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This Team has zero clue how to draft OT


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
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im talking about Oline here nothing else. i like the other picks.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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im talking about Oline here nothing else. i like the other picks.

Same. Loving the other picks, but this FO has no clue how to draft O-Lineman. And if it's Cable behind the scenes telling Pete/Dan who to draft O-Line, time to fire him. O-Line was FAR AND AWAY the worst component of last years team.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Same. Loving the other picks, but this FO has no clue how to draft O-Lineman. And if it's Cable behind the scenes telling Pete/Dan who to draft O-Line, time to fire him. O-Line was FAR AND AWAY the worst component of last years team.

However... Our run game improved behind Cable.. I remember our running game even with Lynch at first struggling ... Under cable that improved dramatically... Pass protection is a different story but that did improve allot as the season rolled on... We'll have to wait and see if these young guy's make and impact...


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
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However... Our run game improved behind Cable.. I remember our running game even with Lynch at first struggling ... Under cable that improved dramatically... Pass protection is a different story but that did improve allot as the season rolled on... We'll have to wait and see if these young guy's make and impact...

You Can't gauge the running game and coaching off the one year Lynch was here Before Cable. He came in after missing the Hawks training camp and only averaged 13 carries a game. He was learning that whole time. Anyone that knows ANYTHING about Lynch would point out to you that its his last half of his carries that gets him most of his yards. He did not see the ball enough in his first season to rank/gauge or judge him or any other aspect of the running game including the blocking with him as the Main RB getting only 13 touches a game.

Now after saying that, yes our running game has improved under Cable but run blocking is much easier than pass blocking and blocking for a running back like Lynch is easier than say blocking for someone like a CJ2K. Lynch makes the olines jobs pretty easy and there is a reason he leads or is among the leaders of yards after contact every year. He doesn't get through the line clean because people are not blocked well enough.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Cannot believe people are critiquing js and pc..... They brought you a damn super bowl.

Just because mel kiper says a guy is a third rounder. dOEs not mean hes a third rounder! The fact people are taking kiper and his likes side is absolutely mind blowing.


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Jul 3, 2013
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You Can't gauge the running game and coaching off the one year Lynch was here Before Cable. He came in after missing the Hawks training camp and only averaged 13 carries a game. He was learning that whole time. Anyone that knows ANYTHING about Lynch would point out to you that its his last half of his carries that gets him most of his yards. He did not see the ball enough in his first season to rank/gauge or judge him or any other aspect of the running game including the blocking with him as the Main RB getting only 13 touches a game.

Now after saying that, yes our running game has improved under Cable but run blocking is much easier than pass blocking and blocking for a running back like Lynch is easier than say blocking for someone like a CJ2K. Lynch makes the olines jobs pretty easy and there is a reason he leads or is among the leaders of yards after contact every year. He doesn't get through the line clean because people are not blocked well enough.

Still though ... You need good run blocking or even Lynch would struggle... Our line has done a good job for the most part in our zone scheme under Cable.... Now pass blocking yes we've struggled but some of that was also injuries earlier in the year... Once guy's got back we improved allot in that area also... Wilson was running for his life at times during the season... Thankfully we improved as the playoffs got near...


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
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Cannot believe people are critiquing js and pc..... They brought you a damn super bowl.

Just because mel kiper says a guy is a third rounder. dOEs not mean hes a third rounder! The fact people are taking kiper and his likes side is absolutely mind blowing.



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Cannot believe people are critiquing js and pc..... They brought you a damn super bowl.

Just because mel kiper says a guy is a third rounder. dOEs not mean hes a third rounder! The fact people are taking kiper and his likes side is absolutely mind blowing.

Nobody on this board gives a damn what Kiper and his likes says. Mostly I feel that last year the weakest link in most of our eyes was the OL and the Seahawks let two starters walk, so it leaves us wondering how the OL will perform this year. It doesn't seem like rebuilding the OL was a priority during the draft, so it leaves us wondering...just what is the plan to improve the OL? I sure they have one, just not sure at this point, what the plan is.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
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Still though ... You need good run blocking or even Lynch would struggle... Our line has done a good job for the most part in our zone scheme under Cable.... Now pass blocking yes we've struggled but some of that was also injuries earlier in the year... Once guy's got back we improved allot in that area also... Wilson was running for his life at times during the season... Thankfully we improved as the playoffs got near...

Improved? no they did not actually, it might have seemed like it to you but why i do not know. Games 1-8 they gave up 27 sacks ( 3.25 per game ). We lost Okung and Breno in like weeks 7 and 8. Weeks 9-12 the team gave up and get this 3 total sacks. Then they regressed. Weeks 13-16 ( 4 games ) they gave up 14 sacks (3.5 per game) Now you can look at the teams they played and start playing that card but lets not do the apples to oranges here. This Oline has not improved even though all year long we heard " we are working on it" and " they are improving" or " once we get some starters back" because it has made no difference.

I myself never liked the zone scheme. You are forcing this very YOUNG line to think much more than just react. i believe also that some if not most of our oline seem like they would be better in a man scheme. Let them React more and have to think less when they are so young. They will learn but with the youth on our line we might just need to help them grow and i feel all the different calls and looks that a defensive team can give the oline is retarding the growth of these lineman.

i just want people to see the real truth.
The more you know.....


