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This is Heaven, best draft ever.


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And you guys don't need run blocking. Did you forget what division you play in? You need pass blocking. Whatever, Robinson will bust - will be shocked if he does anything worthwhile in this league. He BARELY fits in the current scheme. Long and Barksdale did FINE. So you're basically using the #2 to draft a contingency plan for Long or replace something that is working fine in the first place.

Rams #2 selection was a joke. It's a D+ grade at best (not even counting the trade you didn't take, God the Rams could be drafting top 10 AGAIN next year). Your #13 on the other hand was an A. I feel a safety would've been better there, but D-Line is D-Line. Can never have enough pass rushers - if anything you trade for big picks.
Long and Barksdale did do fine but the Rams are relying on Saffold and Long to be healthy.

My honest opinion of Robinson is that he is a RT and I think he'll be a darn good one like Fluker or Andre Smith and has some upside to be much better. I think putting him at LT is a mistake so I can understand why most are a bit lukewarm with the pick.

The Donald pick is reinforcing a strength instead of fixing a weakness. Brockers was originally supposed to be more of a run stuffer but he probably plays at a lower weight than he should right now. If he bulks up to be the run specialist, Donald is the pass specialist. Its probably a bit overkill on the dline for now but who knows what we'll look like 2 years down the line?

I have no clue as to what the Rams are going to do at S but that can be patched up until we draft someone next year

I agree that the Rams should have taken the trade with the Bills


Apr 17, 2013
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I will still stand by that. I believe Robinson will bust. He's Jason Smith 2.0 coming into a division with the best defenses in all of football. He'll be overwhelmed and his instincts are not as good as Matthews.

How is my story different?

I COMPLETELY agree, with some of your statements.

Did the Rams get better? ABSOLUTELY.
Did the Cards/49ers get better? Yep. No question.
Did the Hawks get better? Nope!

So why am I posting what I did?

Did the Rams get better value out of their picks? NOPE.
Did the Cards/49ers get better value out of their picks? NOPE.

The Rams could've traded back, gotten ANOTHER TOP 10 first round pick but didn't. They took an OT who emerged the last few months as the best OT (while Jake Mathews was #1 for the longest time) and another DT while not addressing glaring weaknesses at playmakers (WR/TE) and secondary.

The Cards took a player that would've been there mid 2nd (likely even 3rd) thus negating a pick.

The 49ers lol... k, take a nickel starting CB. CONGRATS THE TONS of picks you have in the upcoming rounds. You could've traded up for Watkins and it wouldn't have cost you next years first. Could've gotten Dix for a 2nd this year. I guess hope someone wants to give you the first next year for one of your 2nds?

This draft scared me because of what our division rivals COULD do. Rams could have ANOTHER F'ing top 10 pick. The 9ers could've gotten Evans/Watkins/Beckham/Gilbert, etc. The Cards could've traded back acquiring more picks and still got their guy. Yes all our opponents got better. DUH. But they could've gotten MUCH better and been MUCH more of a threat, and that they didn't do. They all took reaches and/or projects (outside of Donald, who is going to make a scary line, scary?) and for that I'm happy. You completely missed the point, :doh:
The highlighted sounds a lot different to me than bust picks. :noidea:


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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The highlighted sounds a lot different to me than bust picks. :noidea:

Rams got better with Donald alone. Donald (if you're paying any attention and have removed your head from you butt) is an A grade. Robinson however, is not.

The Rams absolutely got better IMO with Donald and Robinson DESPITE my opinion. Regardless it still improves them via competition. Could they HAVE been MUCH better off then they are now? Yes. Even a Rams fine (above) agrees with me that they should've taken the Bills trade.

C'mon man. Try harder or l2p.


Apr 17, 2013
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True but his pass blocking is a mystery, they didnt pass at all at auburn.
Last year, however according to Les Snead his first year in college he did do a lot more pass blocking, plus in Paul Boudreau we Rams' fans trust!

Just think about what Boudreau has done for the under achievers in this league with the Rams' OL and career backup is amazing! So with that in mind, I can't wait to see what he can do with a true blue chipper like Robinson!


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Last year, however according to Les Snead his first year in college he did do a lot more pass blocking, plus in Paul Boudreau we Rams' fans trust!

Just think about what Boudreau has done for the under achievers in this league with the Rams' OL and career backup is amazing! So with that in mind, I can't wait to see what he can do with a true blue chipper like Robinson!

Right exactly... what they can do. Can they do it? Rams took a question mark while the Falcons took a MORE surefire prospect. What the F is so hard to understand here?

