UK Cowboy
Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Bro, I just don't see how you can watch Flagg and see Bird. I'm not saying he isn't a good player, he certainly is. But he simply isn't Bird and his style is way different. Birds "big dunks" were not like this kid, he was nowhere near that kind of athlete. But Flagg is not the shooter and nowhere near the passer Bird was. And Bird was all time clutch. We'll see about Flagg. The only real thing they have in common is that they are 6'9" white dudes. If we need white guy comparison, I see a lot more Tom Chambers than Larry BirdNot talking Bird's accomplishments. Was talking about his style of play. Blocking shots, big dunks to rile a crowd, three points shots going down easily. Roughly the same size, both 6'9", Bird was a big heavier. And Larry's Indiana State teams were more than Bird and four space fillers. Carl Nicks was a #9 overall draft pick. And they played nobody. Sad MVC conference schedule and never really met a great team until the regional semis and Arkansas and Sidney Moncrief.