Doh! mer
Lying about it on Media Day. Remember that?If he followed protocol what action would he be held accountable for by anyone?
Lying about it on Media Day. Remember that?If he followed protocol what action would he be held accountable for by anyone?
Lying about it on Media Day. Remember that?
And given that it was media day, you know the lie was calculated, because there is no way in hell he would have been unable to predict that someone would ask about the firing of Zach Smith.
Lying about it on Media Day. Remember that?
I'm just that way, I guess. Comes from years of listening to college student excuses for being late with their work.You have some pretty unreasonable expectations. He fired him all the way back in July for cryin' out loud. That was what? 2 whole weeks ago?
Why would he expect to be asked about such old news.![]()
*She called 911 (66) times in 90 days.
*She got pulled over 3 times for DUI. On each time they let her off and escorted her home.
*Each time she began crying and stated Zach was chasing her and she was afraid. Each time Zach was at practice.
Crazy kunt.
I'm looking forward to every D1 program coming clean.
Do you now or did you ever:
Have a coach on your staff accused of Domestic Violence (does not matter if they were charged, accusations are enough)?
If he ever lied to a reporter at a press conference, fire him.
- Did your head coach know about it?
- If he didn't, he should have. Fire him.
- If he did and didn't report it, Fire him.
- If he did and reported it but didn't fire the accused:
- Did the police know?
- Yes? Fire him
- No? Fire him yesterday.
I stand by what I wrote. Come clean or STFU.VT fired a coach this year when the school found out he'd been having an affair during recruiting trips. The athletic department's investigation found that there was no misappropriation of funds, so he officially didn't do anything illegal within his role, but it was a total bad look for the program and likely kept him from being as effective of a coach as he should/could have been. It's not that insane to think action can or should be taken.
Urban is a scummy guy who runs programs that way too. He could have taken action on multiple occasions, but refused to. Don't even try to play like there aren't programs who aren't cleaner than the way CUM runs his.
we'll be leading the PAC12 north division after week 1 with a 1-0 record…Washington will be in last place with a 0-1 record after getting their asses handed to em by Auburn after week 1.
you heard it here first.
That will come out soon enough if he told administrators what he knew or not.^^^This^^^
It's not even just about about lying to the media, imo. I mean, who cares about lying to them.
The problem is, if a coach is lying to the media about something like this, it's because he has already lied to school administrators about it.
I dont find it embarrassing since I didnt do it, but I do find it wrong. I dont care much about the press and what he did but it was still wrong because of the effect it has had on the team and the University.Happens in business all the time. CEOs lose jobs for dumb comments during earnings calls. This isn’t a hard concept. If you don’t think having your coach go up and flat out lie is embarrassing, I am not sure what to say. Not only that, he went from straight out denial to pointing the finger up the ladder. So if you believe the latest Meyer statement,you now have to believe this was not a coach making a poor decision, but an administrative decision. That may not be OSU’s biggest issue right now. Urban has invited the press to put OSU football under a microscope and that is the biggest issue, because there is not a football program in the country that wants that liability
It isn't going to take two weeks to prove Meyer reported the incident. They're working on ironing out the details on his suspension (2-4 games, likely for appearances sake) and how to force Gene Smith into retirement.So, they are trying to reach a conclusion before the season starts.
Smart move
Ohio State expects to have its Urban Meyer investigation wrapped up inside 14 days
I dont find it embarrassing since I didnt do it, but I do find it wrong. I dont care much about the press and what he did but it was still wrong because of the effect it has had on the team and the University.
I believe the Meyer statement because I think he and his PR team are too smart to put out another blatant lie like that. Luckily for the team this is suppose to be sorted out within 2 weeks.
100% He cant get away with it and no punishment.Should just suspend him the first 2 games and move on.
100% He cant get away with it and no punishment.
I agree. Meyers infraction IMO was lying to the press. While personally I could give a shit about the media he made the University look bad and Im sure not having the HC there for practice will effect the team.I guess. I just think the entire situation was a no win for Meyer and he may simply be a victim of his circumstances. It shouldn’t be his responsibility to vet employees of the university prior to their hiring nor police their actions while away from work there after.
What kind of precedent will this now place on all head coaches to take responsibility for the actions of others.
Imagine if you will, Meyer loses his job because someone else hit that woman!
If that happened to me you can bet your ass I’d be looking to beat that woman’s ass!
The Drumbeat is getting louder.
People seem to be going "off the rails" with their talking points.
The more we know, the worse it gets.
And the media doesn't look to be happy about it either.
Heat ratchets up as Urban Meyer, Zach Smith try to pass the buck in confounding media tour
The more we know about the Zach Smith scandal, the less we know
I'm just trying to catch up on all of it myself, but it doesn't look good for Ohio State fans.
In today's supercharged atmosphere about such things, it's hard to believe that this ends up well.
I guess we can all just sit back and point fingers and shit.
Post anymore updates here.
I need to catch up.