Go Lil E #88
i gotta corral the furry babies.... They been in the backyard for hours.
i gotta corral the furry babies.... They been in the backyard for hours.
Evening, LOC. Hey, as long as you're here, your cinematic opinion, please.
Have you seen The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo? I rented it a couple weeks ago, only to discover I'd picked up the subtitled Swedish version (which is, of course, the original). FANTASTIC movie. Is it worth getting the English version with Daniel Craig?
Yes...I thought the setting of the Swedish film was perfect. Beautiful, but...yes...desolate. Was the remake set elsewhere?
OK, I am a little confused. My understanding was that the story was a trilogy. Was looking forward to next flick in the series...Girl Who Played With Fire, I believe.
Where I live, we don't get foreign language flicks in theatres; must wait for disks. Are there Swedish versions of all three stories already out? Are they all on disk? If you happen to know, I'd be obliged.
Thank you. I know you said the later films in the series were not as good, but since I haven't read the books, it may be less obvious to me.
Looks like I'll be looking for these disks this weekend.