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
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People also tend to forget that Oline, just like it is at college recruiting, is one of the hardest positions to recruit, scout, and develop. I think we got spoiled by Big Walt who was a freak of nature when it comes to Olineman and many tend to forget the average lifespan of a NFL Olineman is 4 years, even the ones taken in the early rounds.

An Olineman who played in the NFL described it as "at the end of the game, you're body feels like you were in a auto accident. And we have to do that every game."

NFL lineman tend to also die early from all the trauma inflicted on them. Extreme arthritis, heart problems, other organs permanently degraded.

It's a position that your rarely instantly fix via the draft. Sure, you can draft Olineman C, T, and G in the first and second who are more of the players you expect to get out there and ball quickly the year you draft them. But many of them still don't play at a high level their rookie years. Most of them take 1-3 years to develop into consistent starters.

Players like Bowie and Bailey are right now in that development stage and will be expected to play a greater role in 2014. This years draft picks could help along the lines in 2014, but their development will be like any others drafted this weekend.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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They drafted two Oline and have brought in at least two more UDFA's. I can't say I'm optimistic at this point, but I seriously hope that out of those and bowie/bailey we end up with something more serviceable and stable than what we had last year.

I mean they can't do much worse than last year can they?

With Okung having off season surgery we have more to worry about. Both Russel and Max had injuries throughout that season.

We have lots to worry about when it comes to that line. As far as I'm concerned I'll give the coaches the benefit of the doubt, but if there isn't improvement this year it will be time to move on from Cable.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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you know what sucks ? losing Breno Giacomini and Paul McQuistan should be something that wouldn't hurt us. The fact is it really hurts us. As bad as these two are they were the best options on this team and from what we have remember other than the 2 drafted and the UDFA they had all ready beat out the players on this team to be starters. This says it all about our talent at the position. I will not give up hope that we have some massive growing from players and some total gem steals from the draft. Then maybe we can be a little better than last year. If everyone stays around the same level or improves only a little then this teams Oline will not improve at all.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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Looking forward to Schultz lighting it up at mini camp and winning the starting RG job!!!


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Do any of you Hawk fans feel your team felt some pressure to bolster their O line because of what the addition of Donald adds to the Rams D Line?

Just curious, I heard this might happen on NFL radio before you all picked up Britt.

If so, it could explain the reach...


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
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Fisher definitely wants to get it done with trench warfare. Those lines are looking scary.

It's an arms race right now in the NFC west. Each team is going to bring the rain in 2014.


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Do any of you Hawk fans feel your team felt some pressure to bolster their O line because of what the additions of Donald adds to the Rams D Line?

Just curious, I heard this might happen on NFL radio before you all picked up Britt.

If so, it could explain the reach...

I'm assuming you saw the Seahawks vs Rams in St. Loius last year. Also I'm guessing you know that two starters on the OL walked, so to answer your question...no...the Rams picking Donald had no impact with the Seahawks draft picks.

As far as Britt goes, most ever year the Seahawks pick guys that look like reaches, some they whiff on and some they hit out of park. Hard to say ahead of time which is which, time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Do any of you Hawk fans feel your team felt some pressure to bolster their O line because of what the addition of Donald adds to the Rams D Line?

Just curious, I heard this might happen on NFL radio before you all picked up Britt.

If so, it could explain the reach...

what? dude the Hawks lost 2 starters on the Oline in FA, there was pressure to get people there even with out the Rams help. Thing is they drafted 2 and that would have been a low number looking at the teams needs not even factoring in anything that the rams did. So no, what the Rams did, Did not factor in.


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Sep 1, 2011
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what? dude the Hawks lost 2 starters on the Oline in FA, there was pressure to get people there even with out the Rams help. Thing is they drafted 2 and that would have been a low number looking at the teams needs not even factoring in anything that the rams did. So no, what the Rams did, Did not factor in.

Kind of funny, a Ram fan thinking their draft effected the Seahawks draft, but hey...let them feel good about the 2014 season. They had a nice draft and will be better then last year most likely.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Kind of funny, a Ram fan thinking their draft effected the Seahawks draft, but hey...let them feel good about the 2014 season. They had a nice draft and will be better then last year most likely.
:lol: I really don't know what to think, that's why I asked you guys. I do know you Hawk fans would have the skinny.

Like I said, I heard the idea on NFL radio before the Britt pick.

I just thought about it again when some of you were here complaining about the reach.

Thanks though for 'letting' us Rams fans feel good about the 2014 season! :suds:


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:lol: I really don't know what to think, that's why I asked you guys. I do know you Hawk fans would have the skinny.

Like I said, I heard the idea on NFL radio before the Britt pick.

I just thought about it again when some of you were here complaining about the reach.

Thanks though for 'letting' us Rams fans feel good about the 2014 season! :suds:

There was a time, not that long ago, when the Rams and Seahawks were both good. I enjoyed the back and forth from fans from both teams, looks to me like that could happen again. Nothing like two teams being competitive to make things fun.:suds: