Hank Kingsley
First Man.. Pretty good. Neil Armstrong was one crazy pilot.
Watched it 2 weeks ago myself. That first bit with the X-15 was wild! I had a model of the X-15 when I was 8 or so.
2 thumbs up.
First Man.. Pretty good. Neil Armstrong was one crazy pilot.
Watched it 2 weeks ago myself. That first bit with the X-15 was wild! I had a model of the X-15 when I was 8 or so.
2 thumbs up.
LOL. Me too! That was my idea of a rocket ship back then.
My son was trying to tell me it was a Bell X1 but I said wait and see, because it will go past the atmosphere and that means X15.
It was the X-15. I think the Bell X1 had sort of a roundish body vs the x-15.
Saw "Roma". Couldn't get what it was about. Beautifully shot, but it didn't have an interesting story. The unremarkable life of an unremarkable maid.
Haven't sat down to watch it yet, but from the trailers and the clips I have seem, it does look like a beautiful movie.
The Hitmans Bodyguard
My new all time favorite movie
Just started a thread panning Hunter/Killer. I'd delete it but can't figure out how. Anyway, what a rip-off of "Hunt for Red October." The comparisons are startling. Several scenes were lifted almost word-for-word.Hunter Killer
Entertaining. I like Submarine movies in general.
It won best pic so you should have known it would be a dud!Shape of Water
Meh. I was expecting artsy, I guess, but I wasn’t expecting “Pushing Daisys”. I also wasn’t expecting that opening scene. An opening scene of a chick “going to town” was a bit shocking.