Don't feel bad AG, there were plenty who thought Petersen wasn't good enough, and those two Boise HC's you listed were part of the problem, not the standard.
Here's a story of many who felt as you did.
Second-guessing UW's Chris Petersen seems silly in hindsight
Here's a quote I think makes sense to include...
A lot of P5 schools didn't have these concerns, and wanted Petersen and that is why the comment that Petersen is a better coach than the Huskies deserve is fair from my perspective.
Enjoy the ride!
One Seattle sports radio jockey wrote some personal opinions on Petersen so he must speak for the Husky fanbase? Seriously?
It's crap like that article which is why Petersen smartly tells the press to F off most of the time.
Few programs were as perfect a fit for Petersen than Washington. The sheer amount of P5 programs he said no to that begged him to be their coach, including USC, and then agreeing to Washington says it all.
While I'm extremely thankful he's our say "Washington doesn't deserve him?" What the hell is that tool talking about.
Danny O'Neil can take his click bait rantings and take a long walk off the 520 bridge.