God Rams fans are dense these days. I've made it known in several posts that the Rams took a huge BOOM/BUST prospect. That's ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY UNQUESTIONABLY DUMB to do at the #2 position.



Apr 17, 2013
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Rams got better with Donald alone. Donald (if you're paying any attention and have removed your head from you butt) is an A grade. Robinson however, is not.

The Rams absolutely got better IMO with Donald and Robinson DESPITE my opinion. Regardless it still improves them via competition. Could they HAVE been MUCH better off then they are now? Yes. Even a Rams fine (above) agrees with me that they should've taken the Bills trade.

C'mon man. Try harder or l2p.
Okay Shark, I wont go the insult route since I'm on your boards however you were not exactly spewing complements about Donald last night and you asked me how your tune has changed.

Sure we Ram fans may not all agree and I hold Clayton's view in high regard, however we don't know what the offer was to the Rams for trading down and maybe it was just not enough in terms of losing Robinson and settling for the next rated OT on their board.

Getting your guy is an important factor in having a good draft, apparently we missed out on Zac Martin when Dallas took him. We were prepared to double down and trade up with Buffalo to do so and the Boyz took him one pick ahead of our trade partner. So trading up or down can get you in trouble at times.
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Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Okay Shark, I wont go the insult route since I'm on your boards however you were not exactly spewing complements about Donald last night and you asked me how your tune has changed.

Sure we Ram fans may not all agree and I hold Clayton's view in high regard, however we don't know what the offer was to the Rams for trading down and maybe it was just not enough in terms of losing Robinson and settling for the next rated OT on their board.

Getting your guy is an important factor in having a good draft, apparently we missed out on Zac Martin when Dallas took him. We were prepared to double down and trade up with Buffalo to do so and the Boyz took him one pick ahead of our trade partner. So trading up or down can get you in trouble at times.

Please feel free to spew some insults (within reason). This is not the lame 9ers board where their mods ban you from the site over saying, "That's it Panthers win." Yah I know that mod is gone but whoever elected that douche mod should be gone as well. If all else, PM me. Have my word I will not report you and we can have a good debate over PM. You shouldn't need to insult me as is and I find it troubling you're insulting me for a general discussion about people who have never played the game. You should check your priorities/attitude.

That said, I didn't like the Donald pick for the Rams. I think they would've been much better taking a safety. I think the Rams D-Line is by far the best in the NFL that the pick of Donald puzzled me

That all said, Donald is a beast and as I've posted on football future, D-Line is D-Line. I think the Rams could've done FAR better with their draft position than they did. That's the only point I was trying to make. Donald was great for the 13th... I guess the big LOL I have with the Rams is that #2.
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Shark, I'm pretty sure that our very own Seahawks have shown that even the most head-scratching draft picks can turn out to be pure genius. We had several years in a row of "WTF are Pete and John doing?" Look at where it got us. I think that out of everyone, we Seahawks fans would be the most reluctant to criticize a team's draft choices because we know that some GMs simply know a heck of a lot more than we do.


Apr 17, 2013
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Please feel free to spew some insults (within reason). I didn't like the Donald pick for the Rams. I think they would've been much better taking a safety. I think the Rams D-Line is by far the best in the NFL that the pick of Donald puzzled me

That all said, Donald is a beast and as I've posted on football future, D-Line is D-Line. I think the Rams could've done FAR better with their draft position than they did. That's the only point I was trying to make. Donald was great for the 13th... I guess the big LOL I have with the Rams is that #2.
Fair enough, many Rams' fans have the same take as you have here.

I personally wanted to take Watkins/Martin myself however have no trouble at all with taking Robinson with the 'luxury' pick from the Skins.

Our left side with Long and Robinson is now making holes with Greg at Guard, instead of Long trying to cover for the weakness between him and center.

I do agree that a No. 2 overall for a guard is steep and that is why I hoping for Watkins @ 2 and Martin @ 13 all day but to tell you the truth, if we went Watkins and Donald was there at 13, I'd probably be sitting with hole at guard and trying to fill it in the later rounds with true projects.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Fair enough, many Rams' fans have the same take as you have here.

I personally wanted to take Watkins/Martin myself however have no trouble at all with taking Robinson with the 'luxury' pick from the Skins.

Our left side with Long and Robinson is now making holes with Greg at Guard, instead of Long trying to cover for the weakness between him and center.

I do agree that a No. 2 overall for a guard is steep and that is why I was a Watkins @ 2 and Martin @ 13 all day but to tell you the truth, if we went Watkins and Donald was there at 13, I'd probably be sitting with hole at guard and trying to fill it in the later rounds with true projects.

All good man.

