Blackshirts BLVD
Well-Known Member
Us - not what I expected... which I also heard everyone say lol. I still liked it and found it enjoyable. I heard a lot of people say that the comedy seemed misplaced, I thought it was fine. I thought everything was pretty good... but the story just wasn't as filled out as it should have been, due to that, a lot of things didn't make much sense in my opinion. I also thought the 'twist' ending was COMPLETELY unnecessary. All in all, I give it a 6.5-7 out of 10.
Fighting with my Family - I thought it was pretty good all things considered. I still don't find women's wrestling that entertaining at all. And I felt bad for her brother throughout the whole thing. Assuming it is historically accurate, I would give this a 7/10.
I would rather watch Us over this movie if I were to choose to watch one again, but different styles and genres of movies are often given different ratings in my opinion due to the expectation associated with each genre and/or style
Fighting with my Family - I thought it was pretty good all things considered. I still don't find women's wrestling that entertaining at all. And I felt bad for her brother throughout the whole thing. Assuming it is historically accurate, I would give this a 7/10.
I would rather watch Us over this movie if I were to choose to watch one again, but different styles and genres of movies are often given different ratings in my opinion due to the expectation associated with each genre and/or style