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The Sam Hinkie Experiment has ended


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Aug 18, 2014
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The Sixers have apparently finally grown tired of being a horrible basketball team. And Hinkie realized that he was persona non grata in Philly now.

You can give Hinkie credit for doing some pretty bold stuff but his inability to show any improvement on the court did him in.

The Colangelos are set up pretty nicely however. Especially so if they can move a couple of their big men for some quality back court talent.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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The 76ers need their own theme song. How about Twisted Sister's...we'ere not gonna take it but change the lyrics to...we're not gonna tank it?:noidea:


SportsHoopla's #1 Bucknut
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The 76ers need their own theme song. How about Twisted Sister's...we'ere not gonna take it but change the lyrics to...we're not gonna tank it?:noidea:
I feel like that we are in a bigger mess, if that is even possible? I'm still unsure what the future holds in Sixers land? The Hinkie experiment I was all in for a short brief, but it really gets frustrating to watch and here the jokes coming out to the team you cheer for. I'm not too familiar with Brian Colangelo? Hopefully he will turn this circus around. God do I miss the Charles Barkley days.:L


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I feel like that we are in a bigger mess, if that is even possible? I'm still unsure what the future holds in Sixers land? The Hinkie experiment I was all in for a short brief, but it really gets frustrating to watch and here the jokes coming out to the team you cheer for. I'm not too familiar with Brian Colangelo? Hopefully he will turn this circus around. God do I miss the Charles Barkley days.:L

The organization seems lost. This Tanking Project they've been on lately obviously isn't working. As far as Brain Colangelo I know little about him. I think his father Jerry is the guy that runs Team USA hoops.


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Aug 18, 2014
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The organization seems lost. This Tanking Project they've been on lately obviously isn't working. As far as Brain Colangelo I know little about him. I think his father Jerry is the guy that runs Team USA hoops.

IMO, the problem wasn't so much about tankapalooza as much as building the pieces to a competitive team.

Hinkie made some good moves and has the team set up to be pretty competitive IF the Colangelos can get some talent on the team.

They could potentially have 4 1st round picks this year. Saric and Embiid could be on the team next year. So they have some pieces.

BUT they don't have any legitimate pieces on the team right aside from Noel and Okafor. Their premier players are all front court big men. They will HAVE to deal at least and maybe two of them. Given that Embiid is still a huge question mark he has little trade value. Saric still hasn't committed to coming to the NBA next year. Noel and Okafor have some value but certainly not enough to match their draft spots.

The Sixers need a backcourt and depth. If the Colangelos can do that, they could turn things around quickly.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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IMO, the problem wasn't so much about tankapalooza as much as building the pieces to a competitive team.

Hinkie made some good moves and has the team set up to be pretty competitive IF the Colangelos can get some talent on the team.

They could potentially have 4 1st round picks this year. Saric and Embiid could be on the team next year. So they have some pieces.

BUT they don't have any legitimate pieces on the team right aside from Noel and Okafor. Their premier players are all front court big men. They will HAVE to deal at least and maybe two of them. Given that Embiid is still a huge question mark he has little trade value. Saric still hasn't committed to coming to the NBA next year. Noel and Okafor have some value but certainly not enough to match their draft spots.

The Sixers need a backcourt and depth. If the Colangelos can do that, they could turn things around quickly.

I just don't have alotta faith in the organization right now. Which is odd coming from me since I'm a Browns fan.:L I know all too well what a dysfunctional franchise looks like.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I just don't have alotta faith in the organization right now. Which is odd coming from me since I'm a Browns fan.:L I know all too well what a dysfunctional franchise looks like.

Well there is little reason to have faith in the organization. I think the one thing Sixer fans can say to themselves is that the management is willing to do whatever it can to get better, even if they haven't found the guy to get them there yet.

Basketball success is largely dependent on getting lucky in the draft. Look at the Warriors as a perfect example of that.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Well there is little reason to have faith in the organization. I think the one thing Sixer fans can say to themselves is that the management is willing to do whatever it can to get better, even if they haven't found the guy to get them there yet.

Basketball success is largely dependent on getting lucky in the draft. Look at the Warriors as a perfect example of that.