Don't get me wrong, I'm annoyed the Rams did what they did. A potential elite tackle and a very good DT. Ugh. Had you guys gone Watkins/Donald though I would be s a little scared.

Ugh the Rams. I sense a revisit to the early 2000's rivalry. Either way I'll take that over the 9ers. At least I can have an intelligent conversation with Rams fans.


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Apr 30, 2013
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Well, since this thread started, day 2 is in the books. As suspected, the secondary was addressed by selecting Lamarcus Joyner (DB Florida St.) in round 2. Then, an absolute steal in Tre Mason (RB, Auburn), in round 3.

I think a backup QB and maybe some more O-line and secondary depth should be targets from here on out. But, I gotta say... I'm really liking how this draft is shaking out for the Rams, so far. I'm beginning to think you might be right, shark... this very well could be the "best draft ever". :)

Well... at least, one of the best drafts we've seen in St. Louis for a long time.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Well, since this thread started, day 2 is in the books. As suspected, the secondary was addressed by selecting Lamarcus Joyner (DB Florida St.) in round 2. Then, an absolute steal in Tre Mason (RB, Auburn), in round 3.

I think a backup QB and maybe some more O-line and secondary depth should be targets from here on out. But, I gotta say... I'm really liking how this draft is shaking out for the Rams, so far. I'm beginning to think you might be right, shark... this very well could be the "best draft ever". :)

Well... at least, one of the best drafts we've seen in St. Louis for a long time.

When you have the #2 and #13 overall and you're a 7-9 team that is better than that record indicates, you're going to have an amazing draft regardless of what you do.

On a scale of 1-10, Rams get an A (surprise surprise). They could've had an A+ or not gradable due to cheating/hacks with trades and/or a better 2nd overall selection.


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On a scale of 1-10, Rams get an A (surprise surprise). They could've had an A+ or not gradable due to cheating/hacks with trades and/or a better 2nd overall selection.

The thing about the Rams is because of the Redskins stupidity they have had multiple draft picks to work with the last few years. It seems like they have won or drafted well the last couple of years. However winning draft day doesnt mean much unless it translates to wins on the field. I dont mean to bash the Rams because they are a tough team that I respect but winning draft day according to the experts doesnt mean much. I like what they have done but we will see if it translates.


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The "hacks" certainly worked in our favor this year and of course I wish we could have gotten more of them for the future. I think the Rams would have moved out of the #2 spot for the right deal. But, I think this was a case of 'knowing when to say when'. I mean... let's face it... there was no Andrew Luck/Robert Griffin III to be had this year. Jadeveon Clowney at #1 was a foregone conclusion and nobody was lining up to sell their souls for "Johnny Football". Lol. I firmly believe the Rams made the right call standing pat with Greg Robinson at #2.

I guess we all knew the RG3 trade had to stop giving at some point. I just wish the Redskins had tanked in 2012 the same way they did in 2013! Lol. Either way, I'd say we're in pretty good shape, right now.


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The thing about the Rams is because of the Redskins stupidity they have had multiple draft picks to work with the last few years. It seems like they have won or drafted well the last couple of years. However winning draft day doesnt mean much unless it translates to wins on the field. I dont mean to bash the Rams because they are a tough team that I respect but winning draft day according to the experts doesnt mean much. I like what they have done but we will see if it translates.

Yes... that all remains to be seen.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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This guy gets it from a non-biased view (Walter Football.com) - that's what I'm saying as well (his grade came out today so wasn't taking what he said and translating it):

2014 NFL Draft Accomplishments: Everyone is praising the Rams for having a great draft, but I just don't see it. I absolutely loved the Aaron Donald pick - how is sick is that defensive line going to be? - and Lamarcus Joyner and E.J. Gaines were some solid choices to help improve the secondary, but St. Louis' other decisions didn't make much sense to me.

Greg Robinson was locked in at No. 2 overall, but why? The Rams were already set at tackle with Jake Long and Joseph Barksdale, and Jeff Fisher has a history of turning mid- and late-round tackles into studs. I get that protecting Sam Bradford is paramount, but why not take Sammy Watkins over Robinson, and then snag a tackle later on? Elsewhere, Mo Alexander was a mega reach, while Tre Mason didn't fill any sort of need, though he did provide good value in the third frame.

The Rams improved their roster after the draft, but that was natural, given that they had two top-13 picks. There was just potential for so much more.


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Apr 30, 2013
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I''ll see your WalterFootball article and raise you...

