Omar 382
Well-Known Member
Yeah, for all the hype, I just gave it 3/5. I'm not a huge Bradley Cooper guy (he's ok), but I do love Bale and Amy Adams. Jennifer Lawrence felt like one main character too many for meFinally saw American Hustle.
Outside of getting to see a whole lot of Amy Adams, the first half of the movie was a very difficult watch. Basically a bunch of great actors having leverage over each other reading fortune cookies for an hour in various settings. I like the idea of many of the scenes in the beginning as they develop the characters and their complicated relationships to the point where every character is just as about as complex as any person you would know in real life. The scene where Adams and Cooper go clubbing really encapsulates the whole first half of the movie. Its not entertaining in any way but important for relating to the characters and their motives. Adams and Bale are basically the only things pulling you through the movie until the plan comes together and the movie really takes off around when Robert De Niro makes his cameo. Every scene from there on out is perfect and I really like the one with Bale and Lawrence fighting after she reveals the plan to her boyfriend.
I'd probably give it an A- but you have to be in the right mood for it.