I agree w/ ya. It'll be interesting to see where they end up in the draft & who they take. Like you said earlier, they need some back court help. Maybe Buddy Hield?


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Aug 18, 2014
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I agree w/ ya. It'll be interesting to see where they end up in the draft & who they take. Like you said earlier, they need some back court help. Maybe Buddy Hield?

It will be very interesting if they wind up getting the No. 1. Simmons is still the consensus number 1 but he is probably the worst fit for the Sixers right now. Hield or Murray would probably be the best fits but neither is considered a legit option at No 1. Sixers could trade down but you don't see teams trade the No 1 pick very often in basketball.


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Sep 2, 2014
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Basketball success is largely dependent on getting lucky in the draft. Look at the Warriors as a perfect example of that.

They are also the perfect example of why you don't tank. They haven't had a top 5 pick since 2002.

Heinke will go down as one of the worst GM's in the history of the league and rightfully so. He implemented a failed philosophy perfectly....and it predictably failed spectacularly.

Even if the 76ers do start doing better in the draft in the coming years, guys like Okafor and Noel will already be forcing their way out the door because they are sick of playing for a laughingstock of a team. The 76ers then will make the same mistake and just take young assets back in return for them and start the same cycle all over again.

21 year old kids don't win in this league. Look at my Wolves. We have one of the more impressive collection of young talent that the league has seen in the last decade or two. And they also have a 26-52 record. And when you factor in that everyone comes into the league at 19, the absolute best you can hope for is to sneak into the playoffs and lose in the 1st round 3 or 4 years after you go young. And that is BEST case scenario. Most the time you just end up losing and losing and losing and once those young guys get around to free agency they start demanding a trade out of that losing situation to play for more competitive teams.

The top of NBA draft's simply has too many failures and the window for winning before a player can leave via FA (or more accurately tell a team he isn't going to resign with them and force a trade) is too short to completely tank like the 76er's did.
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Aug 18, 2014
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They are also the perfect example of why you don't tank. They haven't had a top 5 pick since 2002.

Heinke will go down as one of the worst GM's in the history of the league and rightfully so. He implemented a failed philosophy perfectly....and it predictably failed spectacularly.

Even if the 76ers do start doing better in the draft in the coming years, guys like Okafor and Noel will already be forcing their way out the door because they are sick of playing for a laughingstock of a team. The 76ers then will make the same mistake and just take young assets back in return for them and start the same cycle all over again.

21 year old kids don't win in this league. Look at my Wolves. We have one of the more impressive collection of young talent that the league has seen in the last decade or two. And they also have a 26-52 record. And when you factor in that everyone comes into the league at 19, the absolute best you can hope for is to sneak into the playoffs and lose in the 1st round 3 or 4 years after you go young. And that is BEST case scenario. Most the time you just end up losing and losing and losing and once those young guys get around to free agency they start demanding a trade out of that losing situation to play for more competitive teams.

The top of NBA draft's simply has too many failures and the window for winning before a player can leave via FA (or more accurately tell a team he isn't going to resign with them and force a trade) is too short to completely tank like the 76er's did.

Completely agree with this. Drafting well and strong player management is a far better path to success that hoping to get lucky with a couple of top draft picks.

Look at the Spurs. When was the last time they had a lottery pick? 20 years ago?


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Sep 2, 2014
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The Colangelos are set up pretty nicely however. Especially so if they can move a couple of their big men for some quality back court talent.

I also have to disagree with that.

They have a bunch of fool's gold right now.

They have a handful of future draft picks that have no better than a 50/50 shot of ever being good NBA players at best and none of those draft picks are going to help the team win games in the next couple of years. In fact because you have to play young kids most the time to see improvement, they probably make it harder for the 76ers to win in the coming years than easier.

In pro sport's where you are only given 3 or 4 years as a GM to start winning, taking over a team where the 76ers now is dangerous for your long term employment options. They will have to do one hell of a job there 5 years from now.

Completely agree with this. Drafting well and strong player management is a far better path to success that hoping to get lucky with a couple of top draft picks.

Look at the Spurs. When was the last time they had a lottery pick? 20 years ago?

Timmy D.

