Scotchy Scotch Scotch!
so I accepted this trade
Im the team on the right with McCoy and Miller

Not too bad Matty. Eventually Shady has to break through, and Heath's had a few great games the past few weeks.
yeah. Im good at TE and McCoy has not performed his best. I know he could be a beast for this guy but I get 2 RB that have averaged 15 points per game in my league and I have gotten 11 from McCoy and got 2 24 pt games from miller (one he was on the bench but it didnt cost me a win)
as soon as I saw it I just took it. didnt even go back on counter. this could give me a RB depth to fill out my extra slot and get me beyond the first couple playoff games.
Im excited for this one
There's not a lot about the Niners that impresses me. Also, is this the ultimate insufferable coach matchup?
There's not a lot about the Niners that impresses me. Also, is this the ultimate insufferable coach matchup?
No that would have been Super Bowl XLVII.
What's your deal, pix? I hope I still have that much enthusiasm when I'm 62 like Pete.
Sherman pwnes Kaep, it's just that simple.
that was quite a stat...
between Sherman and Thomas, they had nine passes thrown their way tonight.
- 1 completion for 7 yards.
- 2 interceptions