Well-Known Member
Its not a particularly entertaining movie, though.I like Ultron because it really is the linchpin movie for EVERYTHING that happens in every movie after. It is the cause of the Sakovian Accords, which is the source of Civil War. Wanda plants the seeds that lead to all of Stark’s issues moving forward. It introduces Claw, who has a big part in all the Black Panther-related stuff.
Hulk and the big Iron Man fight in a huge spectacle and probably the most entertaining thing in the movie but its more of a time filler than anything else. Ultron talks about the future but to me it would make sense for Ultron to gain everyone's trust and then ambush Thanos and take the Infinity Stones for himself. They allude to that in 'What if' so it clearly was something that they could've considered. Maybe thats part of his plan in 'Age of Ultron' but ultimately it just ends up being a pretty typical Xmen style baddie that wants to end the world and the heros and villains have to come together to defeat the supervillain and save the day.
Its not a bad movie but its also a one-and-done viewing for most people, I'd imagine.