That was an era where tanking actually could have worked. Most kids were going to college for more than a 1 year so they were coming to the league ready more physically developed and way more basketball knowledge so they were ready to contribute. Today it takes about two years just to get all the kids to unlearn all the bad habits they learned in AAU and college basketball.

I know some people hate the idea of a draft age. But the NBA should make kids to college for 3 years before kids are allowed to enter the NBA. It would make for a better league.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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21 year old kids don't win in this league. Look at my Wolves. We have one of the more impressive collection of young talent that the league has seen in the last decade or two. And they also have a 26-52 record. And when you factor in that everyone comes into the league at 19, the absolute best you can hope for is to sneak into the playoffs and lose in the 1st round 3 or 4 years after you go young. And that is BEST case scenario. Most the time you just end up losing and losing and losing and once those young guys get around to free agency they start demanding a trade out of that losing situation to play for more competitive teams.

Gotta disagree a bit here. OKC did what Minny is currently doing and look where they are. They had about 2-3 years where they weren't very good, then an early playoff exit and then they took off. The key for Minny, as it was for OKC, will be keeping those guys (or as many as possible) together and that will eventually come down to how much they are willing to spend to keep them together.

Keep in mind too, that part of Minny's problem this year is that they play in the West. The fact that Minny is so talented and only has 26 wins, says more about how good the West is than about how bad the T-Wolves are, imo.


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Jul 17, 2014
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R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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They have a handful of future draft picks that have no better than a 50/50 shot of ever being good NBA players at best and none of those draft picks are going to help the team win games in the next couple of years. In fact because you have to play young kids most the time to see improvement, they probably make it harder for the 76ers to win in the coming years than easier.

Depends on what they do with those picks. They can use them to try and stockpile a lot of young talent which may or may not work, but would take a few years to know.

On the other hand, draft picks are good assets for trades, especially if the team looking to trade those picks isn't expected to be very good resulting in a higher pick. They trade a couple of those stockpiled picks for some solid veterans and they could be on the right track fairly quickly.

Bloody Brian Burke

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Jun 28, 2014
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Keep in mind too, that part of Minny's problem this year is that they play in the West. The fact that Minny is so talented and only has 26 wins, says more about how good the West is than about how bad the T-Wolves are, imo.
Not really - Minny has a .313 winning % vs. West opponents, .367 vs. East. It would be different if they were closer to .500 in that category, but they aren't.


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Gotta disagree a bit here. OKC did what Minny is currently doing and look where they are. They had about 2-3 years where they weren't very good, then an early playoff exit and then they took off. The key for Minny, as it was for OKC, will be keeping those guys (or as many as possible) together and that will eventually come down to how much they are willing to spend to keep them together.

Keep in mind too, that part of Minny's problem this year is that they play in the West. The fact that Minny is so talented and only has 26 wins, says more about how good the West is than about how bad the T-Wolves are, imo.

You are listing the exception not the rule.

Durant was other-worldly when he came into the league. Hell his 3rd year in the league was probably his best year. He was such a strange assortment of skills that no one knew what to do against him. And where OKC got more lucky than good is that their collection of young talent was so good defensively almost right out of the gate.

That type of situation won't be repeated for another decade at the very least. Trying to go that route because it worked out for them is foolish.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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Maybe now they can stop reshuffling the deck.

Philly has been a real shit show since that clown took over.

Javelle McGee is their highest paid player and he's not even on the roster.

I hope they get the # 1 pick because those fans deserve it.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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You are listing the exception not the rule.

Durant was other-worldly when he came into the league. Hell his 3rd year in the league was probably his best year. He was such a strange assortment of skills that no one knew what to do against him. And where OKC got more lucky than good is that their collection of young talent was so good defensively almost right out of the gate.

That type of situation won't be repeated for another decade at the very least. Trying to go that route because it worked out for them is foolish.

They aren't the only team that was built that way. They are just the most recent. Also, you have a guy on your team that people are saying is looking like he's going to be fairly other worldly himself in Wiggins.

Assuming natural improvement among the young guys, if the T-Wolves stay the course, they look to be a very good team within the next couple of years and are young enough to maintain it for awhile.