and Shane Battier to help out. With that being said, Miami had to rely on Lebron to play a lot; something Cleveland is having to do given the lack of depth at the 2 and 3. The players you mentioned are good and all, but outside of Shumpert, you can't plug any of them into the (shooting) guard or forward spots.

Depending who they get in the deal will probably be SF/SG or Jr, Mo can play the SG at times. It is thin but their depth at the PF/C is 10x better than the Heat ever had. They are much more balanced team, they just need some more shooters at the 2.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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LMFAO, whatta friggin' crybaby...:Cry:

since when have "facts" EVER mattered to you...?

DO stop...:L
you put WINNER on a comment that was so obviously false its ridiculous. If I had said that exact same comment- the EXACT same comment- you would have likely put the exact same emoji im quoting you now.

the actual FACTS matter MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH less to you then backing up someone that is attacking me- the facts be damned- I mean- seriously- how could you possibly look at that ocmment and mark it a winner besides out of total ignorance? there is no other explanation besides being a hater.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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you put WINNER on a comment that was so obviously false its ridiculous. If I had said that exact same comment- the EXACT same comment- you would have likely put the exact same emoji im quoting you now.

the actual FACTS matter MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH less to you then backing up someone that is attacking me- the facts be damned- I mean- seriously- how could you possibly look at that ocmment and mark it a winner besides out of total ignorance? there is no other explanation besides being a hater.

Goddamit, CL. Now he's having a bitch fit. This is all your fault.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
$ 100.00
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you put WINNER on a comment that was so obviously false its ridiculous. If I had said that exact same comment- the EXACT same comment- you would have likely put the exact same emoji im quoting you now.

the actual FACTS matter MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH less to you then backing up someone that is attacking me- the facts be damned- I mean- seriously- how could you possibly look at that ocmment and mark it a winner besides out of total ignorance? there is no other explanation besides being a hater.

so now you're gonna tell me how to rate posts...?

you...DO realize that we only offer up OPINIONS around here...?

you've been COUNTER-facted to death around here and it's NEVER mattered to you...

and btw, you ALSO realize we're in AMERICA, where we're ALLOWED to have a difference of opinion, right...?

as i said earlier, you're simply being a CRYBABY. so put on your big boy pants...

either that, or you DO have the option of the ignore feature...

this is sad...


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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so now you're gonna tell me how to rate posts...?

you...DO realize that we only offer up OPINIONS around here...?

you've been COUNTER-facted to death around here and it's NEVER mattered to you...

and btw, you ALSO realize we're in AMERICA, where we're ALLOWED to have a difference of opinion, right...?

as i said earlier, you're simply being a CRYBABY. so put on your big boy pants...

either that, or you DO have the option of the ignore feature...

this is sad...
your right. It is your right as an American to be as stupid as you want to be. I have no right to tell you to pay attention to the facts.

Carry On..... (and I am sure you will in brilliant fashion)


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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i mean you can troll me on that fact but you know its true

Actually, it's not even close to true and that is a fact that has been shown over and over, in painstaking detail by turnup and others.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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Actually, it's not even close to true and that is a fact that has been shown over and over, in painstaking detail by turnup and others.
you really believe that I dont know what I am talking about when it comes to the collective bargaining agreement and salary? really? I just gotta throw my hands up on that one....


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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Actually, it's not even close to true and that is a fact that has been shown over and over, in painstaking detail by turnup and others.
i argue with turnup over a lot of things- but more often than not we are on the same page about salaries and the CBA....

I have absolutely zero clue what you could even be referencing- for instance me educating you on the haywood contract yesterday and you LIKING the post is a PERFECT example.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
$ 100.00
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your right. It is MY right as an American to be as stupid as I want to be. I have no right to tell you to pay attention to my spins.

Carry On..... (and I am sure you will in brilliant fashion)


back to our regularly scheduled posting...


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
Fav. Team #1
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you really believe that I dont know what I am talking about when it comes to the collective bargaining agreement and salary? really? I just gotta throw my hands up on that one....

Yes, your posts have proven exactly that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Yes, your posts have proven exactly that.
id challenge you to find even ONE instance.

in the last 2 days you have LIKEd posts on cba anaylsis on Cuban and Haywood.

I will GUARANTEE you that you dont find one. There is a total difference between opinion- and actual factual CBA and salary stuff- and in regards to that- there is WITHOUT A DOUBT no one that posts on this website that has near the understanding of it that i do.

I just gave you two examples from the last 2 days.

Find me one counter.

Good luck. Because it doesnt exist.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
i argue with turnup over a lot of things- but more often than not we are on the same page about salaries and the CBA....

I have absolutely zero clue what you could even be referencing- for instance me educating you on the haywood contract yesterday and you LIKING the post is a PERFECT example.

Yes, you knowing that a player on the team you follow has a contract that becomes guaranteed on August 1st means that you have the entire CBA on lockdown and absolutely no one knows the CBA and cap like you do.

We're all in awe of your incredible grasp of the entire NBA. How is it that some team hasn't snapped you right up to solve all of their salary cap and CBA issues?

Why do you bother to post here with all of us morons who are unable to grasp how incredibly brilliant you are? It must be very frustrating for you.