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The NBA rookies Thread

Taddy Mason

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Jul 25, 2016
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No, when you make a post that shows once and for all just how little you know about basketball, it makes it clear that your posts are a waste of time.

Hilarious that you can't see the difference between shots typically taken by PF's vs. those that are typiccally taken by guards.

You really should be embarrassed. The fact that you aren't only further illustrates what a waste of time your posts are.
I'm sure this was addressed in the next three pages of posts I have yet to read, but what shots does demar derozan take? greek freak?i don't know where this PF argument came from for shots, and I know KYE probably made any point went for here or would try to make in the future. That being said, I don't know where that started. I don't even know what this thread is about. Is Lonzo better than Ben? I don't see that happening. It's rookies thread, there should hopefully be more than that in the coming posts.

Taddy Mason

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I can't imagine that the Sixers will rush him back. Bayless and McConnell are serviceable and occasionally good PGs. A gimpy Fultz doesn't help this team. I would imagine they would sooner table him for the first half of the season than rush him forward.
I still can't imagine it got to that point with Fultz given the Sixers past dealing with potential injuries. That being said, TJ is a boss.

Taddy Mason

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In other rookie news, Simmons makes the top 10 ESPN's player rankings...

NBA player rankings: Who dominated a wild Week 2?

Obviously Ben isn't a top 10 player yet but he sure is playing really well. The Sixers have, so far, played 5 of 7 games against top 4 seeded playoff teams from last year. So can't really complain about their 3-4 record to start and Ben is a big reason why.
In a small sample size, of course not. With that small sample size, if he showed an ability to hit a FT, I might throw him in there.

That being said, what's up with the magic to start. Is it Aaron Gordon being able to let loose. Them and Vuc being able to play well together? I haven't watched any of their games, but they'v been winning. I mean, that being said, the Pistons have been winning. I'm getting besides myself, which is to say, it's early in the season, let's all calm down.

Taddy Mason

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Bam playing great defense on the wing

Bah, saw rookie center on a guard, thought it'd be a Noel flashback. Still pissed sixers only got back Justin Anderson for him. Now they'll get even less on the dollar if anything for Okafor. At this point in time he's a poor man's Randolph. He'll score better than Zach does now, doesn't have the same range, but he's at least younger.

Taddy Mason

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His absolute ceiling would be Lebronish.

I don't see that.....yet.

I put him more in the ultra-athletic Lamar Odom category.

I have mixed feelings on the Ball not being a franchise player theory.

Define franchise player?

I'm being serious...

He's not a #1 or 2 option.

But, neither was J Kidd.

I considered Jason a Franchise player...

Someone you build your roster around.

Why can't Lonzo fall in that category?

The Magic made Howard look like a franchise guy by surrounding him with shooters.

Lakers can do the same with Ball.
I would take an ultra athletic Odom take for Simmons. Never thought Odom got the credit he was due. That being said, in his short term, Simmons has surpassed that ability to do the little things while still learning. Needs to work on the shot, handle, vision, etc... already better.

That being said, why did people start a Lonzo vs. Ben thread, which is what this seemed to go to. While not a rookie, is Lonzo better than TJ? Nope. (Neither is Fultz (clearly) at this point). If you have to ask who is TJ, you just don't know.

Taddy Mason

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And with that, these have been my random posts garbage arguments never understanding what this thread was supposed to be about, I thought it would be about the Dillon Brooks of the world and the like, came in here and saw a Ball v. Simmons. Two completely different players, no reason for a comparison. The last post said Ball will be Kidd, shit, Simmons already sees it like Kidd. Kidd couldn't shoot, Ben can't shoot. For what it's worth in the NBA, Ball can't shoot. So, here we are. Really though this would have been about the outliers in the draft. I'm a naive person. I'm also not in my right mind and haven't been since i posted, but I look forward to the sixers win against the pacers (no, wait, is it hawks?, it might be the hawks, probably the hawks now that i think about it, yeah, i'll ramble the fuck on about it all i want and you can just sent me your bullshits, i'll take them, my fingers work faster than my mind when i turn that corner. much like hawk in over the top, once that hat turns back,the switch is turned on. yeah, this was a garbage pile of a paragraph.

that text wall being ignored, can we make this about rookies doing well on a day to day basis. i don't need to hear no lonzo ben argument. just show me the freedawkins highlights of the day.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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This dude is an enigma. I have seen his offense, in person. he has it, but he is absolutely lost on defense. he should have some pride

Did he ever have it though?

The reality is he is probably a poor man's Carlos Boozer. Defense is more important than ever from your big men and post play is less important than ever. He may be a victim of modern era basketball. Not too long ago though, his skills would have been a lot more valuable. Now, he will have to find a way to reinvent himself.

Taddy Mason

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This dude is an enigma. I have seen his offense, in person. he has it, but he is absolutely lost on defense. he should have some pride
I had to travel back from the latest reply. Dude's working on himself and him game. He may end up being inefficient as fuck, but he could be traded to a team tomorrow that will give him minutes and put up 18 and 10. that being said, his game isn't what the current game is, which on the offensive side you could work around and make a plus, but on the defensive side, dude has never had a clue. I know they've tried to help him, but I can see him come out like Amare in 10 years and say, no one ever taught me how to play defense. That being said, he's been humble as hell, even though he initially came out with his dad, on a much lesser level than lavar.


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In a small sample size, of course not. With that small sample size, if he showed an ability to hit a FT, I might throw him in there.

