John: 8:36
We brag about it or we defend it?
Or we brag about it because it rustles Fusky fans so badly?
Or we brag about it because it rustles Fusky fans so badly?
Yeah. Obviously there need to be rules and a governing body to enforce them. However, there also need to be limits, standards and guidelines with regard to that governing bodies ability to dole out punishment. The NCAA says they want to be able to treat each case individually, but the problem is that it has led to their decisions being so inconsistent that they appear to be completely arbitrary in nature.
We brag about it or we defend it?
Or we brag about it because it rustles Fusky fans so badly?
What do you mean by appear to be completely arbitrary? Is there any evidence at all to suggest that their penalties aren't completely arbitrary? If they actually have rational reason behind their penalties why can't they explain them? And why are they fighting so hard to keep the records sealed?
Nice strawman you made there. Of course USC has major donors and of course those donors get the red carpet treatment. Also, of course a $100 million donation to the cinematic arts program or for a new building frees up an equal or close to it amount to be spent in other ways just like any other program. No one has claimed differently.
What is different is that you don't see USC fans or other teams fans on here bragging about it. You can talk about donations and how money is spent at other schools you want, but it doesn't change the fact that Ducks fans come off like the rich kid whose Daddy bought him an expensive sports car telling people "look at the car I just bought."
I didnt bring it up. In fact I have never brought it up.
Every post I make about money, Uncle Phil, etc is in response to someone else shooting off their mouth without knowing the facts. Usually it is Husky fans, this time it was a u$c fan. Take a look backwards. Count how many times a Duck fan "brags" about the money. Then count how many times Husky fans like @RegentDenali bring up "Nike U", and Uncle Phil.
You can try to whitewash the argument as much as you want TF, but you are just flat out wrong in this one.
Another strawman? Perhaps you should quit while you're behind. No one said you specifically. However, several Ducks fans, including Mamba, have posted many pictures of the Oregon facitlity upgrades over the years, post pictures of every uniform change and spend a lot of time bragging about the facilities and uni's. I don't see anyone else doing this.
You, yourself, spent several pages in this or another thread directly crediting the uniform changes for all of the winning that Oregon has been doing over the past 10 or so years. I don't see anyone from any other fanbase doing this.
C'mon TF....you are better than this....
"Directly crediting the uniform changes for all of the winning"???
I know you are better than this, and much smarter.
There is a HUGE difference between saying that "a strong marketing presence and fancy uniforms helps recruiting" and saying that "our uniforms make us win".
I get the feeling you are just poking at me.....and that's cool. After all, its the off-season, what the hell else are we going to do?
Here's my donation to Page 420...
That's pretty much exactly what you did before backing off when myself, 4d20 and a couple of others pointed out that coaching, beginning with Belotti, is why you guys have done so much winning over the past 10+ years.
I was just trying to be nice with my wording and give them a little benefit of the doubt (not that they deserve it).
I assumed so, sometimes I lose my sense when I start talking about the NZAA regime, and their lack of standards and come across like I'm attacking posters.
Shouldn't even post due the redundancy - go through the thread. Not one Oregon fan brought up the facilities or donations. All responses on that topic were in response. All schools have wealthy alumni that donate. Oklahoma State has Boone Pickens, Oklahoma has the Gaylord family, Bama has the Bryant family, Wisconsin had the Kohl's family - list goes on n on. Get over it Fuskies and Trojans. Huskies need to focus on not taking last place in the North, Trojans need to focus on winning the South. The Ducks need to focus on bigger and fast LB's to hopefully
win their first natty.
Wrong again dude. The thread is titled "New College Football Helmets".
Go back and read every one of my posts. I never once equated uniforms with winning. My point was simple, and I never backed off.
Here is my point, yet again...
"Uniforms (along with a strong marketing presence) do matter. Maybe not to schools with tons of history and tradition (USC, tOSU, Alabama, etc). But at a school like Oregon it cannot possibly hurt."
Please show me where I said "Fancy Uniforms=Winning"
I agree with all of your pints about coaching, etc. You are right. In fact we are both right. But you are arguing something different. I am pointing out that Uniforms, marketing, etc do matter for many schools. You are arguing that good coaching equals victories.
If uniforms and marketing did not matter, then answer this...why do other schools do it? Fancy uniforms at Baylor...logo and uniform overhaul at TCU.....UCLA has multiple uni combos....UW had an American flag embedded in their W, and also has multiple uniform combos. Look around you....just because its not happening at USC doesnt mean its irrelevant. Team regularly advertise for "black-outs, blue-outs, white-outs, etc" The fans AND the kids love it. The recruits eat that shit up. Does it ultimately decide their school for them. Probably not, but you cannot tell me they dont pay attention to it, and love it.
I'm over it. Can we talk about something else? I didnt see anyone else go public with their 2015 Pac predictions?