ESPN’s draft ratings:

Best move, II: Using their two first-round picks to bulk up on the lines. The Rams could have gone many ways with the Nos. 2 and 13 picks in the first round, and there were other avenues that would have been fine, but they showed a lot of self-awareness by staying at those spots and grabbing Auburn offensive lineman Greg Robinson and Pittsburgh defensive tackle Aaron Donald. The NFC West is the toughest, most physical division in football. Most games in this league are won up front, but all games in the NFC West are. It's not going to be easy to outmuscle the likes of the San Francisco 49ers, Seattle Seahawks and Arizona Cardinals, but the Rams proved capable of it two seasons ago before taking a step back last season. The first two picks are a sign they don't intend to have their lunch money stolen as often in 2014.

Pete Prisco, CBS:

I handed out the A+ to the St. Louis Rams, who owned the draft from their first pick, second overall, to their second-to-last pick when they took defensive end Michael Sam, the first openly gay player to be drafted.
Rams general manager Les Snead, loaded with two first-round picks, landed tackle Greg Robinson and defensive tackle Aaron Donald with those picks. They are two of the top-10 players in the draft.
He followed that up by picking a bunch of quality players up and down the board. The Rams' roster is now impressive and they might be ready to compete in the tough NFC West.
General manager Les Snead killed the draft. He was loaded with extra picks the past two years, but hit on a bunch. I mentioned his first two as picks I liked, but I also liked second-round corner Lamarcus Joyner. Grade: A+

CBS Sportsline:

St. Louis Rams — And the haul for the Robert Griffin III trade is complete. Man is it good too. I mean, like, really good. Michael Brockers, Janoris Jenkins, Isaiah Pead, Rokevious Watson, Alec Ogletree, Stedman Bailey, Zac Stacy and Greg Robinson ended up being the players nabbed by Les Snead and Jeff Fisher, understanding they did lots of maneuvering in order to land those players. Robinson is a mammoth road grader who's going to turn Zac Stacy into a fantasy favorite. And Aaron Donald almost feels like an excess pick, but that means Robert Quinn, Brockers, Donald and Chris Long are going to destroy people. Terrifying defensive line.


St. Louis Rams: If Aaron Donald (No. 13) pans out, which a lot of people think the "undersized" defensive tackle will, then you can officially anoint the Rams with the best front four in the NFL. Robert Quinn, Chris Long, Michael Brockers and Donald? Come on. And Donald wasn't even the club's first pick. Greg Robinson (No. 2) has the potential to be a dominant player.
Third-rounder Tre Mason (No. 75) out of Auburn showed people what he could do in the 2014 BCS National Championship Game, and, with Zac Stacy on board, he won't be expected to carry the load. The Rams also added two corners and two safeties, addressing the needs in their secondary. Nice draft.

Let's face it... everybody's gonna have their own view of the draft. Nobody's opinion is "wrong". (Not yet, at least.) But, I'd say that the consensus is that the Rams had a damn good weekend. It could be that I'm a Rams fan looking at things through blue/gold colored glasses. It could be that you're a Seahawks fan who sees the proverbial writing on the wall. But, I think BOTH of us really believe our own perspective is the right one. Pretty much an "agree to disagree" situation.

Until they step on the field, though... we'll just have to wait and see.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I''ll see your WalterFootball article and raise you...

ESPN’s draft ratings:

Pete Prisco, CBS:

CBS Sportsline:


Let's face it... everybody's gonna have their own view of the draft. Nobody's opinion is "wrong". (Not yet, at least.) But, I'd say that the consensus is that the Rams had a damn good weekend. It could be that I'm a Rams fan looking at things through blue/gold colored glasses. It could be that you're a Seahawks fan who sees the proverbial writing on the wall. But, I think BOTH of us really believe our own perspective is the right one. Pretty much an "agree to disagree" situation.

Until they step on the field, though... we'll just have to wait and see.

If anyone denies the Ram had a good weekend F off. The Rams had a great weekend.

The whole point of the article I posted and stance I've taken all weekend with teh Rams is they could've had a better one.

Rams could've been SO much more dangerous post draft. How they didn't acquire ANY early picks in a stacked 2015 draft is beyond me.


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If anyone denies the Ram had a good weekend F off. The Rams had a great weekend.

The whole point of the article I posted and stance I've taken all weekend with teh Rams is they could've had a better one.

Rams could've been SO much more dangerous post draft. How they didn't acquire ANY early picks in a stacked 2015 draft is beyond me.

Like I said before... I would have LOVED for the Rams to have landed another first rounder for next year. But, fact of the matter is, it just wasn't gonna happen. Trades like the one we made for RG3 don't happen often. With a draft as deep as this one was, nobody was going to sell the farm for a guy they could get later on down the line, or, at the very least, a reasonable facsimile.