That being said, what's up with the magic to start. Is it Aaron Gordon being able to let loose. Them and Vuc being able to play well together? I haven't watched any of their games, but they'v been winning. I mean, that being said, the Pistons have been winning. I'm getting besides myself, which is to say, it's early in the season, let's all calm down.

The Magic are shooting extremely well as a team. They have 4 guys shooting 50% from 4 and the team is shooting 49% from the field. Their team 44% from 3 would, I believe, be an NBA record.


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He shoots closer to the basket because his style of play is closer to Russell Westbrook than Chris Paul. Would you seriously argue that Russell Westbrook takes PF shots?

That's more of a stretch than my PF comment, which was only intended to show that Simmons takes most of his shots in the paint, which is more common for a PF (for which is typically sized). Westbrook attempted 583 3 pointers last year, a huge part of his game, as is his unhuman speed. Simmons is on pace to take 50 and is far from a speedster.

If you want to compare Simmons to someone, it's a limited Lebron without any perimeter game yet (217 3's attempted as a rookie).


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That's more of a stretch than my PF comment, which was only intended to show that Simmons takes most of his shots in the paint, which is more common for a PF (for which is typically sized). Westbrook attempted 583 3 pointers last year, a huge part of his game, as is his unhuman speed. Simmons is on pace to take 50 and is far from a speedster.

If you want to compare Simmons to someone, it's a limited Lebron without any perimeter game yet (217 3's attempted as a rookie).

How many of Simmons shots come from him receiving the ball in the cylinder? How many of them start off with him driving from the perimeter?

You know what? You win. Simmons really isn't playing all that well. He only takes easy "PF" shots in the paint. If only he was playing the much harder game that Lonzo was trying to play. Then we would see how much better Lonzo is that Simmons.

Good grief.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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I'm sure this was addressed in the next three pages of posts I have yet to read, but what shots does demar derozan take? greek freak?

Those aren't power forwards.

i don't know where this PF argument came from for shots,

Because the comparison was being made between a PF and a PG.


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How many of Simmons shots come from him receiving the ball in the cylinder? How many of them start off with him driving from the perimeter?

You know what? You win. Simmons really isn't playing all that well. He only takes easy "PF" shots in the paint. If only he was playing the much harder game that Lonzo was trying to play. Then we would see how much better Lonzo is that Simmons.

Good grief.

When did I say Simmons wasn't playing well? Lonzo clearly is struggling, at least with his shooting if not all around game. My original point was that the difference between their shooting percentages was magnified by shot selection. Not sure why that has some of you so butt-hurt. The other stats are pretty close (or were at the time of the post, haven't refreshed the comp).

You seriously want to compare Simmons to Westbrook, the fastest player in the league who took nearly 600 3s last year?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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When did I say Simmons wasn't playing well? Lonzo clearly is struggling, at least with his shooting if not all around game. My original point was that the difference between their shooting percentages was magnified by shot selection. Not sure why that has some of you so butt-hurt. The other stats are pretty close (or were at the time of the post, haven't refreshed the comp).

You seriously want to compare Simmons to Westbrook, the fastest player in the league who took nearly 600 3s last year?

Not sure what it is with some of these Sixers fans. They think they have to defend Simmons against every criticism whether it' real or imagined. They're turning into Cavs fans with Lebron. If you dare say anything other than "Ben Simmons invented basketball and is the bestest most awesomest player to ever step on a basketball court, you're a hater.


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When did I say Simmons wasn't playing well? Lonzo clearly is struggling, at least with his shooting if not all around game. My original point was that the difference between their shooting percentages was magnified by shot selection. Not sure why that has some of you so butt-hurt. The other stats are pretty close (or were at the time of the post, haven't refreshed the comp).

You seriously want to compare Simmons to Westbrook, the fastest player in the league who took nearly 600 3s last year?

If you simply said that Simmons is shooting closer to the basket than ball I think everyone would agree.

But you wanted to argue that he was take PF shots which is simply not an accurate statement. Simmons is a perimeter player who scores almost all of his baskets on slashing drives to the hoop. He isn't sitting in the cylinder waiting for a dump off for a 2 foot jump shot.


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Not sure what it is with some of these Sixers fans. They think they have to defend Simmons against every criticism whether it' real or imagined. They're turning into Cavs fans with Lebron. If you dare say anything other than "Ben Simmons invented basketball and is the bestest most awesomest player to ever step on a basketball court, you're a hater.

"We aren't criticizing Simmons"
"Why do the Sixers fans feel the need to defend Simmons against every criticism"



SportsHoopla Ombudsman
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Not sure what it is with some of these Sixers fans. They think they have to defend Simmons against every criticism whether it' real or imagined. They're turning into Cavs fans with Lebron. If you dare say anything other than "Ben Simmons invented basketball and is the bestest most awesomest player to ever step on a basketball court, you're a hater.

That simply isn't true.

Everyone knows Sam Hinkie the Omniscient One invented positionless basketball and Embiid/Simmons were his demonic love seeds.... trust the process!


SportsHoopla Ombudsman
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Simmons is on pace to take 50 and is far from a speedster.

Based on a sample size of 4, of which Baseketball Reference classifies as 'Heaves', not actual 3P shots.

I don't understand this fascination with labels on players at specific positions.
If that's how you need to justify your argument and pat yourself on the back, go for it.

Given the state of the PnR, you want players that can cover multiple positions.

Thinking in terms of PG/SG/SF/PF/C or 1/2/3/4/5 is archaic.
Good luck with that....


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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"We aren't criticizing Simmons"
"Why do the Sixers fans feel the need to defend Simmons against every criticism"


LOL @not being smart enough to understand what "real or imagined" means.