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Thomas quote "We're different, we live to a different standard"


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Apr 23, 2013
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Would you stop crying? The hit that Kam put on Davis a couple of years ago wasn't illegal either but I didn't cry over it getting called. If the refs see hard contact and something that looks like a whiplash then a flag is going to be thrown. That's how the league works these days.

So when I point out how bullshit the statement that it "was just one bad call" and support my argument with evidence and video, now I'm crying? :L


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Jul 17, 2013
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Screw this bullshit! I'm not looking in the rear view window. My sights are on Arizona.


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Apr 23, 2013
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TG is right. Let's move on as we have bigger fish to fry.


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Jul 16, 2013
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So when I point out how bullshit the statement that it "was just one bad call" and support my argument with evidence and video, now I'm crying? :L

Yes, you're crying. If you haven't noticed, they don't only look at the technique when throwing flags these days. They look at the result of the hit and if there's a whiplash then they're going to throw the flag. That's how it works in every game. I wish the guys could just jump up and go on their merry way after being decleated but the brain injuries add up and I don't want to watch guys ruin their lives for my entertainment.


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Apr 22, 2013
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hey the forty whiners need something to cry about to make them "feel better" Not only are they out of the playoffs LMAO they have been OWNED by Pete and company since Jim Harbaugh became their coach ( Seattle 6 wins 49ers 3 wins ). They ( Whiner fans ) thought a superbowl was coming and now they are just a piss poor team with a piss poor QB and no future. :pound:


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Apr 22, 2013
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Back on the topic

So i went back and looked at the teams the 85 Bears played. They had a pretty cushy schedule playing only 6 teams that ended with a record above .500. the other teams had a .373 winning percentage. The Bears did have a 5-1 record against those winning teams but they did not beat a team with more than 11 wins ( lost to the 12-4 Dolphins big ). They Gave up 176.3 passing yards per game ( Seattle gives up 183 in a Pass heavy league)

The Bears were a great Defense one of if not THE best but lets not get to forgetful of who they were playing back then, like the 2-14 TB*, 4-12 Atl, 5-11 Indy, 7-9 Min*, 7-9 Det*, 8-8 GB*. The teams on their Schedule had a Winning pct of .473 Not bad, about average Sos where as the Hawks is .534 against some extremely powerful offenses Like Phily, Denver, GB, Dal, just to name a few. Also that .534 winning pct should rise the last two weeks. Im going to guess it will be around .545 when the regular season is over. ( * denotes division opponent )

The only reason i bring this up is because so many of us ( me included ) forget just who those bears played. Yes they had a great Defense but when you take into account of who they played and WHEN they played what the Hawks Defense is doing is on par easily with what the Bears D did.

One thing many forget is that Bears team Averaged 28+ points a game on offense. They had a offense that was scoring a ton of points per game for that era also. This allowed them to win some game when teams put up 20+ points against them.

What made the Bears Defense go down in history though was not what they did in the regular season. It's what they did in the playoffs and totally INFLATED the memory of what they did. They only allowed 10 total points in 3 playoff games. That Defense playing in Todays game would still be pretty good but not anywhere near as good as they were back then. So that leaves you that to ponder. Seattle is right their WITH that Bears team but playing in an Era where everything is geared to HELP the offense gain yards and score points.
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Aug 12, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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hey the forty whiners need something to cry about to make them "feel better" Not only are they out of the playoffs LMAO they have been OWNED by Pete and company since Jim Harbaugh became their coach ( Seattle 6 wins 49ers 3 wins ). They ( Whiner fans ) thought a superbowl was coming and now they are just a piss poor team with a piss poor QB and no future. :pound:

Weird, I thought you were the one "crying" about how many penalties the Seahawks get called for a game compared to the others. But I guess that can't be right bc Seahawks doesn't rhyme with whine..:whistle:


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
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Weird, I thought you were the one "crying" about how many penalties the Seahawks get called for a game compared to the others. But I guess that can't be right bc Seahawks doesn't rhyme with whine..:whistle:

Nope, the Hawks earn those flags, the issue was teams were getting their season low for flags when playing a smash mouth team like the Hawks. That was the issue but as you are a Whiner fan that is just to cerebral for you to understand. It was NEVER about how many flags the Hawks got. Now fade into Obscurity like your team.


Aug 12, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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Nope, the Hawks earn those flags, the issue was teams were getting their season low for flags when playing a smash mouth team like the Hawks. That was the issue but as you are a Whiner fan that is just to cerebral for you to understand. It was NEVER about how many flags the Hawks got. Now fade into Obscurity like your team.

