Warn the others...
wow, wyo, maybe decaf tomorrow? Just a suggestion, brother lol, but for what it's worth, your ramblings have made me laugh pretty good, so you paid me back for my rag-head joke yesterday hahaha
so are crack whores...but i'm not lining up for them either
I hate it when Dallas wins!Morning, all.
I guess we can rehash the last SB until the next one, including Rashard's fumble. To me, it looked more like incidental contact than a deliberate strip. When trying to force a fumble, a defender normally uses his hands, instead of trying to shoulder-bump the ball out. But it was just ONE play. Bottom line is that Ghost is right. Our boys made more mistakes than theirs. They didn't bring their "A" game, so they were outplayed as a team, and lost as a team. But at least they never gave up, and made it close in the second half. And they lost to a classy team, not a bunch of pukes with blue stars on their helmets. Losing to Dallas back in the THAT was a bitter pill to swallow.
so are crack whores...but i'm not lining up for them either
Crack whores cheap,
now you tell me!!!
I hate it when Dallas wins!
Side note: I think SB XLV was played by 2 classy teams as well - you can tell by their fans!
sure are JR .....just take a ride down to columbia have a large selection