What fans say on a message board actually has no impact on any game. The same is true of what commentators say in a booth.Love reading through these in the morning after wins. Couple things, can you guys please quit trying to jinx the king. "should be a sweep" "3 nights in a row with 7 innings pitched" God stop that! Who knew Dave Simms posted on these boards..........
Maybe their season flashed before their eyes on that flight into texas cause the last two nights the pitching staff has been nails!
Lastly, Millers not great defensively, but its nice seeing that 300 average. I feel good when he steps to the plate, can't say that about k nino or LOBMo (left on base not to be confused with legion of boom)
I'm of the same mind about Miller. If he keeps hitting, then I'm not in a huge hurry to replace him, though if push comes to shove with a trade of one of our young SS, I'm not sure what I'd do. Tough choices ahead.