Gotcha, it's ok to whine about other teams penalties but not about your own penalties. Thanks for clearing that up!!:L


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Apr 22, 2013
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Gotcha, it's ok to whine about other teams penalties but not about your own penalties. Thanks for clearing that up!!:L

glad you totally don't get it. Here ill make it at a first grade reading level for you.

team............A..................B..................C....................D....... penalty count per game.
Game 1.........8..................9..................7.....................9
Game 2.........7..................7..................9.....................8
Game 3.........9..................6..................8....................10
Game 4.........12................8..................10....................6
Game 5.........7..................6...................6....................7
Game 6.........6..................9...................7....................7
Game 7.........7..................10..................8....................8
Vs Hawks......3..................4...................3....................3

See a pattern here? A known fact is when you play a smash mouth team penalties rise. Yes the Hawks get called for a lot of flags that is normal and no one is crying about that. What they are talking about is the lack there of being thrown on the opponent. Refs are so busy watching for what the Hawks do wrong that blatant and OBVIOUS penalties on other teams are being ignored. As fans you can only accept a league apologies so many times before it's just BS and costed you wins. isn't it funny that almost every one of the Hawks opponents have their lowest penalty totals for a game AGAINST the Hawks? Now if 4 or 5 out of say 16 had then its not so much a story but when 90%-95% of your opponents are getting close to 50% LESS flags when they play the Hawks then there is an issue.

I know it's hard to get what we are saying but that's because the IQ in Washington State is almost twice that of your 49er fan base. But hey if you add up the IQ of everyone in Levi stadium you could make a dozen Washingtonians LMAO.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Back on the topic

So i went back and looked at the teams the 85 Bears played. They had a pretty cushy schedule playing only 6 teams that ended with a record above .500. the other teams had a .373 winning percentage. The Bears did have a 5-1 record against those winning teams but they did not beat a team with more than 11 wins ( lost to the 12-4 Dolphins big ). They Gave up 176.3 passing yards per game ( Seattle gives up 183 in a Pass heavy league)

The Bears were a great Defense one of if not THE best but lets not get to forgetful of who they were playing back then, like the 2-14 TB*, 4-12 Atl, 5-11 Indy, 7-9 Min*, 7-9 Det*, 8-8 GB*. The teams on their Schedule had a Winning pct of .473 Not bad, about average Sos where as the Hawks is .534 against some extremely powerful offenses Like Phily, Denver, GB, Dal, just to name a few. Also that .534 winning pct should rise the last two weeks. Im going to guess it will be around .545 when the regular season is over. ( * denotes division opponent )

The only reason i bring this up is because so many of us ( me included ) forget just who those bears played. Yes they had a great Defense but when you take into account of who they played and WHEN they played what the Hawks Defense is doing is on par easily with what the Bears D did.

One thing many forget is that Bears team Averaged 28+ points a game on offense. They had a offense that was scoring a ton of points per game for that era also. This allowed them to win some game when teams put up 20+ points against them.

What made the Bears Defense go down in history though was not what they did in the regular season. It's what they did in the playoffs and totally INFLATED the memory of what they did. They only allowed 10 total points in 3 playoff games. That Defense playing in Todays game would still be pretty good but not anywhere near as good as they were back then. So that leaves you that to ponder. Seattle is right their WITH that Bears team but playing in an Era where everything is geared to HELP the offense gain yards and score points.

Dude, the Bears had 65 sacks that year. And that was down form the previous year. 65. That's absolutely ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Dude, the Bears had 65 sacks that year. And that was down form the previous year. 65. That's absolutely ridiculous.

I do not understand your comment and what you put in bold from my post. Yes they had 65 sacks and that is great, i never said it wasn't. Thing is that Bears teams offense was a scoring machine making teams play catch up 90% of the time because of that defense. When you force teams to throw you can pin back your ears and send a very heavy pass rush all day long correct? It wasn't like teams could run on the bear front what was it they ran a 46 or something like that. That 46 defense has 8 people in the box 90% of the time.

If a Defense tried to run the 46 against a team i was coaching i would go with 4 wide and stack my WR/TE on each side of the field. This would make them take one of their LB off the field and force the SS out of run support and into coverage against a WR or TE. Now you got a lot of space in the middle for a power RB. It also would then cause havoc to that defense to run screens from that formation on miss direction plays. ( reminds me of the JL Williams Long TD off of a miss direction screen against the Bears ).

