lol at PE1 claiming 3rd string Eagles players are HOF'ers.
I didn’t receive your football for dummies but I do remember you
saying we can’t even afford to field a team 2 years ago with this same idiotic diatribe and we signed overs 1/4 billion worth of players since. Everything you predicted was completely wrong and now you’re trying to do it again.
Trades are possible and we had a ton of cap space.
This diatribe was stupid and completely wrong... again. You call me stupid for stating “even if we had 3rd stringers who are ball of famers” and reply “no one has HOFers in their 3rd string”.
Well no fucking shit genius boy. It was a hypothetical stating we lost our 3rd string guys too. You really don’t even take the time to process what others say and you have a hair trigger stupid point without even comprehending. We had cap space make trades so your entire theory of us being stuck because we had no cap space was totally wrong.
In our conversation tell me one goalpost I moved.
Everyone knows when you’re out of shit to say you can just say”move the goalposts” and use it as and out. I didn’t change one opinion. Not a single one but you claim I moved a goalpost. Stupid. Loneliness sucks bro.
Let's just start with that reading comprehension problem you have. In that meme, did I say anywhere that it was directed at our current conversation? That meme is plural not a singular event.
Are you really trying to say you don't move the goal posts? I'm pretty sure a majority of the hoop disagrees.
2018 “the Eagles are in cap hell and can’t afford to field a team of 51”
*Eagles sign over 1/4billion in contracts
2020 “The Eagles are so fucked they have no money and can’t afford depth”
*A backup Tackle gets a 50 million dollar deal”
2020 “The Eagles are losing because they have no depth”
*They lost their depth too and started practice squad player and guys off the street.
“But you couldn’t make trades cause you had no cap space”
*We had over 27 million
Let’s see what’s next... but I’m the one moving goalposts! Riiiiiiiiight
“Look how mediocre the Eagles have been over the last 20 years. 7 times at under 500”
*We find it’s actually 6 and only 3 teams out of 32 had less”
“God the Eagle fans are a tornado of stupidity”
I can assure you he DOES move the goal posts.
For example, he once said that "centers don't get drafted in the first round". When proven wrong, he said "I meant they don't get drafted in top 20". When pointed out that Travis Frederick was drafted higher than that, he changed it to "centers don't get drafted in the top 15"...then it was "top 10".
There are many other examples. There isn't one single poster in the NFL forum that can say that PE! doesn't move the goal posts. Just can't be done.
Or maybe even longerWow over 300 posts! My guess is if Philly did not have their 15 minutes of fame with their 1 year dynasty this thread would be like 25 posts