Moonlight: 0.5/5 stars. Man, what unrivaled, pretentious, hot-steaming garbage this movie was. Did anyone else see it? It seriously sucked ass.
Watched it last night. Hadn't seen it in a while. Never gets old.
Death Sentence - Had a buncha cliches and holes to overlook, but Kevin Bacon made it work. Great actors/directors usually do.
I gave it 2.5/5 stars. Great performances from Gyllenhaal, Adams, and especially Shannon, but a little too scattershot for my liking. Also, a lot of dull dialogue in the middle.Wife and I watched Nocturnal Animals last night.
I could tell where they were during half of it. In the book, in the past or next week. I quit halfway through and logged on to SportsHoopla.
Watched it last night. Hadn't seen it in a while. Never gets old.
mentioned the bolded part in the Bill Paxton thread. Good flick. Haven't seen it in a while.I like vampire movies. Not the lovey dovey ones that were a series in both the theatre and TV (I fucking hated True Blood) recently (last 10 years?).
But I always rent them when they are new. One I liked that you don't see often is Near Dark. Vampires (a lot of them you know) in a huge RV with only pin holes to see through, racing about the country.
But the movie I just finished watching today (in Happy Hour in my recroom in front of my fireplace) blew me away the first time I saw it, and yes the ending was fluffy..
30 Days of Night. Great vampires, great idea. Well pulled off.
I love it.
I really love it.
mentioned the bolded part in the Bill Paxton thread. Good flick. Haven't seen it in a while.
like vampire movies. Not the lovey dovey ones that were a series in both the theatre and TV (I fucking hated True Blood) recently (last 10 years?).