That Defense wouldn't work against Today's multiple spread offenses, Sure going up against the normal 21 set it would be perfect ( 2 TE and a RB with 2 WR ) But if they Put those WR/TE out on the numbers and they can run, look out. Also i never said they wouldn't be a good defense. Just not as good as they were back then. The Rules how you play against the offense is the biggest change here.
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Aug 12, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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glad you totally don't get it. Here ill make it at a first grade reading level for you.

team............A..................B..................C....................D....... penalty count per game.
Game 1.........8..................9..................7.....................9
Game 2.........7..................7..................9.....................8
Game 3.........9..................6..................8....................10
Game 4.........12................8..................10....................6
Game 5.........7..................6...................6....................7
Game 6.........6..................9...................7....................7
Game 7.........7..................10..................8....................8
Vs Hawks......3..................4...................3....................3

See a pattern here? A known fact is when you play a smash mouth team penalties rise. Yes the Hawks get called for a lot of flags that is normal and no one is crying about that. What they are talking about is the lack there of being thrown on the opponent. Refs are so busy watching for what the Hawks do wrong that blatant and OBVIOUS penalties on other teams are being ignored. As fans you can only accept a league apologies so many times before it's just BS and costed you wins. isn't it funny that almost every one of the Hawks opponents have their lowest penalty totals for a game AGAINST the Hawks? Now if 4 or 5 out of say 16 had then its not so much a story but when 90%-95% of your opponents are getting close to 50% LESS flags when they play the Hawks then there is an issue.

I know it's hard to get what we are saying but that's because the IQ in Washington State is almost twice that of your 49er fan base. But hey if you add up the IQ of everyone in Levi stadium you could make a dozen Washingtonians LMAO.

Brings up IQ but still fails to grasp the hypocrisy of complaining about other fans whining about refs, while simultaneously whining about refs!! :clap:


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I do not understand your comment and what you put in bold from my post. Yes they had 65 sacks and that is great, i never said it wasn't. Thing is that Bears teams offense was a scoring machine making teams play catch up 90% of the time because of that defense. When you force teams to throw you can pin back your ears and send a very heavy pass rush all day long correct? It wasn't like teams could run on the bear front what was it they ran a 46 or something like that. That 46 defense has 8 people in the box 90% of the time.

If a Defense tried to run the 46 against a team i was coaching i would go with 4 wide and stack my WR/TE on each side of the field. This would make them take one of their LB off the field and force the SS out of run support and into coverage against a WR or TE. Now you got a lot of space in the middle for a power RB. It also would then cause havoc to that defense to run screens from that formation on miss direction plays. ( reminds me of the JL Williams Long TD off of a miss direction screen against the Bears ).

That Defense wouldn't work against Today's multiple spread offenses, Sure going up against the normal 21 set it would be perfect ( 2 TE and a RB with 2 WR ) But if they Put those WR/TE out on the numbers and they can run, look out. Also i never said they wouldn't be a good defense. Just not as good as they were back then. The Rules how you play against the offense is the biggest change here.

Don't get too enamored with the 80s sack numbers, as the offenses were different, and had a lot more sacks on fewer pass attempts. The Bears got sacks on 11.4% of pass plays (sacks / (sacks + attempts)), but their opponents allowed sacks on 8.5% combined for the season (these numbers include playoffs). The 2013 Seahawks got sacks on 7.0% of their pass plays where their opponents allowed sacks on 6.5%. So the Bears did do better than the league by a much large margin than the Hawks did, used against the offenses of Seattle's schedule last year, it's a paltry 55 projected sacks (compared to the 80 they got in '85).

The other thing that is different, INTs. Chicago had 37 in the 19 games (Seattle 32). That's an INT% of 5.9 (5.0) compared to their opponents average of 4.0 (2.7). So, again that projects to 25 INTs.

Now this is just number adjustments and averages against their actual opponents, not a look into what Chicago's '85 D would actually do against these offenses (if they didn't adjust their playing style, they'd be flagged on every play by today's rules). So, this is the best I can come up with. Chicago got to the QB more often, but Seattle was better at the INT.


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Apr 22, 2013
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Don't get too enamored with the 80s sack numbers, as the offenses were different, and had a lot more sacks on fewer pass attempts. The Bears got sacks on 11.4% of pass plays (sacks / (sacks + attempts)), but their opponents allowed sacks on 8.5% combined for the season (these numbers include playoffs). The 2013 Seahawks got sacks on 7.0% of their pass plays where their opponents allowed sacks on 6.5%. So the Bears did do better than the league by a much large margin than the Hawks did, used against the offenses of Seattle's schedule last year, it's a paltry 55 projected sacks (compared to the 80 they got in '85).

The other thing that is different, INTs. Chicago had 37 in the 19 games (Seattle 32). That's an INT% of 5.9 (5.0) compared to their opponents average of 4.0 (2.7). So, again that projects to 25 INTs.

Now this is just number adjustments and averages against their actual opponents, not a look into what Chicago's '85 D would actually do against these offenses (if they didn't adjust their playing style, they'd be flagged on every play by today's rules). So, this is the best I can come up with. Chicago got to the QB more often, but Seattle was better at the INT.

go look at the teams the Bears played that season and you will see why they had so many INT's and Sacks. Like i said, they would be a good defense in today's game. Thing is they wouldn't do as well with the rules of today's NFL and "like i said before " that's the major difference.

The Hawks had More INT's last season because they were forcing more teams to play catch up. That has not happened this season and has allowed teams to continue to run more than if they were trailing by a couple TD's.